oct06b.indd Get involved with ACRL Volunteer to serve on a division or section committee ACRL division and section committee volunteers are an integral part of the association and drive our success. Commit­ tee members help shape the organization by implementing its strategic plan, and infl uenc­ ing the direction of academic and research librarianship. If you have been looking for a way to become more involved with ACRL, consider volunteering for a division or section com­ mittee. ACRL Vice­President/President­Elect Julie B. Todaro invites all interested ACRL members to contact the Appointments Com­ mittee about serving on one of ACRL’s many committees for next year. Members may also contact section vice­chairs regarding service on section committees. The rewards of volunteering Volunteers not only give to the association, they also benefi t by: • building ties with academic and research librarians around the country, • enhancing their leadership abilities through consensus building and persua­ sion, • sharing their experience with col­ leagues, and • gaining additional expertise by learning more about a new area of academic librarian­ ship or acquiring new knowledge in a current specialization. The appointment process Appointments are made at the division and section level. The ACRL vice­president is responsible for committee appointments at the division level for the year he or she serves as president. The ACRL Appointments Committee assists the vice­president in an advisory capacity. The chair of the coordinat­ ing committee will make appointments to committees linked to a coordinating com­ mittee. Section vice­chairs are responsible for committee appointments for the year they will serve as chair. Committee rosters are usually com­ pleted following the Midwinter Meeting during the year in which the individual serves as president­elect or vice­chair (for example, appointments for 2007–08 will be completed following the 2007 Midwinter Meeting). Factors influencing appointment Although the emphasis in the appointment process may vary from year to year accord­ ing to the prerogatives of the vice­presi­ dent/president­elect, coordinating commit­ tee chairs, and section vice­chairs, the same factors are considered, including: • Evidence of prospective committee member’s interest. Have candidates at­ tended the meetings and introduced them­ selves to the chair? Do they have previous experience that relates to the work of the committee? Have they indicated their inter­ est on the volunteer form? • D e m og r a p h i c s a n d c o m p o s i t i o n of committee. A balance is sought with respect to type of library (community col­ lege, college, or university), geographic representation, ethnic diversity, and gen­ der. Those who have not had the oppor­ tunity to serve on an ACRL committee are encouraged to volunteer. • Re c o m m e n d a t i o n o f t h e c u r r e n t c o m m i t t e e c h a i r. C u r r e n t c o m m i t t e e chairs are asked to suggest prospective members. Although all of these factors are con­ sidered, the final appointments are the October 2006 551 C&RL News prerogative of the ACRL president­elect, the coordinating committee chairs, and the section vice­chairs. How to apply 1. Select the committees that interest you. ACRL committees and their charges are listed on the ACRL Web site (www.acrl. org, select “Committees” from the Quick­ links drop­down menu). Attend committee meetings at the Midwinter Meeting and ALA Annual Conference to help you decide if their activities interest you. 2. Submit a volunteer for m. For di­ vision­level committees, complete the online volunteer form at www.ala.org/ala /acrl/aboutacrl/resourcesforwork/acrlforms /volunteer.htm. Be sure to complete the background information section of the form. Mention any committee meetings or programs you have attended. For section committees, submit the appropriate form for each section. An online list with links to section volunteer forms is available at www.ala.org/ala/acrl /aboutacrl/acrlsections/sectionvolunteers. htm. 3 . I n t r o d u c e y o u r s e l f . T a l k w i t h committee members. Express your inter­ est to the committee chair. Explain how you might contribute to the work of the committee. 