june08b.indd And the winners are . . . The official results of the 2008 ACRL elections Erika Linke Lori A. Goetsch Erika Linke, associate dean of university librar­ ies at Carnegie Mellon University, is the 71st president of ACRL. “During the campaign for president of ACRL, I stated that my primary goal was to ensure that the Board continues its focus on the ambitious direction that leadership and members have set. Specific areas of interest for me include advocacy for academic and research libraries in higher education and wherever our voice is needed. Scholarly communication is at the heart of higher education, and we will continue association initiatives in the evolving paradigm of scholarly communication. Advocacy at national, state, regional, and local levels are a key component in reaching stakeholders and decision makers; efforts here must grow and be sustained. Lastly, the association will con­ tinue to address a new generation of librarians through the ways in which we provide member programming and services. “What a difference a year makes! Last year, interest groups were just on the radar and under discussion. Now, thanks to membership ap­ proval, they are a reality for the association. We will begin work right away to ensure the asso­ ciation addresses the logistical matters that will underpin this new community of practice. “Finally, the dynamic and ambitious stra­ tegic plan demands much from ACRL leaders, members, and staff. I hope that in the coming year we can find ways to balance the demands and the collective effort needed to achieve the goals of the plan.” As president, Linke will preside over the ACRL Board of Directors and ACRL Executive Committee, and plan ACRL’s major program at the 2009 ALA Annual Conference. She will work with the ALA president and other division presidents representing ACRL both within and outside of ALA. From 1984 to 2005, Linke held numerous positions at Carnegie Mellon University, includ­ ing associate dean of university libraries for collection and user services (2003­05), associ­ ate university librarian for collection and user services (2001­03), associate university librarian for access services (1998­2001), acting university librarian (1996­98), assistant university librarian for access services (1993­98), head of collections and access (1991­93), head of acquisitions and collection development (1985­91), and conver­ sion specialist and reference librarian (1984­85). She also served as head of interlibrary loan and INFORM at the University of Minnesota (1982­83). Her activities in ACRL include serving as chair of the Excellence in Academic Libraries Nominations Committee (2006­07), member of the Scholarly Communication Committee (2005­ 07), and cochair of the 2007 National Confer­ ence Contributed Papers Committee (2005­07). Linke also served as chair of the Budget and Finance Committee (2001­03), and on the ACRL Board of Directors (2001­03). She was chair of the Copyright Committee (1995­97) and has been a member of ALCTS, LAMA, LITA, and RUSA since 1985. June 2008 337 C&RL News Linke’s work with state and regional associa­ tions has included membership in the Western Pennsylvania/West Virginia Chapter of ACRL (WPWVC), with service as chapter president (2003­04), member of the Board of Directors (2001­04), and member of the WPWVC Revi­ talization Committee (2000­01). She also served on the Oakland Library Consortium’s Board of Directors (1996­98). Linke currently serves on the PALINET Board of Trustees (2005­present). She has been a member of the Southwestern Pennsylvania Program for Deliberative Democracy Advisory Board since 2006, and has been a Pittsburgh Bibliophiles Advisory Board member since 2001. Linke has been involved with the North American Serials Interest Group (1986­present) and has been affiliated with the Association for Asian Studies (1980­present). Linke was a UCLA Senior Fellow in 2003. Her publications include coauthor of “Changing the Publishing Paradigm for Sci­ ence and Technology,” Science and Technol­ ogy Libraries, v. 24 (no. 1/2) 2003; coauthor of “Scholarly Use of Information: Graduate Students’ Information­Seeking Behavior,” Infor­ mation Research, v. 11 (no. 4) July 2006; and “Addressing Staff Concerns in Changing Times: Supporting the Institution’s Greatest Asset,” IATUL Proceedings, n.s. 14, 2004. Linke received her master’s of library sci­ ence from the University of Minnesota, and her bachelor of arts degree in German and Chinese from Miami University (Ohio). Lori A. Goetsch, dean of libraries at Kansas State University, has been elected