may07c.indd Ann-Christe Galloway G r a n t s a n d A c q u i s i t i o n s The University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill Library has been awarded $216,000 over two years by Andrew W. Mellon Founda­ tion for the project “Extending the Reach of Southern Sources: Proceeding to Large­Scale Digitization of Manuscript Collections.” The library’s Southern Historical Collection and Carolina Digital Library will use the grant to plan for digitizing vast col­ lections of unique historical materials and presenting them online. The project will provide methods for manag­ ing large­scale digitization of entire collections in the Southern Historical Collec­ tion, one of the world’s larg­ est repositories for original materials that document the southern United States. A t l a n t a U n i v e r s i t y C e n t e r ’ s R o b e r t W . Woodruff Library received a $1 million donation from the Bank of America Chari­ table Foundation. The gift will be used to upgrade the Archives and Special Collec­ tions reading room, which supports scholarly access to the many manu­ scripts, books, and artifacts housed within the Woodruf Library. Currently, the room is home to a number of historically signifi cant items, including the books and writings of the Morehouse College Martin Luther King Jr. Collection. In addition to funding physical improvements within the library, the special collection staff will receive training in cur­ rent digitization processes and technology, further increasing public access to library holdings. Ed. note: Send your news to: Grants & Acquisitions, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-mail: R o b e r t E l l i s, a s s o c i a t e d e a n o f Logsdon Seminar y, inspects the Sefer Torah scroll after the accli­ matization process. Acquisitions An ancient Sefer Torah scroll has been given to the Kelley College of Business at Hardin­ Simmons University (HSU). Doyle and Inez Kelley, benefactors of the Kelley College of Business at HSU, have entrusted HSU with the manuscript, which is the product of a South Arabian Jewish Scriptorium in the late 17th or early 18th cen­ tury. The manuscript contains more than 200 columns compris­ ing the Pentateuch, the five books of Moses, which appear as the fi rst five books of the Christian Old Testa­ ment and the Jewish Bible. Scribed in He­ brew, on very highly f inis hed w hit e c ow skin vellum panels, the scroll is exceptionally tall, at approximately 27 inches. Lee Biondi, rare documents dealer and appraisal expert, places the scroll as likely coming from Yemen, formerly the Biblical region of Sheba, in the southern area of the Arabian Peninsula. The JCPenney corporate archives has been given to the DeGolyer Library at Southern Methodist University. The Penney Archives includes more than 20,000 photographs, and 1,500 linear feet of correspondence, speeches, ledgers, catalogs, and company publications documenting more than 100 years of corporate history, as well as ad­ vertisements from 1903 to the late 1990s. Also included are the personal papers of James Cash Penney (1875­1971), consisting 322C&RL News May 2007 of correspondence, speeches, photographs, travel logs, and diaries that document his philosophy. Born in Hamilton, Missouri, Penney began his retail career in a small dry goods store in his hometown. His pa­ pers include records about the company, his farming operations, and his various philanthropies. In addition, there are also manuscript collections of Caroline A. Pen­ ney, his third wife, and correspondence of one of his nephews. All of these collections are open and available for research. University of California-Santa Cruz has received a major donation of photographs by acclaimed American photographer Brett Weston (1911–1993), valued at more than $1 million. The photographs are a gift from Oklahoma collector Christian Keesee, who acquired the Brett Weston Estate in 1996 and describes Weston as “one of the true American masters of photography.” The University Library’s Special Collections photo holdings were initiated at UC­Santa Cruz in the late 1960s with the donation of more than 800 project prints by Edward Weston, Brett’s father. While a teenager, Brett Weston began taking photographs at his father’s side in Mexico, and he went on to forge a distinguished independent ca­ reer that spanned seven decades. Weston’s work has been exhibited and collected by major international museums, and he was a recipient of both Guggenheim and National Endowment for the Arts awards. The gift to Special Collections includes Weston’s gelatin silver print photographs dating from the 1940s to the 1980s, and the work represents a number of different aesthetic issues that the artist explored. Early documentary work, views of New York City, Mexican architecture, natural­ istic depictions of California’s Monterey Peninsula coast, abstractions based on the natural world, and the late Hawaiian botanicals are all included, along with a very special collection of portraits of Ed­ ward Weston that were taken in the 1930s and 1940s. QNMB Publications of the Modern Language Association of America PMLA Is Now Online *VU[HPUPUN� TVYL� [OHU�������WHNLZ�H� `LHY��PMLA�PZ�H]HPS- HISL�MYVT�HSS�THQVY� Z\IZJYPW[PVU�ZLY]PJLZ�� 3PIYHY`� Z\IZJYPI- LYZ�YLJLP]L�J\YYLU[� PZZ\LZ�LSLJ[YVUPJHSS`� �PU�7+-���HZ�^LSS�HZ�PU�WYPU["������Z\IZJYPI- LYZ�^PSS�HSZV�YLJLP]L�HSS�PZZ\LZ�MYVT�����¶��� PU�LSLJ[YVUPJ�MVYT��(U�LSLJ[YVUPJ�HYJOP]L�VM� PMLA�PZZ\LZ�MYVT������[V������PZ�H]HPSHISL� [OYV\NO�JSTOR� Upcoming Features 6*;6),9� ����� (� ZWLJPHS� PZZ\L� VU� 9LTHWWPUN� .LUYL� ^PSS� L_HTPUL� [OL� LTLYNLUJL�HUK�L]VS\[PVU�VM�SP[LYHY`�MVYTZ�PU� ]HYPV\Z�J\S[\YLZ�HUK�WLYPVKZ� 6*;6),9� ����� (� ZWLJPHS� JVSSLJ[PVU� VM� LZZH`Z� ̂ PSS� Z[\K`� [OL� SP[LYHY`� HUK� J\S[\YHS� WYVJLZZLZ�I`�^OPJO�YHJL�PZ�THKL�]PZPISL�HUK� L_WLYPLUJLK� Better-Value Pricing (� Z\IZJYPW[PVU� [V� [OL� WYPU[� HUK� LSLJ[YVUPJ� ]LYZPVUZ� VM� PMLA� PZ� ������ Profession�� HU� HUU\HS�QV\YUHS�VM�HY[PJSLZ�HIV\[�[OL�TVKLYU� SHUN\HNL� WYVMLZZPVU�� JVTLZ� MYLL� ^P[O� `V\Y� Z\IZJYPW[PVU�PU�LSLJ[YVUPJ�HUK�WYPU[�MVYTH[Z� Free Trial Subscription -VY�H�MYLL�[YPHS�Z\IZJYPW[PVU�[V�[OL�LSLJ[YVUPJ� ]LYZPVU�VM�PMLA��VY�MVY�TVYL�PUMVYTH[PVU�� WSLHZL�^YP[L�VY�JHSS�3PIYHY`�:\IZJYPW[PVUZ�� 4VKLYU� 3HUN\HNL� ( ZZVJPH[PVU�� ��� )YVHK^H �̀��YK�ÅVVY��5L^�@VYR��5@������� ��� "�������������"�MH_�������������"� Z\IZJYPW'TSH�VYN� (SS�WYPJLZ�Z\IQLJ[�[V�JOHUNL� THE LEADING JOURNAL IN LITERARY STUD­ IES FOR MORE THAN A CENTURY, PMLA REACHES 32,200 SUBSCRIBERS (INCLUDING 2,400 LIBRARIES) —THE LARGEST CIRCU­ LATION OF ANY SCHOLARLY JOURNAL IN THE HUMANITIES. May 2007 323 C&RL News