4. Volunteer again . . . and again. If you are not successful in being appointed one year, volunteer again the next year . . . and the next. Remember that many factors—number of appointments made, number of volun­ teers for each committee, number of vol­ unteers from your type of library or your geographic area—determine the actual appointment, and these factors change from year to year. ACRL divisional committee appointments ACRL has 24 standing committees for which you may volunteer to serve for 2007–08. The committees are listed along with their charges on the ACRL Web site (www.acrl. org, select “Committees” from the Quick­ links drop­down menu). In 2005, the Board identifi ed structural changes to the association intended to co­ ordinate the work of units throughout the organization, reduce duplicative efforts, and allow the organization to conduct work more quickly and effectively. One such structural change was to link committees that have similar or related missions under the um­ brella of a coordinating committee. Coordinating committees have divi­ sion­wide responsibilities to coordinate a broadly defined range of efforts in each committee’s respective area throughout ACRL and to organize the efforts into a coherent and effectively implemented set of programs and initiatives that are more closely aligned to the strategic plan. Coor­ dinating committee chairs are responsible for appointing the members of the compo­ nent committees. Appointments to ACRL standing commit­ tees are made in the spring for terms be­ ginning immediately after the ALA Annual Conference. The Appointments Committee recommends to the ACRL president­elect the names of members who might fi ll the vacancies, and coordinating committees do the same for their chair. The president­elect and coordinating committee chair make the final appointments for the committees for which they are responsible. If you want to be considered for an ap­ pointment to an ACRL committee, complete the online volunteer form at www.ala. org/ala/acrl/aboutacrl/resourcesforwork /acrlforms/volunteer.htm before December 1, 2006. Questions about division­level ap­ pointments may be directed to the chair of the Appointments Committee, Cynthia K. Steinhoff, Director of the Library, Anne Arundel Community College, Andrew G. Truxal Library, 101 College Parkway, Arnold, MD 21012­1857; phone: (410) 777­2483; fax: (410) 777­4483; e­mail: cksteinhoff@aacc.edu. C&RL News October 2006 552 mailto:cksteinhoff@aacc.edu www.acrl www.ala.org/ala/acrl www.ala.org/ala www.acrl ACRL section appointments ACRL has 17 sections to help members customize their ACRL experience through newsletters, electronic discussion lists, spe­ cialized programming, preconferences, rec­ ognition, and focused activities. A description of their areas of responsibility is available online at www.ala.org/ala/acrl/aboutacrl /acrlsections/sections.htm or in the ALA Handbook of Organization, 2006–07. Section vice­chairs appoint the members of all section committees. Most of these ap­ pointments are made in the spring for terms beginning immediately after the ALA Annual Conference. If you would like to be considered for ap­ pointment as a chair or member of a section committee, fill out the appropriate section committee volunteer form by December 1, 2006. All section volunteer forms can be found in the sections area of the ACRL Web site at www.ala.org/ala/acrl/aboutacrl /acrlsections/sectionvolunteers.htm. Contact information for the vice­chair of each section is given below. African American Studies Librarians Section. Vice­Chair/Chair­Elect: Carmelita N. Pickett, Emory University, Woodruff Library, 540 Asbury Circle, Atlanta, GA 30322; e­mail: cnpicke@emory.edu. Anthropolog y and Sociolog y Section. Vice­Chair/Chair­Elect: Katharine A. Whitson, University of