june07a.indd In the ACRL’s 13th National Conference, held in Baltimore, Maryland, March 29­April 1, had record­breaking attendance of more than 4,700 library staff, exhibitors, authors, and guests. “Sailing into the Future—Charting our Destiny,” offered more than 250 programs, in which library leaders discussed press­ ing issues affecting academic and research libraries. Programs included a full range of invited and contributed papers, panels, poster sessions, workshops, forums, and roundtable discussions. The conference also featured the new category of Cyber Zed Shed presentations, which focused on using new technology in innovative ways. The article on page 346 provides an over­ view of this year’s conference from keynote speakers to the first­time attendee orientation. If you’d like to find out more about individual programs and gain insights from multiple at­ tendees, visit the conference blog at www. learningtimes.net/acrlblog/. Last year’s report of the Secretary’s Com­ mission on the Future of Higher Education, often referred to as the “Spellings report,” was released to mixed reviews among the academic library community. “Charting the same future? The ACRL strategic plan and the report on the commission on the fu­ ture of higher education” (p. 370) presents a comparison of the Spellings report (“A Test of Leadership: Charting the Future of U.S. Higher Education”) and “Charting Our Future: ACRL Strategic Plan 2020.” Through this comparison of the two documents, the author uncovers opportunities for librarians to work toward the strategic goals of ACRL, as well as to take leading roles in the future of higher education. The article offers a good jumping­off point for thinking about the Spellings report within the context of ACRL. —Stephanie Orphan, Editor­in­Chief sorphan@ala.org ExpandExpand YYour Librarour Librar yy Rittenhouse Book Distributors presents D i g i t a l L i b r a r y The R2 Digital Library offers a unique model for health science digital content enabling you to select and purchase only the resources you need through a topic-based, navigable, highly searchable database. Call Rittenhouse 1-800-345-6425 or visit our website, www.rittenhouse.com to learn more. For more information and to start your free 30-day trial today, visit www.rittenhouse.com and click on the “R2 Library” link. Rittenhouse is offering their annual Rites of Spring Promotion NOWNOW on print and digital titles. June 2007 341 C&RL News mailto:sorphan@ala.org