vice presi­ dent/president elect of ACRL. “Heartfelt thanks to my ACRL colleagues for your vote of confidence and the opportunity to serve as your ACRL vice­president/presi­ dent elect. It is an honor, a privilege, and an awesome responsibility. Also, I appreciate the overwhelming support you demonstrated for the bylaws revisions on this year’s ballot. These changes will help us realize our goal of be­ ing a more agile organization that opens new pathways for member engagement. Finding an association ‘home’ for all ACRL members is an initiative I talked about leading up to the election, and I will help to make this initiative a reality in the coming years. In addition to expanding member opportunities within the association, I am committed to looking out­ ward and exploring the needs and interests of all academic libraries and their communities, regardless of size, to ensure that ACRL is the voice and advocate for all academic libraries and librarians. “I plan to use my presidential year to give special focus to exploring issues and opportu­ nities for library workforce development and the changing skill sets we need in our libraries. Our ability to recruit and retain talented staff for this ‘new work’ is clearly an issue of grow­ ing interest in the profession and is now part of the ACRL Strategic Plan. What is the ‘new work’ for academic librarians as we see it, and as our users see it? I look forward to exploring these questions with you. Standing for election provides candidates an opportunity to hear from members, and I want this feedback to continue. Please feel free to share your thoughts, suggestions, and con­ cerns about ACRL with me. Also, tell me what is working in your library so that we can fi nd ways to get best practices out to the rest of our community. Give me a call, drop me a note, or send an e­mail to lgoetsch@ksu.edu.” From 1997 to 2004, Goetsch was director of public services at the University of Maryland Libraries. She also worked at the University of Tennessee, where she served as head of refer­ ence services (1993­97). Prior to that, she was head of information/reference at Michigan State University (1987­93), where she also worked as information/reference librarian (1985­87). She served as assistant reference librarian at the University of Illinois at Chicago (1982­85). Her activities in ACRL include serving as director­at­large on the ACRL Board (2004­ present), as chair of the Nominating Commit­ tee (2004­05), and as a member of the 2005 National Conference Invited Papers Commit­ tee (2004­05). She served as a member of the Information Literacy Competency Standards Task Force (1998­2002), and was chair of the University Libraries Section (ULS) Standards 338C&RL News June 2008 mailto:lgoetsch@ksu.edu and Guidelines Review Committee (2000­01). Goetsch was chair of the Women’s Studies Sec­ tion (WSS) (1994­95) and ULS (1997­98). She served as ULS secretary (1991­93), as a member of the WSS Publications Committee (1989­93), and was chair of the ULS Organization and Bylaws Committee (1989­90). She was a participant in both the ACRL/Har­ vard Leadership Institute (2000) and the Senior Fellows Program (1995). Her ALA activities include serving as a member of the Equality Award Jury (1996­97) and the Committee on the Status of Women in Librarianship (1994­96). She was also an RASD representative to the Recruitment Assembly (1992­94). Goetsch’s work with state and regional as­ sociations includes membership in the Greater Western Library Alliance, where she is currently a member of the Board of Directors (2007­ present) and was a member of the Planning and Organization Committee (2005­06). She is a member of the Kansas Library Network Board/State Librarian Advisory Commission (2006­present), and she served the Michigan Library Association as chair of the Management and Administration Forum (1991­92), and the Annual Conference Program Planning Com­ mittee (1988­89). Goetsch received the University of Tennes­ see’s Professional Development Award (1995) and was awarded Michigan State University Li­ braries’ Distinguished Librarian Award (1992). Her publications include coauthor of, “Creating a Culture of Security in the Univer­ sity of Maryland Libraries,” Portal: Libraries and the Academy, October 2001; coauthor, “Electronic Reference Service (Association of Research Libraries), 1999; editor, Information Technology Planning (Haworth Press), 1999; coauthor, “Readin’, Writin’, Arithmetic and In­ formation Competency: Adding a Basic Library Skills Component to a University’s Curriculum,” CWIS: Campus Wide Information