Washington­Bothell, 18225 Cam­ pus Way NE, Bothell, WA 98011­8245; e­mail: kwhitson@uwb.edu. Arts Section. Vice­Chair/Chair­Elect: Eric A. Kidwell, Huntingdon College, Houghton Memorial Library, 1500 East Fairview Av­ enue, Montgomery, AL 36106­2114; e­mail: ekidwell@huntingdon.edu. Asian, African and Middle Easter n Section. Vice­Chair/Chair­Elect: Muhammad Al­Faruque, University of Illinois at Urbana­ Champaign, 325 Main Library, 1408 West Gregory Drive, Urbana, IL 61801; e­mail: faruque@uiuc.edu. College Libraries Section. Vice­Chair/ Chair­Elect: Steven J. Bell, Philadelphia University, Schoolhouse Lane & Henry Avenue, Philadelphia, PA 19144; e­mail: bells@philau.edu. October 2006 553 C&RL News Nominations sought for ACRL vice-president/president elect To paraphrase Walter Lippman, American journalist, “The final test of a leader is that one leaves behind in others the conviction and the will to carry on” (in New York Herald Tribune 14 April 1945). An organization needs strong leader­ ship to accomplish its goals. ACRL is no exception. The ACRL Leadership Recruitment and Nominations Committee encourages members to nominate themselves or oth­ ers to run for the position of ACRL vice president/president elect in the 2008 elections. To nominate an individual or to self­ nominate, send the nominee’s name and institution to ACRL Leadership Recruit­ ment and Nominations Committee chair: Deborah B. Dancik Willamette University Mark O. Hatfi eld Library 900 State Street Salem, OR 97301­3931 ddancik@willamette.edu Once nominated, individuals will need to submit a two­page curriculum vita or resume (if self­nominating, you may include these materials with your nomination).The Leadership Recruitment and Nominations Committee will request statements of interest from selected in­ dividuals prior to developing a slate of candidates. The deadline for nominations is No­ vember 10, 2006. mailto:bells@philau.edu mailto:faruque@uiuc.edu mailto:ekidwell@huntingdon.edu mailto:kwhitson@uwb.edu mailto:cnpicke@emory.edu www.ala.org/ala/acrl/aboutacrl www.ala.org/ala/acrl/aboutacrl mcopp@jhu.edu. Vice­Chair/Chair­Elect: Christian Yves Du­ pont, University of Virginia, Albert & Shirley Small Special Collections Library, P.O. Box 400110, Charlottesville, VA 22904­4110; e­ mail: dupont@virginia.edu. Vice­Chair/Chair­Elect: Barbara M. Ma­ cAlpine, Trinity University, One Trinity Place, San Antonio, TX 78212­7200; e­mail: bmacalpi@trinity.edu. Vice­Chair: George Andrew Spencer, Uni­ versity of Wisconsin­Madison Memorial Library 212F, 728 State Street, Madison, WI 53706; e­mail: aspencer@library.wisc. edu. Chair/Chair­Elect: Cheryl A. Middleton, Community and Junior College Librar- ies Section. Vice­Chair/Chair­Elect: Kenley E. Neufeld, Santa Barbara City College, 721 Cliff Drive, Santa Barbara, CA 93109; e­mail: kenleyneufeld@gmail.com. Distance Learning Section. Vice­Chair/ Chair­Elect: William Thomas Denny, Califor­ nia University of Pennsylvania, Manderino Library, 250 University Avenue, California, PA 15419; e­mail: denny_w@cup.edu. Education and Behavioral Sciences Section. Vice­Chair/Chair­Elect: Penny M. Beile, University of Central Florida Libraries, P.O. Box 162666, Orlando, FL 32816­2666; e­mail: pbeile@mail.ucf.edu. 2007 ACRL Board candidates Vice President/President Elect (3-year term) Erika Linke, Associate Dean of University Libraries for Collection and User Services, Carnegie Mellon University Scott Walter, Associate University Librarian for Services, University of Illinois at Urbana­ Champaign Director at Large (4-year term) Trevor Dawes, Circulation Services Direc­ tor, Princeton University Michael LaCroix, Director of Library Ser­ vices, Creighton University Director at Large (4-year term) R. N. Sharma, Dean of the Library, Mon­ mouth University Elizabeth A. Dupuis, Associate University Librarian, University of California, Berkeley Councilor (3-year term) Albie Johnson, Associate Vice President for Academic Resources and Director of the Li­ brary, Wheelock College Vibiana Bowman, Reference