mar09b.indd ACRL Board of Directors’ actions, January 2009 Highlights of the Board’s Midwinter meetings During the 2009 ALA Midwinter Meeting met on January 24 and 27 and took the fol­in Denver, the ACRL Board of Directors lowing actions. Strategic Area: Higher Education and Research Goal Area: Scholarship, Research, and Creative Activity—ACRL and its members are recognized internationally as authorities on the integration of content, tools, and services into the evolving workflows of scholars and creators at all stages from initial discovery to individuals organizing their own resources to the creation, sharing, publication, aggrega­ tion, and preservation processes, including associated intellectual property issues. A p p r ove d t h e r e v i s i o n s u b m i t t e d f o r “Guidelines for Curriculum Materials Cen­ ters” ( /standards/guidelinescurriculum.cfm). Confirmed the ACRL Board of Directors’ e­mail vote of December 5–19, 2008, that ap­ proved ACRL’s sponsorship of a conference session at the Public Knowledge Project’s second conference. Goal Area: Advocacy—ACRL has greater influence on the higher education and research en­ vironment. Endorsed the Code of Best Practices in Fair Use for Media Literacy Education ( /publications/code_for_media_literacy _education/). Confirmed the ACRL Board of Directors’ e- mail vote of November 10–17, 2008, that approved ACRL’s partnership with the American Planning Association to cel­ ebrate the centennial of the planning movement by compiling a list of the best, essential planning books published in the last century. Strategic Area: The Profession Goal Area: Continuous Learning—ACRL provides continuous learning opportunities en­ abling members to strengthen their effectiveness and achieve recognition as valued contribu­ tors to their academic and research communities. Approved the Budget and Finance Com- from the Friends Fund for National Confer­ mittee’s recommendation to award $8,625 ence Scholarships. 182C&RL News March 2009 Goal Area: Leadership—ACRL members achieve recognition as leaders and advocates for academic and research libraries. ACRL recruits and develops the next generation of academic and research library leaders. Confirmed the ACRL Board of Directors’ Standards for Libraries in Higher Education e­mail vote of December 30, 2008–January Review Task Force. 7, 2009, that approved the creation of the Strategic Area: The Association Goal Area: Membership—ACRL’s membership growth builds on retaining core member­ ship while recruiting from new and diverse communities. The Board approved expanding the di- clude a one­year term of vice­chair in addi­ vision­level committee appointments to in­ tion to the one­year term of chair. Goal Area: Organizational Vitality and Effectiveness—ACRL will have the fi scal resources, staff expertise, and organizational structure to advance the association’s strategic plan by de­ ploying data­driven decision making to drive entrepreneurial activities. Approved the minutes of the ACRL Board of Directors meeting held at the 2008 ALA Annual Conference ( /mgrps/divs/acrl/about/board/index. cfm). Approved the minutes of the ACRL Board of Directors meeting held by teleconferenc­ es November 20, 2008, December 16, 2008, December 19, 2008, and January 5, 2009. Dissolved the Information Literacy Advi- sory Committee and the Institute for Informa­ tion Literacy Executive Committee. Ed. note: The work of these groups will be carried out by the new Information Literacy Coordinating Committee. (“Beautiful and useful . . . ,” continued from page 171) Conclusion The creation of a course that links library collections and artifacts as a central theme to generate critical thinking and reinforce principles of information literacy resulted in a successful partnership that combined the unique subject expertise of both librar­ ian and art historian. Not only did this course provide students with a new way of looking at books as cul­ tural objects, but also raised the profi le of the library as an active center for teaching and learning. It provided the opportunity to advocate the library and collections not as passive re­ positories of information, but as active centers of learning; bringing our collections alive and promoting new ways of seeing. Notes 1. This phrase was first used by Morris in the lecture “The Beauty of Life,” before the Birmingham Society of Arts and School February 19, 1880, and was later published in Hopes and Fears for Art: Five Lectures Delivered in Birmingham, London, and Nottingham, 1878-1881 (London Ellis & White, 1882). 2. Kevin Grace, personal correspon­ dence with Jane Carlin, June 7, 2008. 3. Debbie Brawn, personal correspon­ dence with Jane Carlin, June 12, 2008. March 2009 183 C&RL News