oct09a.indd C&RL News October 2009 498 N e w s f r o m t h e F i e l dDavid Free Loyola Marymount celebrates new library The new William H. Hannon Library on Loyola Marymount University’s campus will be its academic hub, drawing students and faculty to its array of intimate reading areas, large research rooms, and small collaboration spaces. The 121,000 square foot, four-story structure ties the older collection of archi- tectural styles on Alumni Mall with the more modern structures on the north side. The li- brary had its offi cial opening August 30. “The library func- tions like a bridge con- necting the residential section of the campus to the academic,” said Paul Danna, lead ar- chitect on the project for AECOM. “We im- proved the condition of the existing buildings by connecting existing open spaces and creat- ing new usable places for people, making a richer setting for build- ings adjacent to the new library.” The library’s circular design, with fl oor- to-ceiling windows spans the three above- ground fl oors and two-story basement. The basement provides high-density storage for nearly 1.2 million volumes, leaving most of the upper three levels for user spaces and services. The structure allows for enhanced amenities, including 580 user seats, more than 80 collaborative study rooms and work- stations, a comfortable reading room with a fi replace, a café and media lounge, and multimedia spaces. The library is expected to qualify for LEED certifi cation, a voluntary program recognizing the best in sustainable features. The opening of the new facility is the culmination of a $63 million project of which $56 million was raised from private source, including gifts from the William H. Hannon Foundation and the Bill Hannon Foundation. For more information and images of the new library, visit www.lmu.edu/hannon. Library groups submit supplemental Google Book Search fi ling ACRL joined ALA and the Association of Research Libraries to submit a supplemen- tal fi ling with the U.S. District Court for the Southern District of New York overseeing the proposed Google Book Search settle- ment to address developments that have occurred since the groups submitted their fi ling on May 4. While the library associations’ position has not changed since their initial fi ling, the groups believe that recent activity, such as an amended agree- ment reached between Google and the Uni- versity of Michigan, the University of Texas- Austin, and the Uni- versity of Wisconsin- Madison, Google’s re- cent public statement regarding privacy, and the library associations’ communication with the Antitrust Division of the U.S. Department of Justice should be brought to the court’s attention. In their supplemental fi ling, the library associations call upon the court to address concerns with pricing review, to direct Google to provide more detail on privacy issues, and to broaden representation on the Books Rights Registry. Both of the fi lings emphasize that vigorous oversight by the court is needed to ensure the proposed settlement reached among Google, the Authors Guild, and the Association of American Publishers does not erode core library values, such as equity of access to information, patron privacy, and intellectual freedom. European expansion for WorldCat OCLC recently announced agreements with four national libraries and affi liated institu- tions to increase the coverage of records in WorldCat and the visibility of libraries in Eu- rope and the Middle East. Dansk BibliotekCenter (DBC) has agreed to load the Danish National Union Catalogue William H. Hannon Library at Loyola Marymount University. October 2009 499 C&RL News ACRL in Chicago—African American Studies The ACRL African American Studies Librar- ians Section (AFAS) sponsored a session titled “Black Studies and Information Tech- nology” at the 2009 ALA Annual Conference in Chicago. AFAS Chair Thomas Weissinger introduced the program, which was divided into two parts: a panel session followed by a keynote presentation. Elaine L. Westbrooks, convener of AFAS’s Cataloging Issues Discussion Group, mod- erated and introduced the fi rst panel that consisted of three vendor spokespersons: Stephanie Garrett, editor, History and Black Studies, Alexander Street Press; Sarah Nash Brechner, senior product manager, Pro- Quest; and Julianna Richardson, founder of History Makers now associated with Pro Quest. They discussed new products, marketing, and business considerations for creating their products and demonstrated features of various Black Studies databases. Kathleen Bethel, chair of the 2009 Con- ference Program Planning Committee, intro- duced the keynote speaker Abdul Alkalimat, professor of African American Studies, Uni- versity of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Alkalimat is well known for advancing the fi eld of eBlack Studies, founding the popular electronic list H-Afro-Am, and editing the Web site eBlackStudies.org. He began his talk by providing a history of the Black Studies Movement and its impact on what he termed the dialectics of Black Power. Alkalimat discussed the future debate about access to Black Studies resources that centers on whether they will be fee-based or free. He posited that for eBlack Studies there are three fundamental values that should be considered: democracy (everyone can con- nect), collective intelligence (everyone can produce), and information freedom (every- one can consume). He challenged the African American com- munity to decide who defi nes them and to decide what is self-determination. He also encouraged the audience to investigate the new Broadband USA funding for their local communities and libraries to assist in bridging the digital divide.