Librarian, Rutgers University Instruction Section. Vice­Chair/Chair­ Elect: Jean S. Caspers, Linfield College, Nicholson Library, 900 SE Baker Street, A522, McMinnville, OR 97128­6894; e­mail: jcaspers@linfi eld.edu. L aw a n d Po l i t i c a l S c i e n c e S e c t i o n . Vice­Chair/Chair­Elect: Kelly S. Janousek, California State University­Long Beach, Li­ brary and Academic Technology Services, 1250 Bellflower Boulevard, Long Beach, CA 90840­1901; e­mail: janousek@csulb.edu. Literatures in English Section. Vice­ Chair/Chair­Elect: Madeline A. Copp, Johns Hopkins University Sheridan Libraries, The Sheridan Libraries–Elp, 3400 North Charles Street, Baltimore, MD 21218­2683; e­mail: Rare Books and Manuscripts Section. p S 4 S c i e n c e a n d Te c h n o l og y S e c t i o n . c P Slavic and East European Section. L e University Libraries Section. Vice­ C OSU Libraries, IS Administration, 121 Valley O Library, Corvallis, OR 97331­4501; e­mail: L Cheryl.Middleton@oregonstate.edu. C Wester n European Studies Section. Vice­Chair/Chair­Elect: Sarah G. Wenzel, Columbia University Libraries, Butler Li­C m V m V b V v W V C&RL News October 2006 554 mailto:Cheryl.Middleton@oregonstate.edu mailto:janousek@csulb.edu mailto:pbeile@mail.ucf.edu mailto:denny_w@cup.edu mailto:kenleyneufeld@gmail.com brary, 535 West 114th Street, New York, NY 10027; e­mail: sgw2103@columbia.edu. Women’s Studies Section. Vice­Chair/ Chair­Elect: Jennifer R. Gilley, Pennsylvania State University­New Kensington, 3550 Sev­ enth Street Road, Upper Burrell, PA 15068 e­email: jrg15@psu.edu. Editorial boards ACRL has eight editorial/advisory boards for its publications: Blog Advisory Board; Choice Editorial Board; College & Research Libraries Editorial Board; College & Research Librar­ ies News Editorial Board; New Publications Advisory Board; Publications in Librarian­ ship Editorial Board; RBM: A Journal of Rare Books, Manuscripts, and Cultural Heritage Editorial Board; and Resources for College Libraries Editorial Board. Appointments to editorial boards are made at the Midwinter Meeting for terms that begin immediately after the ALA Annual Conference. The editors recommend the names of individu­ als to fill vacancies. The Publications Commit­ tee must approve the recommendation, and the president of ACRL makes the appointment. If you would like to be considered for ap­ pointment to an editorial board, contact the editor of the editorial board early in the fall, or indicate your interest on the ACRL online volunteer form. Blog editor: Steven J. Bell, director of the library, Philadelphia University, 4201 Henry Ave., Philadelphia, PA 19144; e­mail: bells@philau.edu. CHOICE editor: Irving Rockwood, Choice, 100 Riverview Center, Middletown, CT 06457; e­mail: irockwood@ala­choice.org. College & Research Libraries editor: William Gray Potter, University of Georgia Libraries, Athens, GA 30602­1641; e­mail: wpotter@arches.uga.edu. College & Research Libraries News editor: Stephanie Orphan, C&RL News, ACRL/ October 2006 ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611­2795; e­mail: sorphan@ala.org. New publications: Kathryn Deiss, ACRL/ ALA, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611­2795; e­mail: kdeiss@ala.org. Publications in Librarianship editor: Charles Schwartz, Florida International Uni­ versity, Green Library, University Park, Miami, FL 33199; e­mail: tony.schwartz@fi u.edu. RBM: A Journal of Rare Books, Manu­ scripts, and Cultural Heritage editor: Richard Clement, head of special collec­ tions, University of Kansas, Spencer Re­ search Library, Lawrence, KS 66045­2800; rclement@ku.edu. Resources for College Libraries project editor: Marcus Elmore, Choice, 100 Riverview Center, Middletown, CT 06457; e­ mail: melmore@ala­choice.org. mailto:melmore@ala-choice.org mailto:rclement@ku.edu mailto:tony.schwartz@fi mailto:kdeiss@ala.org mailto:sorphan@ala.org mailto:wpotter@arches.uga.edu mailto:irockwood@ala-choice.org mailto:bells@philau.edu mailto:jrg15@psu.edu mailto:sgw2103@columbia.edu