jan08a.indd theIInn the Welcome to the January 2008 issue of C&RL News. As the weather gets colder (at least in places like Chicago!) and the NFL playoffs get started, many people are making last­ minute adjustments to their fantasy football teams. While most likely not knowing that they are applying critical information liter­ acy skills. Paul Waelchli examines this connection between fantasy sports and information liter­ acy instruction in his article “Librarians’ sport of choice.” Waelchli and his colleagues at the University of Dubuque used fantasy sports as the jumping off point for teaching information literacy to incoming student athletes. Russell A. Hall provides a look at a dif­ ferent method of teaching information lit­ eracy, becoming “The ‘embedded’ librarian in a freshman speech class.” Hall became a full participant in a course in an attempt to become active in the entire learning and research process. In addition to football, this January rep­ resents the start of a major national election cycle, with the Iowa caucuses kicking off the 2008 race for the White House. In this month’s Internet Resources column, Lorena O’English details a wide range of election resources on the Web. These sites can help you, and your patrons, make informed decisions before go­ ing to the polls. And please, get out and vote for the candidates of your choice. Be sure to take a look at the slate of can­ didates for office in the upcoming ACRL elec­ tions, as well. And take an active role in your association by voting in the ALA elections. Of course don’t ignore the rest of the great articles and columns in this month’s issue, including an excellent scholarly communica­ tion article on the potential for collaboration between university presses and libraries. Happy New Year and enjoy! —David Free, Editor-In-Chief dfree@ala.org January 2008 5 C&RL News mailto:dfree@ala.org