—Rebecca Hankins, Texas A&M University, rhankins@tamu.edu with holdings into WorldCat. DBC is respon- sible for providing the Danish national digital infrastructure, as well as managing its national union catalog. OCLC and the Informationsver- bund Deutschschweiz (IDS) of Switzerland have signed an agreement to load the records from fi ve IDS consortia to WorldCat. IDS, which also includes the National Librar- ies of Luxembourg and Liechtenstein, will be loading approximately 10 million bibliographic records and 16 million holdings. In Slovenia, OCLC has fi nalized an agree- ment to load 3 million records by late 2009 with IZUM, an organization that represents the interests of more than 380 academic, pub- lic, and other libraries. Finally, MALMAD, a consortium of more than 30 Israeli academic institutions, has added resources to OCLC Connexion, OCLC FirstSearch, and WorldCat Resource Sharing. For more information, visit the OCLC WorldCat Web site at www.oclc.org/us/en /worldcat/default.htm. CrossRef grows book deposits, releases guidelines For the second year in a row, CrossRef de- posits for books are growing faster than any other content type in the reference link- ing system. As of July 2009, more than 1.8 million CrossRef Digital Object Identifi ers (DOIs) have been assigned for books. Each CrossRef DOI represents a citable book title, chapter, or reference entry that can be used to link references from scholarly content. Book deposits range from monographs with a single CrossRef DOI to reference works with tens of thousands of individual entries. To encourage publishers to increase ref- erence linking for scholarly books, and to explain how CrossRef DOIs for books work, CrossRef has published two documents. The fi rst, “Best Practices for Books,” was created by CrossRef’s Book Working Group. The second is a Frequently Asked Questions (FAQ) document explaining the relation- ship between CrossRef DOIs and other DOI C&RL News October 2009 500 Go mobile @ ACRL Midwinter workshops ACRL is offering two professional develop- ment workshops focusing on mobile tech- nology and libraries in conjunction with the ALA Midwinter Meeting Friday, January 15, 2010, in Boston. Registration is now open, with an advance registration deadline of December 4, 2009. “Anytime, Anywhere, Any Device: De- veloping a Mobile Website for Your Library” Mobile is everywhere! Is your library? While numerous commercial Web sites are now offering mobile versions to users (Google, Amazon, BBC, Starbucks), only a compara- tive handful of libraries have transitioned their library Web site to the mobile environ- ment. The good news: planning and imple- menting a mobile Web site for your library can be painless. “Text Messaging, Twitter, and Libraries” Text messaging (also known as SMS) is one of the most popular mobile methods for communication, and our 21st-century pa- trons expect information on the go by SMS. Learn how libraries are leveraging SMS, its various roles in scholarly communication, and its value for libraries. Find out how to create and assess SMS services, consider practical managerial and technical consid- erations and the skills necessary for librar- ians to create and manage SMS reference programs. The workshop will also examine various uses of Twitter, the increasingly popular microblog. Complete workshop details including registration materials are available online at www.ala.org/acrl/events. applications, such as the ISBN-A. The best practices document includes suggestions for improving reference matching results. It identifi es minimum and recommended book metadata for deposits and queries in the CrossRef system. CrossRef’s FAQ explains the differences between CrossRef DOIs used for reference linking and some new types of identifi ers emerging for books. More information about assigning DOIs to books and book reference linking, along with links to the new guidelines and FAQ, is available on the CrossRef Web site at www. crossref.org/02publishers/dois_for_books. html. InChI Trust launches The InChI Trust, a not-for-profi t organiza- tion to expand and develop the InChI Open Source chemical structure representation algorithm, formally launched in summer 2009. Developed by the International Union of Pure and Applied Chemistry (IUPAC), the IUPAC International Chemical Identifi er (InChI) is an alpha-numeric character string generated by an algorithm. InChI was de- veloped as a new, nonproprietary, interna- tional standard to represent chemical struc- tures. The InChI algorithm turns chemical structures into machine-readable strings of information. The newly launched trust aims to develop