jan10a.indd C&RL News January 2010 6 N e w s f r o m t h e F i e l dDavid Free Dedication ceremony for the William Robertson Coe Library. Wyoming library renovation Dedication for the addition and renovation to the University of Wyoming’s (UW) William Robertson Coe Library was held November 19, 2009. The addition and renovation of Coe Library includes 20 group study rooms and 180 computer terminals. Located east of the existing library, the 94,500 square-foot addi- tion is designed to shelve a capacity of 1.4 million books. The Wyoming State Legislature allocat- ed $45 million for the project in 2005 and another $4.9 million in 2007. Pri- vate donors con- tributed $1.2 mil- lion. New spaces within Coe Library, designed to refl ect student’s learning styles, include fl ex- ible study space, quiet study spaces, and the integration of technology with instruction services. UW libraries’ collections include an ex- tensive media collection of fi lms, television programming, and music. This collection sup- ports the inclusion of media in teaching and student projects. The new Coe Library wing additionally houses the Grace Raymond He- bard Wyoming Collection within the Chisum Special Collections Room. Students research- ing Wyoming history now have improved access to the collection. ACRL TechConnect Looking for information about the impact of technology on academic and research librar- ies? Best practices for launching technology projects at your library? Then the new ACRL TechConnect Webpage is the place for you. For your convenience, we’ve identifi ed all the ACRL technology-related events, profes- sional development opportunities, publica- tions, articles, podcasts, and communities and linked them from one handy location. Visit ACRL TechConnect frequently to see what’s new. ACRL TechConnect is online at www.ala.org/ala/mgrps/divs/acrl/proftools /techconnect/index.cfm. Oberlin College faculty unanimously endorses open access On November 18, 2009, the Oberlin Col- lege General Faculty unanimously endorsed a resolution to make their scholarly articles openly accessible on the Internet. As a result of the measure, the schol- arly output of the Oberlin faculty will become available to a much broader national and inter- national audience. The Oberlin reso- lution is similar to policies passed at Harvard University, the Massachusetts Institute of Tech- nology, the Univer- sity of Kansas, and Trinity University. “I’m delighted that Oberlin’s faculty and staff have made this important commitment to open access,” said Ray English, Azariah Smith Root director of libraries. “The movement for open access to schol- arly research information is international in scope and growing rapidly as academic institutions, research-funding agencies, and policy makers see the benefi ts of unfettered access to scholarly research. The library looks forward to putting in place the support structures that are needed to carry out this important initiative.” Under the new policy, Oberlin faculty and professional staff will make their peer- reviewed, scholarly articles openly accessible in a digital archive managed by the Oberlin College Library as part of the OhioLINK Digital Resource Commons. Oberlin authors may opt out of the policy for a specifi c article if they are not in a position to sign journal publish- ing agreements that are compatible with the policy, or for other reasons. January 2010 7 C&RL News A New Year, An Unending Legacy for the National Forum on Information Literacy On October 15 2009, a seminal event high- lighted the 20th anniversary celebration of the National Forum on Information Literacy (NFIL), held at the Carnegie Endowment for International Peace in Washington, D.C. President Obama issued a proclamation establishing October as National Informa- tion Literacy Awareness Month, a crowning achievement for the Forum, its leadership, and member organizations. In a way, it was de facto recognition of the 20-year legacy of the National Forum in promoting infor- mation literacy at home and abroad. Critical to the success of the Na- tional Forum was t h e p a s s i o n a t e commitment and dedication of its fi rst chair, Patricia Senn Breivik, vice president of Ne- hemiah Communi- cations. The anni- versary celebration was also a tribute to her leadership and unswerving belief in the empowering infl u- ence of information literacy philosophy and practice, not only for individuals, but for us a nation. Breivik received proclamations from ACRL, the Australian Library and Information Association’s information literacy group (ALIA Pathways), among other tributes and accolades. In honor of the 20th anniversary, the Board of Directors of the National Forum established several awards that would refl ect the NFIL legacy and mission. Also recognized that evening were the fi rst recipients of newly established NFIL achievement awards for 2009: • Congressman Major R. Owens, ret. received the Information Literacy Drum Major Award for exceptional service and dedication to promoting infor mation literacy. A deeply passionate, legislative ac- tivist and staunch champion of the rights of unserved and underserved Americans, Owens is a long-time information literacy advocate and the first librarian to serve in Congress. • F. “Woody” Horton, the Patricia Senn Breivik Information Literacy Award recipi- ent, served as one of the chief architects of two, seminal international policy statements on information literacy—the Prague Declara- tion and the Alexandria Proclamation. • The National Education Association, recipient of the National Forum on Informa- tion Literacy Advocacy Award, has been a staunch supporter of many National Forum activities throughout the years, most nota- bly the fi rst Informa- tion Literacy Summit held in Washington, D.C. in 2006. Also joining the festivities that eve- ning was Paul G. Zurkowski, former president of the In- formation Industry Association, credited with coining the term “information literacy” in 1974. Zurkowski perceived information-literate people as hav- ing the “techniques and skills for utilizing the wide range of information tools as well as primary sources in molding information- solutions to their problems.” Thirty fi ve years later, we fi nally receive national recognition of its critical importance to our well-being as a nation in the 21st century—an undeniable achievement. A new year brings new challenges. It also brings old baggage. Our mission is expan- sive—mainstreaming information literacy across the American landscape. We still have much work to do. National Information Literacy Awareness Month is our clarion call to promote information literacy activities nationwide. Diversity is key. We welcome your ideas in strengthening our mission to empower all Americans with the skill set to pursue a better quality of life now and in the future. Won’t you join us?!