jan09c.indd Jane Hedberg P r e s e r v a t i o n N e w s Nitrate fi lm guide The Nitrate Film Interest Group of the As­ sociation of Moving Image Archivists has mounted online “Identifying and Handling Nitrate Film.” The five­page document re­ views the hazards associated with nitrate film and how to handle and ship it safely. It also provides simple guidelines for distin­ guishing nitrate film from other fi lm stocks. Most importantly, it lists contact information for a dozen institutions willing to assist in identifying and locating suitable storage for nitrate fi lm. The document is available as a free PDF at www.amianet.org/groups/interest/nitrate /documents/NitrateIGNov08.pdf. Other documents of interest, such as the Nitrate Material Safety Data Sheet, can be found at www.amianet.org/groups/interest/nitrate /nitrate.php. Binding standard guide ALA’s Association for Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS) has published the Guide to the ANSI/NISO/LBI Library Binding Standard, by Jan Merrill­Oldham and Paul Parisi. The guide explains the technical and materials specifications for fi rst­time hard­ cover binding of serials and paperbound books and rebinding of hardcover books and serials found in ANSI/NISO/LBI Z39.78­ 2000. It uses the same numbering system as the standard to facilitate side­by­side reading and contains numerous explanations and il­ lustrations. This guide supersedes the Guide to the Library Binding Institute Standard for Library Binding, written by the same authors in 1990. The guide costs $39.50 ($35.00 for ALA members), and is available from the ALA Store at www.alastore.ala.org/SiteSolution. taf?_sn=catalog2&_pn=product_detail& Jane Hedberg is preservation program offi cer at Harvard University Library, e-mail: jane_hedberg@harvard.edu; fax: (617) 496-8344 _op=2694. ISBN­13: 978­0­8389­8484­0 or ISBN­10: 0­8389­8484­3. Promoting preservation Libraries Unlimited has mounted revised ap­ pendices for Promoting Preservation Aware­ ness: A Sourcebook for Academic, Public, School, and Special Collections. The book, written by Jeanne Drewes and Julie Page and originally published in 1997, has been updated by Lorraine Dong, who added Web­based resources to what were predominately bibliog­ raphies of print­based resources. Appendix 1 is “Effective Graphics for Displays and Handouts Designing Graphics,” appendix 2 is “Resources for Children, Teachers, and Parents,” appendix 3 is “Audio­Visual Resources for General Pres­ ervation Education,” and appendix 4 is “Staff and User Preservation Education,” The 1997 book costs $105. ISBN­13: 978­ 0­3133­0206­0 or ISBN­10: 0­3133­0206­5. The updated appendices are freely available at lu.com/preservation/index.cfm. Risk management ICCROM, an intergovernmental organization of more than 125 member states dedicated to the conservation of cultural property, has published Risk Preparedness: A Management Manual for World Cultural Heritage by Herb Stovel. The 145­page document covers the importance of risk management for cultural heritage sites and the principles of such risk­ preparedness. Five chapters address how to develop property­specific strategies for reducing risks from fire, earthquake, flood, armed confl ict, and other hazards. Another chapter covers suggestions for improving risk­preparedness at the national level. The fi ve appendices contain copies of the official declarations and documents that support protection of world cultural heritage. The document is available as a free PDF at www.iccrom.org/pdf/ICCROM_17 _RiskPreparedness_en.pdf. C&RL News January 2009 56 www.iccrom.org/pdf/ICCROM_17 mailto:jane_hedberg@harvard.edu www.alastore.ala.org/SiteSolution www.amianet.org/groups/interest/nitrate www.amianet.org/groups/interest/nitrate