Systems, 1998; author, “Reference is More Than a Desk,” Journal of Academic Librarianship, 1995; co­ author, Information Desks in Academic Librar­ ies (Association of Research Libraries), 1995; and coeditor, On Account of Sex, 1987­1992 (Scarecrow Press), 1993. Goetsch received her master’s of library and information science from Rosary College. She received both her master’s degree in English and her bachelor of science degree in English from Illinois State University. ACRL Adoption of proposed editorial corrections to bylaws: Yes (3423); No (109) ADOPTED Adoption of proposed communities of practice: Yes (3270); No (181) ADOPTED Vice­President/President­Elect: Janice Diane Simmons­Welburn (1483); Lori A. Goetsch (2040). ACRL Board Director­at­Large (4­year term): John A. Leh­ ner (1659); Daniel R. Lee (1479). Director­at­Large (4­year term): Mark Emmons (1159); Linda A. Kopecky (2081). African American Studies Librarians Section (AFAS) Vice­chair/Chair­elect: Harry R. Murphy (34); Vivian Njeri Fisher (59). Secretary: Malaika Grant (83); Write­in can­ didate (1). Member­at­Large (2­year term): Aslaku Berhanu (25); Gennice W. King (62). Anthropology and Sociology Section (ANSS) Vice­chair/Chair­elect: Liz Cooper (134); Write­ in candidate (1). Member­at­Large (2­year term): Lisa Yuro (50); Jennifer J. Darragh (80). Arts Section Vice­chair/Chair­elect: William S. Hemmig (182); Write­in candidate (3). Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Section (AAMES) Vice­chair/Chair­elect: Anjana H. Bhatt (76); Write­in candidate (0). Member­at­Large (2­year term): Hikaru Na­ kano (52); Ping Situ (55); Write­in candi­ date (0). June 2008 339 C&RL News College Libraries Section (CLS) Vice­chair/Chair­elect: Dawn Thistle (401); Ann M. Watson (329). Secretary: Joan Ruelle (221); Shellie Jeffries (475). Member­at­Large (2­year term): Michael J. Miller (326); Mary Ellen Chijioke (376). Community and Junior College Libraries Section (CJCLS) Vice­chair/Chair­elect: Matt Burrell (109); Mary Ann Sheble (220). Secretary: Nan Schichtel (164); David A. Wright (157). Distance Learning Section (DLS) Vice­chair/Chair­elect: Michele D. Behr (287); Brian Arnold Hickam (121). Secretary/Archivist: Jane M. Hutton (182); Mi­ chele Reid (230). Member­at­Large (2­year term): Sarah Jane Hammill (189); Sandra Lee Hawes (220). Education and Behavioral Sciences Section (EBSS) Vice­chair/Chair­elect: Salley Neal (102); Lori S. Mestre (170). Member­at­Large (2­year term): Bernadette A. Lear (161); Alex R. Hodges (95). Instruction Section (IS) Adoption of proposed bylaw changes: Yes (1174); No (36) ADOPTED Adoption of proposed bylaw changes: Yes (1173); No (26) ADOPTED Vice­chair/Chair­elect: Clara Fowler (564); Amy L. Deuink (559). Secretary: Kathy L. Magarrell (482); Merinda McLure (605). Member­at­Large (3­year term): Mark Szarko (557); Susanna Eng (557) elected by lot. Literatures in English Section (LES) Vice­chair/Chair­elect: Angela Courtney (93); Linda Lawrence Stein (63). Secretary: Shawn Martin (88); Mary Claire Vandenburg (63). Member­at­Large (1­year term): Stephanie J. Graves (75); Millie Jackson (76). Law and Political Science Section (LPSS) Vice­chair/Chair­elect: Erik Sean Estep (131); Write­in candidate (2). Member­at­Large (2­year term): Lisa R. Norberg (82); Binh P. Le (54). Rare Books and Manuscripts Section (RBMS) Vice­chair/Chair­elect: Deborah J. Leslie (269); Charlotte B. Brown (186). Member­at­Large (3­year term): Mike Kelly (217); J. Fernando Pena (226). Science and Technology Section (STS) Vice­chair/Chair­elect: Maliaca Oxnam (203); Sophie Bogdanski (178). Publicity Offi cer: Kara M. Whatley (215); An­ nie Zeidman­Karpinski (153). Member­at­Large (2­year term): Denise Beau­ bien Bennett (241); Betsy Spackman Hopkins (134). Slavic and East European Section (SEES) Vice­chair/Chair­elect: Jon C. Giullian (36); Emily Judith Ray (26). University Libraries Section (ULS) Vice­chair/Chair­elect: Faye C. Backie (559); M. Leslie Madden (828). Member­at­Large (3­year term): Tom Fisher (484); Stephanie S. Atkins (923); Karl Frederick Bridges (653). Western European Studies Section (WESS) Vice­chair/Chair­elect: Timothy Shipe (81); Sarah E. How (96). Secretary: Michelle Emanuel (64); Brian Ve­ truba (102). Member­at­Large (1­year term): Anne Oech­ tering (104); Charlene M. Kellsey (66). Women’s Studies Section (WSS) Vice­chair/Chair­elect: Kayo Denda (161); Write­in candidate (0). Secretary: Jennifer A. Nace (89); Janet S. Fore (59). Member­at­Large (2­year term): Susan Bennett White (58); Kimberly L. Clarke (101). 340C&RL News June 2008