feb07c.indd Jane Hedberg P r e s e r v a t i o n N e w s AIC-CERT The American Institute for Conservation (AIC) is creating a Collections Emergency Response Training program (CERT) with funding from the Institute of Museum and Library Services. AIC will organize and train a volunteer team of approximately 60 conservation, library, ar­ chive, and museum professionals to respond to cultural collection emergencies. Volunteers for the team will be required to complete FEMA’s Incident Command System training program (IS­100), be fit­tested for a respira­ tor, maintain recommended immunizations, supply materials and personal equipment, and attend an AIC advanced training work­ shop. The four­and­a­half day workshop will cover emergency response procedures, dam­ age assessment methods, salvage techniques, and the organization and management of a recovery operation. It will be offered three times in 2007. May 14–18 it will be held in Charleston, South Carolina; October 15–19 in Shepherdstown, West Virginia; and Novem­ ber 12–16 in Seattle, Washington. Volunteers must complete an application form and will be selected on a competitive basis. For more information, contact Eric Pourchot, professional development direc­ tor, AIC, 1717 K St. NW, Washington, D.C. 20036; phone: (202) 452­9545, ext. 12; e­ mail: epourchot@aic­faic.org; URL: http://aic. stanford.edu/education/workshops/. IMLS conservation initiative The Institute of Museum and Library Ser­ vices (IMLS) has launched a new program, “Connecting to Collections: The IMLS Con­ servation Initiative.” This program has three components: a national conservation summit in Washington, D.C. in June 2007 followed by regional summits during 2007 and 2008, a group of core texts about collection care Jane Hedberg is preservation program offi cer at Harvard University Library, e-mail: jane_hedberg@harvard.edu; fax: (617) 496-8344 called a “conservation bookshelf” that will be distributed to summit participants, and $500,000 in grant funds for statewide pres­ ervation plans. These activities are intended to raise public awareness about the value of collections and to address the problems and solutions identified in the Heritage Preserva­ tion national survey, A Public Trust at Risk: A Report of the Heritage Health Index. For a complete text of the speech made by Anne­Imelda Radice, director of IMLS, at the Heritage Preservation Annual Meeting, see www.imls.gov/news/speeches/111506. shtm. For more information, contact Kevin O’Connell, IMLS, 1800 M Street NW, 9th Floor, Washington, D.C. 20036­5802; phone: (202) 653­4628; e­mail: koconnell@imls.gov; URL: www.imls.gov. SOLINET workshop schedule The Southeastern Library Network (SOLINET, Inc.) has several online courses in its winter 2007 class schedule. SOLINET will conduct the three­part “Developing a Disaster Plan” on February 21, March 7, and March 21; “Introduction to Grants for Preservation” on February 28; “Caring for Originals During Scanning Projects” on March 1; “Preserving Oral Histories” on March 22; “Caring for Scrapbooks” on March 27; and “Metadata for Digitization and Preservation” on April 12. All the sessions are two hours long and most are scheduled from 2 to 4 p.m. The three session workshop costs $145 for SOLINET members and $185 for non­ members. The single session workshops cost $100 for members and $140 for non­ members. For more information, contact Vanessa Richardson, SOLINET, 1438 West Peachtree Street NW, Suite 200, Atlanta, GA 30309­2955; phone: (800) 999­8558; fax: (404) 892­7879; e­mail: vanessa_richardson@solinet.net; URL: www.solinet.net/workshops/Inventorylist. cfm#Preservation. C&RL News February 2007 106 www.solinet.net/workshops/Inventorylist mailto:vanessa_richardson@solinet.net http:www.imls.gov mailto:koconnell@imls.gov www.imls.gov/news/speeches/111506 mailto:jane_hedberg@harvard.edu http://aic mailto:epourchot@aic-faic.org