june09c.indd Ann-Christe Galloway P e o p l e i n t h e N e w s William Baker, who holds a joint appoint­ ment with University Libraries and the Depart­ ment of English at Northern Illinois University, has been named one of three 2009 Board of Trustees Professors. Jim Cheng, head librarian at University of Cal­ ifornia (UC)­San Diego’s International Rela­ tions and Pacific Studies (IR/PS) Library, has received a Fulbright Scholar grant to con­ duct research to complete his book on Tai­ wan film studies. The book, An Annotated Bibliography for Taiwan Film Studies, is a sequel to his previous book, An Annotated Bibliography for Chinese Film Studies. His research will be conducted at the Chinese Taipei Film Archive Library, the National Central Library, and the National Taiwan University Library for three months starting in fall 2009. Cheng, who is one of approxi­ mately 1,100 U.S. faculty and professionals who will travel abroad through the Fulbright Scholar Program, is an authority on Asian film and has built an unparalleled collection of East Asian films at UC­San Diego’s IR/PS Library. Last year, Cheng was recognized by Library Journal as a “Mover and Shaker” in the library world for his innovative work in building the UCSD Libraries’ Asian fi lm col­ lection, as well as a film festival and sympo­ sium series. Susan R. Gilmont, assistant to the librarian at Oregon State University Libraries, received the 2009 Oregon Library Association Employ­ ee of the Year award. Randy J. Olsen, university librarian for the Harold B. Lee Library at Brigham Young University, has won the fi rst BioOne/SPARC Ed. note: To ensure that your personnel news is considered for publication, write to Ann-Christe Galloway, production editor, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e -mail: agalloway@ ala.org; fax: (312) 280-2520. Howard Goldstein Award to Advance Schol­ arly Communication. Sara Piasecki, head of historical collections and archives at Oregon Health and Science University Library (OHSU), was recognized with a 2009 Best Archives on the Web Award in the category of Best Institutional Blog for Historical Notes from OHSU (ohsu­hca. blogspot.com/). A p p o i n t m e n t s Susan Brynteson has been named vice provost and May Morris director of libraries at the University of Delaware Library. Bryn­ teson served as president of the Association for Library Collections and Technical Servic­ es and was on the ALA Intellectual Freedom Committee. She was chair of both the ALA Publishing Committee and the ALA Legisla­ tive Committee and served for six years on the ALA Council. She has been active in vari­ ous capacities in the Association of Research Libraries and is presently a member of its Special Collections Working Group. Sherre Harrington is now director of Memo­ rial Library at Berry College in Rome, Georgia. She had served as col­ lege librarian Amherst College since 2004. In addition to her ser­ vice at Amherst, Har­ rington’s extensive re­ sume also includes 17 years at Vanderbilt Uni­ versity, where she most recently held the title of director of the Ste­ venson Science and Engineering Library. She also served as acting director of the Anne Pot­ ter Wilson Music Library, assistant director for public services at Central Library and Steven­ Sherre Harrington 374C&RL News June 2009 http:blogspot.com son Library, and bibliographic instruction co­ ordinator at Central Library. Harrington chairs ALA’s Social Responsibilities Round Table and the Feminist Task Force. Pamela Jones has been named library direc­ tor at Medaille College. She began at Medaille as library systems coordinator in 2006, having worked previously as a librarian at the Albright­ Knox Art Gallery, the Buffalo and Erie County Public Library, the Eastman School of Music, and the University at Buffalo. Jones is active in the Western New York Library Resources Council and serves as managing editor of the Journal of Library Innovation. Her research in­ terests include workflow redesign, technology management, strategic planning, and organiza­ tional management using Web 2.0 services. Paula T. Kaufman, university librarian and dean of libraries for the University of Illinois, has been named the inaugural Juanita J. and Robert E. Simpson dean of libraries. Kaufman joined the University Library in 1999 after serv­ ing in key library positions at the University of Tennessee and Columbia University. She has four decades of experience as a librarian and has written and made presentations on a number of issues pertaining to scholarly infor­ mation, privacy, copyright, research libraries, recruitment, and leadership. John B. Weaver has been appointed direc­ tor of the Burke Library at Union Theological Seminary, effective August 1, 2009. Weaver has served as head of public services at Emory University’s Pitts Theology Library since 2005. He previously held the position of reference librarian at Pitts Theology Library. As an or­ dained minister, theological librarian, and bib­ lical scholar, Weaver has written and taught ex­ tensively on religious literature and theological practices, including the act of reading and the use of technology in scholarship and ministry. Lori