jan09c.indd George M. Eberhart N e w P u b l i c a t i o n s A Basket of Leaves: 99 Books That Capture the Spirit of Africa, by Geoff Wisner (289 pages, April 2008), consists of reviews and brief excerpts from books, both fi ction and nonfiction, that encapsulate the best writing about each country in Africa. The authors are African (Chinua Achebe), Caribbean (V. S. Naipaul), American (Maya Angelou), and Eu­ ropean (Lawrence Durrell); some are white, others black; the original languages include English, French, German, Portuguese, Polish, and Arabic; 28 were written or coauthored by women; and some will be difficult to lo­ cate. All are enticingly described and should inspire some budding Africanists to engage in some fascinating reading. An appendix lists Wisner’s suggestions for further study—nov­ els, poetry, plays, history, academic works, and photography—all arranged by country. $25.95. Jacana Media. 978­1­77009­206­8. Faces of the Confederacy: An Album of Southern Soldiers and Their Stories, by Ronald S. Coddington (320 pages, Decem­ ber 2008), brings to life the fragmented backgrounds of 82 Confederate soldiers pictured on cartes de visite of the 1860s. Coddington has hit upon a unique and fascinating niche in the seemingly end­ less march of Civil War books. This one is a sequel to his Faces of the Civil War (2004), which matched the images of ordinary Union privates, ser­ geants, lieutenants, and captains with brief memoirs of their war experiences. With Southern veterans the documentary trail is much harder to pick up, making the author’s George M. Eberhart is senior editor of American Libraries, e-mail: geberhart@ala.org biographical vignettes all the more extraor­ dinary. The earnestness, defiance, and des­ peration on the faces of these men resonates with a modern audience, once their stories are known. $29.95. Johns Hopkins Univer­ sity. 978­0­8018­9019­2. Introduction to Fire in California, by David Carle (195 pages, August 2008), serves as a field guide to the physics, ecology, history, deterrence, and management of wildfi res in California. Carle, who has already written similar guides to the state’s water and air, ex­ amines the types of vegetation that are con­ ducive to fi re, fi refighting tactics and weap­ ons, and how best to become a fi re­adapted resident. Online resources, references, and a glossary are provided. $18.95. University of California. 978­0­520­25577­7. The Marco Polo Odyssey, by Harry Rutstein (270 pages + DVD, September 2008), tells the story of three separate expeditions (1975, 1981, and 1985) in which the author became the fi rst person, according to the Royal Geographic So­ ciety, to successfully follow the same eastward route to China as the 13th­century Venetian travel­ er Marco Polo. Rutstein intersperses the narrative of his own adventures with comparable passages from Marco Polo’s Description of the World and numerous color photos. The DVD contains the 1981 documentary On the Roof of the World with Marco Polo that chronicles his second expedition over the rugged Hindu Kush and Karakoram mountains of northern Pakistan. $27.95. Marco Polo Foundation/Bennett & Hastings. 978­0­9802076­0­6. For those who want to know more about Marco Polo, the book to get is Laurence Ber­ green’s Marco Polo: From Venice to Xanadu (Alfred A. Knopf, 2007); a useful index makes up somewhat for its lack of maps. If you enjoy mod­ ern epic voyages, you might want to try Who Needs a Road? by Harold Stephens and Albert Podell (1968, reprinted in 1999 by Wolfenden), who traveled around the world in 1965 driving a C&RL News January 2009 60 mailto:geberhart@ala.org Toyota Land Cruiser and camper; Paddle to the Amazon, by Don Starkell (1989, reprinted 1994 by McClelland & Stew­ art), who paddled a canoe with his son Dana all the way from Winnipeg to the mouth of the Amazon River in 1980–1982; and Long Way Round, by Ewan McGregor and Charley Boor­ man (Atria Books, 2004), who traveled around the world by motorcycle (the event was also made into a documentary TV series available on DVD). The Portable MLIS: Insights from the Ex­ perts, edited by Ken Haycock and Brooke E. Sheldon (296 pages, July 2008), presents 18 different perspectives on the core competen­ cies needed for a career in library and infor­ mation science, from leadership and mana­ gerial skills to search and research expertise. Charles McClure provides a useful chapter on evaluation of library services, and Richard E. Rubin contributes a lively chapter on the past and future missions of libraries. $50.00. Libraries Unlimited. 978­1­59158­547­3. Warfare and Armed Conflicts: A Statistical Encyclopedia of Casualty and Other Figures, 1494–2007, by Micheal Clodfelter (831 pages, 3d ed., July 2008), is a modest update of the author’s 2002 effort. A new chapter on 21st­ century conflicts consists of descriptions and statistics on the September 11 and later terrorist attacks, the war in Afghanistan, the invasion of Iraq and the insurgency, and the Israeli­Hizbol­ lah War. Ten other conflicts have been added, including the Anabaptist War of 1534–35, the Taiwan Rebellion of 1915, the Darfur and So­ mali rebellions, and the Second Intifada. Ten sections offer expanded coverage, among them the Chechnya Wars, the Buhutu upris­ ings, the Congolese Civil War, and Burmese re­ bellions and massacres. An excellent purchase if you don’t own the earlier edition. $245.00. McFarland. 978­0­7864­3319­3. January 2009 61 C&RL News