and improve on the current InChI standard, further enabling the interlinking of chemistry and chemical structures on the Web. The six- charter members of the trust—the Royal Society of Chemistry, Nature Publishing Group, FIZ- Chemie Berlin, Symyx Technologies, Taylor & Francis, and OpenEye—expect to be joined by other publishers in the near future. The initiative serves chemists, publishers, chemical software companies, chemical structure drawing ven- dors, librarians, and intermediaries by creating an international standard to represent defi ned chemical structures. Complete details are online at www.iupac. org/inchi/. UM reprints available through BookSurge The University of Michigan (UM) will make thousands of books that are no longer in copyright—including rare and one-of-a-kind titles—available as reprints on demand un- der a new agreement with BookSurge, part of the Amazon.com group of companies. The agreement gives the public the oppor- tunity to purchase reprints of a wide range of titles in the UM library for as little as a few dollars. As individual copies are sold on Amazon.com, BookSurge will print and bind the books in soft-cover form. October 2009 501 C&RL News “This agreement means that titles that have been generally unavailable for a century or more will be able to go back into print, one copy at a time,” said Paul N. Courant, UM librarian and dean of libraries. “The agree- ment enables us to increase access to public domain books and other publications that have been digitized.” The initial offering on Amazon will in- clude more than 400,000 titles in more than 200 languages. All books being offered on Amazon through BookSurge are titles that remain available in their original form at the UM Library. Free fl u resources from EBSCO In response to concerns about H1N1 and the upcoming fl u season, EBSCO has made a collection of fl u-related evidence-based clinical information available online at no charge. The site provides evidence-based clinical information from DynaMed and Nursing Reference Center, EBSCO’s clinical and nursing point-of-care databases, along with patient education information in 17 languages from Patient Education Reference Center. The information provided in the For Phy- sicians and For Nurses sections of the site consolidates evidence from multiple sources along with the latest evidence-based content for health care providers to stay current with recommendations for monitoring, diagnosing, and treating patients with fl u-like illnesses. The For Patients section includes current, easy-to-understand articles written for non- medical professionals. The site adds patient education infor- mation in 17 languages, including Arabic, Chinese (simplifi ed), Chinese (traditional), English, Farsi, French, German, Hindi, Ital- ian, Japanese, Korean, Polish, Portuguese, Russian, Spanish, Tagalog, and Vietnamese. Visit www.ebscohost.com/fl u to access the freely available information. Call for popular culture papers The Popular Culture Association and Ameri- can Culture Association (PCA/ACA) annual conference will be held March 31–April 3, 2010, in St. Louis. Scholars from numerous disciplines will meet to share their popular culture research and interests. The Libraries, Archives, Muse- ums, and Popular Culture area of PCA/ACA is soliciting papers dealing with any aspect of popular culture as it pertains to libraries, archives, museums, or research. In the past this has included descriptions of research collections or exhibits, studies of popular images of libraries or librarians, analyses of Web resources, such as Wikipe- dia and YouTube, and reports on develop- ments in technical services for collecting popular culture materials. Papers from graduate students are wel- come. Prospective presenters should send a one-page abstract (electronic preferred) with full contact information by Novem- ber 30, 2009, to Allen Ellis at ellisa@ nku.edu. For more information, visit the PCA/ACA Web site at www.pcaaca.org. Emergency Response Planning in College Libraries Emergency Response Planning in College Li- braries, number 40 in the ACRL CLIP Notes series, is now available. Compiled by Mar- cia Thomas and Anke Voss, and edited by Thomas, Emergency Response Planning in College Libraries provides information on disaster and emergency response plan- ning and management to assist librarians in the creation and updates of emergency re- sponse plans. The title updates Emergency Planning and Management in College Libraries (CLIP Note # 17) with responses to a revised survey and the compilation of newer plans and policies that refl ect recent events such as Hurricane Katrina and Sept. 11. Included documents contain procedures for coping with a wide range of potential emergencies, from power failures to armed intruders, and a bibliography points to ar- ticles, books, and professionally developed Web sites containing extensive documenta- tion on current best practices. Emergency Response Planning in College Libraries is available for purchase through the ALA Online Store (www.alastore.ala.org) and by telephone order at (866) 746-7252 in the United States or (770) 442-8633 for international customers.