jan09a.indd I theIn the Welcome to the January 2009 issue of C&RL News. Space, the final frontier. While academic librarians may not be exploring strange new worlds, discovering the best uses of physical and virtual space is crucial to providing excellent services. In this issue, Harry Glazer reflects on whether Rutgers University’s adventures in the virtual space of Facebook are a “Clever outreach or costly diversion?” Adapting physical spaces to reflect user needs and behavior can bring the sense of community found in online spaces like Facebook back into the library. In her ar­ ticle “Dissecting the disconnect,” Amanda Wakaruk examines library planning through the lens of design and spatial theory. Many libraries involve students in the planning process in order to match spaces to their real world uses. Michelle Twait took student input out of the world of focus groups and surveys and into the classroom. Read about her library design course in “If they build it, they will come.” To help you plan your visit to the ACRL 14th National Conference in Seattle, a com­ plete preliminary program is included in this issue. The program is provided as a special pull­out section for ease of use. Visit the conference Web site at www.acrl.org/seattle for complete details. The new year means a new election cycle for ACRL. Take a look at the slate of candi­ dates for ACRL offices included in this issue and vote in the upcoming ALA elections. Make sure to take a look at all of the other great articles and columns this month, includ­ ing an excellent Internet Resources article on the history of photography by Ellen Bahr, the latest installment of Job of a Lifetime, and the index to volume 69 (2008). Thanks for reading the News! —David Free, editor-in-chief dfree@ala.org January 2009 5 C&RL News THE MOST POWERFUL TOOL IN MEDICAL RESEARCH. • Health sciences specific electronic book platform • More than 650 titles in medicine, nursing, allied health, and consumer health. All integrated in one platform • Enables the purchase of individual resources • Purchase one time – for life of edition • More than 30 leading publishers in STM • Fully searchable, topic driven database Have You Experienced The R2 Digital Library? mailto:dfree@ala.org www.acrl.org/seattle