july08c.indd Jane Hedberg P r e s e r v a t i o n N e w s “Shelter from the Stormy Blast” The Atlanta Regional Council for Higher Education (ARCHE), the Society of Georgia Archivists (SGA), and the Southern Librar­ ies Regional Network (SOLINET) mounted an online emergency preparedness guide, “Shelter from the Stormy Blast: A Guide to Disaster Recovery Services for Georgia and the Southeast.” It is meant to bridge the gap between general advice and practical action. It provides an overview of national, regional, and local emergency networks. It also lists questions for evaluating vendors of emergency services, definitions of recovery technologies and terminology, yellow pages headings for identifying local service providers, and com­ mon abbreviations. The URL for this Web site is soga.org /resources/disasterplanning.php. Preservation 101 The Northeast Document Conservation Center (NEDCC) released “Preservation 101: Preserva­ tion Basics for Paper and Media Collections,” an online course that may be sampled selec­ tively, used as a static textbook, or engaged interactively with a facilitator. The course consists of eight sessions: Introduction to Pres­ ervation, Deterioration of Paper Collections, Deterioration of Film and Electronic Media, the Building and Environment, Collections Care, Reformatting and Treatment, Disaster Plan­ ning, and Building a Preservation Program. Each session includes lessons, checklists, worksheets, and assignments. After session eight a final assignment unites the previous assignments and helps set short­, medium­, and long­term preservation priorities. Preservation 101 was funded by the Institute of Museum and Library Services and is available free of charge at www. preservation101.org. For more information, contact Lori Foley at NEDCC, phone: (978) 470­ Jane Hedberg is preservation program offi cer at Harvard University Library, e-mail: jane_hedberg@harvard.edu; fax: (617) 496-8344 1010; fax: (978) 475­6021; e­mail: lfoley@nedcc. org; URL: www.nedcc.org. Digital preservation workshop The Inter­university Consortium for Political and Social Research (ICPSR) at the University of Michigan is offering Digital Preservation Management: Short­Term Solutions for Long­ Term Problems on October 19­24, 2008 in Ann Arbor, Michigan. This fi ve­day workshop builds on the digital curriculum developed at Cornell University. It will cover introductory information, terminology, obsolete and endan­ gered media, challenges, and components of a digital preservation program with an online tutorial. It will cover organizational context, OAIS, digital preservation in practice, requisite resources, and next steps during the onsite classes. Nancy McGovern and Aprille McKay of ICPSR are the instructors. This workshop will be offered again in May 2009, October 2009, and May 2010. Registration costs $750 (additional support has been supplied by the National Endowment for the Humanities). For more information, con­ tact ICPSR, phone: (734) 647­5000; fax: (734) 647­8200; e­mail: digital­preservation@icpsr. umich.edu; URL: http://www.icpsr.umich. edu/dpm/workshops/fi veday.html. NCPC Annual Conference The North Carolina Preservation Consortium (NCPC) will hold its annual conference, Cul­ tural Respect in Preservation and Conservation, November 20, 2008, at the University of North Carolina­Chapel Hill. Speakers include Michele Cloonan (Simmons College), Marian Kaminitz (Smithsonian Institution), Karen Jefferson (At­ lanta University Center), and Corine Wegener (Minneapolis Institute of Arts). Registration costs $60 for NCPC members and $75 for nonmembers. For more informa­ tion, contact Robert James at NCPC, phone: (919) 660­1157; e­mail: robertjamesncpc@gmail. com; URL: ncpreservation.org. C&RL News July/August 2008 416 http:ncpreservation.org http://www.icpsr.umich http:umich.edu http:www.nedcc.org mailto:jane_hedberg@harvard.edu http:preservation101.org http:soga.org