sept06c.indd Jane Hedberg P r e s e r v a t i o n N e w s SOLINET online workshop The Southeastern Library Network, Inc. (SO­ LINET) is offering “Caring for Originals dur­ ing Scanning Projects,” a live online work­ shop September 29, 2006, from 2:00 to 4:00 p.m. Digitization places special stresses on the original objects that are scanned, but it also provides an opportunity to evaluate ob­ ject condition and take remedial action be­ fore scanning. This workshop will cover en­ vironmental controls, use of equipment, and techniques for handling the originals before, during, and after scanning; Kara McClurken, a SOLINET trainer, is the instructor. Registration for the workshop is $100 for SOLINET members and $140 for non­ members. The technical requirements for participation are available at /workshops/workshop_templ.cfm?doc_ id=700. For more information, contact Cal Shepard, educational services manager, SOLINET, 1438 West Peachtree Street NW, Suite 200, Atlanta, GA 30309­2955; phone: (800) 999­8558; fax: (404) 892­7879; e­mail:; Web: /workshops/workshops_home.cfm. Fire safety checklist The National Park Service (NPS) has a new Conserve O Gram, “Fire Safety 101: A Fire Safety Self­Inspection Checklist.” The check­ list provides criteria for the evaluation of life safety, fire protection equipment, housekeep­ ing/storage, hazardous liquids, exhibit/collec­ tions/book stacks, auditoriums/classrooms, restaurants/eating areas, shops/laboratories/ packing areas, exterior/environment, person­ nel/training, and building changes since the last inspection. The checklist is available as a free PDF at /conserveogram/02­23.pdf. Jane Hedberg is preservation program offi cer at Harvard University Library, e-mail:; fax: (617) 496-8344 Exhibit guidelines Toby Raphael has published “Preventive Conservation and the Exhibition Process: Development of Exhibit Guidelines and Stan­ dards for Conservation” in the Journal of the American Institute for Conservation (JAIC). This article reviews the barriers to creating exhibits that can simultaneously meet exhi­ bition and preservation goals and the two National Park Service (NPS) publications in­ tended to remove some of those barriers. In 1999, NPS published “Exhibit Conservation Guidelines: Incorporating Conservation into Exhibit Planning, Design and Fabrication” on CD­ROM. “A Summary of Strategies and Practices for Preservation­Friendly Exhibi­ tions” is excerpted from that publication and is included in the appendix to this new ar­ ticle. NPS is currently working on the second document, “Museum Conservation Standards for the Development of Object­based Exhibi­ tions,” to provide more prescriptive informa­ tion than that found in the guidelines. The overview article appears in the cur­ rent issue of the JAIC, vol. 44: no. 3 (Fall/ Winter 2005). Subscriptions to JAIC or indi­ vidual back issues are available from AIC, see pdf. The full­text of “Exhibit Conservation Guidelines” is available on CD­ROM for $49.95 from the Harpers Ferry Historical As­ sociation, see /cons/ex­con­guidelines.htm. Getty Web site expanded The Getty Conservation Institute (GCI) has enhanced its Web site to include new services. The Web site now provides ac­ cess to the GCI Information Center (www. /infocenter.html), which offers research and reference expertise to conservation profes­ sionals worldwide. It also permits an online search of the 30,000 monograph titles and 750 current serial subscriptions in the conser­ vation research library collection. September 2006 515 C&RL News