Ostapowicz Critz has accepted the position of head of reference and research services at Old Dominion University Libraries effective July 10, 2009. Melissa Gasparotto has been appointed area studies librarian at the Rutgers University Libraries in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Martin Knott has assumed new responsi­ bilities as head of the electronic resources and database management section in the University of Michigan Library’s Technical Services Divi­ sion. Haipeng Li has been appointed associate director of the John Cotton Dana Library, on Rutgers University’s campus in Newark, New Jersey. Julia Lovett is now special projects librar­ ian in Library Information Technology at the University of Michigan. Jessica Mirasol has been named librarian archivist for music collections at the University Libraries of Old Dominion University. Valeria E. Molteni is now academic liaison librarian at San Jose State University’s Martin Luther King, Jr. Library. Caroline Norton has joined the Technical Services Department as the head of technical services and manager of procurement at the University of Northern Colorado’s James A. Michener Library in Greeley, Colorado. Gene Springs has been appointed busi­ ness information services librarian at Rutgers University Libraries in New Brunswick, New Jersey. Scott Stevens is the new director of the D’Arcy McNickle Center for American Indian History at the Newberry Library. Advertisers American Society for Nutrition 321 AMS Press 337 Annual Reviews 351 Ashgate Publishing 364 Association of Research 322, cover 4 Libraries Choice 377 EBSCO 345 Hordern House cover 3 Mandarin Library Automation 344 Optical Society cover 2 Rittenhouse 325 Society for Industrial and Applied 365 Mathematics June 2009 375 C&RL News Jay Trask has joined the Archival Services Department as head of archival services at the University of Northern Colorado’s James A. Michener Library in Greeley, Colorado. Jeremy York is now special projects librarian in Library Information Technology at the University of Michigan. R e t i r e m e n t s Kathy Arsenault has retired as dean of the Nelson Poynter Memorial Library at the Uni­ versity of South Florida­St. Petersburg. Patricia Yocum has retired from the Uni­ versity of Michigan Library. Yocum began her career at the University of Michigan in Sep­ tember 1977 as head of the natural science at the Museums and Biological Station Libraries. During the 31 years that followed, she took on increasingly responsible positions, includ­ ing coordinator of collections for the Basic Sci­ ence and Engineering Libraries, directing the efforts of Instructor College, and spearheading the creation of UC170. She served on numer­ ous library committees and contributed service to the University of Michigan as secretary of the Senate Assembly and the Senate Adviso­ ry Committee on University Affairs, and as a member of the Board in Control of Intercol­ legiate Athletics. She is recognized as a leader on a national and international level in science librarianship and for her work in developing educational programs and services to academ­ ic library user. D e a t h s Beulah C. Howison, 99, former reference li­ brarian at the University of Wisconsin­Stout, has died. Howison was an early leader in de­ veloping Simulated Literature Searching (mul­ timedia) during the 1970s, and she published results in the Drexel Library Bulletin. (“SCOAP3” continues from page 350) vision. This condition can be a strength if U.S. libraries will think global, really global, and act local. Otherwise, the United States will likely abdicate any international leadership role in new scholarly communication models. The challenge for U.S. libraries is to make the effort to see the bigger picture and find ways to align our dis­ parate parts to create a better whole in the long run. SCOAP3 offers a promising new approach worthy of our support to pursue next steps. Notes 1. Lee C. Van Orsdel and Kathleen Born,“Reality Bites: Periodicals Price Survey 2009,” Library Journal, April 15, 2009, www. libraryjournal.com/article/CA6651248.html. 2. See the FAQ at the SPARC Web site for answers to more specifi c information, www.arl.org/sparc/publications/papers /scoap3_09april.shtml. 3. Towards Open Access Publishing in High Energy Physics, SCOAP3 Working Party, CERN, 2007. See “Tendering Re­ quirements” on pp. 24–26, scoap3.org/fi les /Scoap3WPReport.pdf. 4. CMS (Compact Muon Solinoid) Col­ laboration Board Minutes from June 27, 2008. 5. See the Journal of Instrumentation, jinst.sissa.it/LHC. 6. Richard Poynder, “The Open Access Interviews: Annette Holtkamp,” 2008, www. richardpoynder.co.uk/Annette_Holtkamp _Interview.pdf). 7. Salvatore Mele, “SCOAP3, Sponsoring Consortium for Open Access Publishing,” Seattle, March 14, 2009, scoap3.org/files /Seattle­140309­Mele.pdf), 19. 8. More information on the Expression of Interest can be found at tinyurl.com /scoap3us. 9. Ivy Anderson, “Make SCOAP3 Happen,” presentation at ICOLC, San Francisco, Cali­ fornia, 2008. See especially slides 8 and 10, www.scoap3.org/fi les/anderson_icolc.pdf. 376C&RL News June 2009 www.scoap3.org/fi http:tinyurl.com www.arl.org/sparc/publications/papers