june07c.indd Andy Bridges W a s h i n g t o n H o t l i n e National Library Legislative Day 2007 May 1 and 2, 2007, marked the 33rd Annual National Library Legislative Day events. This year, more than 420 participants from 47 states came to Washington, D.C., to speak with their Members of Congress about the needs of libraries in the areas of funding, telecommunications, copyright, privacy, and government information. ACRL President Pamela Snelson and President­Elect Julie Todaro were in at­ tendance, along with ACRL staff including David Connolly, program officer; Mary Ellen Davis, executive director; and Kara Malenfant, scholarly communications and government relations specialist. On May 1, ACRL hosted a luncheon that featured George Mehaffy, vice president for academic leadership and change at the American Association of State Colleges and Universities. Mehaffy’s presentation was on “Developing Informed and Engaged Citizens: The Imperative for Higher Education,” and ACRL is set to podcast an interview with him about that presentation (blogs.ala.org/acrl­ podcast.php). Pictures from National Library Legislative Day can be found on the ALA Washing­ ton Office’s Flickr page at www.fl ickr.com /photos/alawash. National Library Legislative Day is sponsored by the Chief Offi cers of State Library Agencies, the District of Colum­ bia Library Association, the Special Libraries Association, and ALA. Grassroots advocacy page The ALA Washington Office recently unveiled its Grassroots Advocacy Web page, which is located in the Getting Involved section of the Washington Office Web site at www.alawash. org. The site is intended to lay out very clearly exactly what resources are available from the Washington Office Web site, along with some Andy Bridges is communications specialist at ALA’s Washington Offi ce, e-mail: abridges@alawash.org strategies for optimizing those resources. Some of the resources include: • District Dispatch Blog & Podcast, blogs.ala.org/districtdispatch.php. View press releases, ALAWONs, and virtually all vital information from the Washington Offi ce. The District Dispatch is also an archive for past press releases and ALAWONs. Do you prefer to listen to updates about federal issues, policy, and advocacy on your iPod, in your car, or at your desk? Then check out the podcast series produced by the Washington Offi ce. • ALA Washington Of fice Newsline (ALAWON), www.ala.org/ala/washof f /washnews/news.htm. Receive action alerts and updates about federal issues in your e­mail inbox by subscribing to ALAWON: the American Library Association Washington Office Newsline. The news alerts give you an overview of the issue and contain links back to the Washington Office Web pages, where you can get background information or the history of an issue. • L e g i s l a t ive A c t i o n C e n t e r, w w w. capwiz.com/ala/home. A short version of each ALAWON is reprinted here in the form of “TAKE ACTION” alerts. Simply click on the alert of your choice and view the text of the alert. Then, using the e­mail form provided on the Web site, send an e­mail about the alert to your Members of Congress. You can copy the text of the alert into your e­mail, but be sure to type in a personalized story or description about how the legislation you are writing about impacts your library. • Federal Librar y Legislative & Ad- vocacy Network (FLLAN). FLLAN is a rapid­response grassroots network made up of individuals and groups who have made a commitment to actively and immediately respond to calls for action related to federal issues. For example, the ACRL grassroots network is part of the FLLAN network, but individual academic librarians, who may or may not be part of the ACRL grassroots net­ work, also participate in FLLAN. June 2007 387 C&RL News www.ala.org/ala/washoff mailto:abridges@alawash.org www.alawash http:ickr.com