—Lana W. Jackman, National Forum on Information Literacy, lj@infolit.org C&RL News January 2010 8 2010 ACRL Scholarly Communication Roadshow ACRL is taking scholarly communication on the road again in 2010 with “Scholarly Communication 101: Starting with the Basics.” Recognizing that scholarly com- munication issues are central to the work of all academic librarians and all types of institutions, ACRL is pleased to offer this free half-day workshop to libraries across the country. Led by two expert present- ers, this structured interactive overview of the scholarly communication system highlights individual or institutional stra- tegic planning and action. Four modules focus on new methods of scholarly pub- lishing and communication, copyright and intellectual property, economics, and open access. The application for the 2010 road show is now available. Institutions interested in hosting “Scholarly Communication 101” should apply by Monday, February 8, 2010. Hosts must partner with, and invite staff from, at least one other institution. Com- plete details are on the ACRL Web site at www.ala.org/ala/mgrps/divs/acrl/issues /scholcomm/roadshow.cfm. The resolution also creates an institutional license that gives Oberlin College the legal right to make the articles accessible on the Internet through the digital archive. The resolution further encourages, but does not require, authors to submit publications other than peer-reviewed articles in the same man- ner. The text of the faculty resolution is avail- able online at tinyurl.com/ykyfz2j. NYC apartment history Columbia University Libraries recently launched the New York Real Estate Bro- chure Collection, a resource for studying and conducting research about New York City apartment buildings. The collection can be browsed or searched by address, building name, neighborhood, architect, and owner/ agent. Buildings are also encoded with GIS coordinates so that locations and neighbor- hoods can be displayed using Google Maps. Users of the site are able to contribute com- ments about individual buildings, thereby enabling the creation of an even richer set of descriptions and potentially valuable histori- cal context. The fi rst release of the new Web collec- tion includes approximately 800 buildings in the borough of Brooklyn, displaying more than 3,000 images of brochures, drawings, fl oor plans, and marketing material. In early 2010, material for buildings in the borough of Manhattan will be added to the online collec- tion, with content from other boroughs to be added over the next year. When completed, the collection will represent more than 4,100 buildings. The collection was donated to Columbia’s Avery Architectural and Fine Arts Library by Yale Robbins, Henry Robbins, and David Magier in 1986 and consists of more than 9,000 items that document residential and commercial real estate development in the fi ve boroughs of New York and surrounding areas from the 1920s to the 1970s. The collection is available online at nyre.cul.columbia.edu/. Fulbright speeches online Fifty speeches delivered by Senator James William Fulbright (1905–95) are now avail- able on the University of Arkansas Libraries’ Web site. The digital library collection, titled “A Calm Voice in a Strident World: Senator J.W. Fulbright Speaks,” contains the text of selected speeches, ranging from comments regarding Fulbright’s dismissal as president of the University of Arkansas in 1941, to re- marks censuring Senator Joseph McCarthy’s far-ranging investigations, and criticisms of U.S. involvement in the war in Vietnam. The Fulbright speeches are part of the University Libraries’ digital library collections. The libraries’ special collections department digitized the speeches, which represent a small portion of the J. William Fulbright Papers held by the department. Additional information on the Web site, including photographs, a biog- raphy, a detailed timeline of Fulbright’s life, and a bibliography of materials both by and about Fulbright, provide historical context. The Web site also includes a link to the fi nding aid for the entire collection of Fulbright papers housed in the special collections department. Fulbright represented Arkansas in the Con- gress of the United States for three decades following World War II. During his one term January 2010 9 C&RL News On November 5, ACRL President Lori Goetsch presented the 2009 ACRL Excellence in Academic Libraries Award in the college category to the staff of the Hollins University Wyndham Robertson Library. Pictured (L-R) are Joan Ruelle, Hollins University Librarian; Goetsch; Hannah Bucholz from award sponsor Blackwell’s Book Services; and Wyndham Robertson, for whom the library is named. in the House of Representatives and four terms in the Senate, Fulbright was a voice of calm in the halls of Congress, counseling international cooperation, the exchange of information, and support for the United Nations. Access to the Fulbright speeches is available free of charge at scipio.uark.edu/. UCSD/MCASD partner for the arts The Museum of Contemporary Art San Diego (MCASD) and the University of California-San Di- ego (UCSD) have formed a new partnership that will expand student and faculty access to more than 8,000 visual art cata- logs and related materials. The agreement will also provide MCASD curatorial staff with ac- cess to the vast holdings of the UCSD libraries, the largest aca- demic library system south of Los Angeles. The transfer of art materials to UCSD will integrate access to these catalogs and other materials with all the resources—more than 7 million print and electronic items. “While this project has been in the works for several years, now more than ever it makes sense to combine our resources where there are strong benefi ts and effi ciencies to be achieved,” said Hugh M. Davies, David C. Copley director of MCASD. “MCASD’s curators will gain access to one of the great academic libraries on the West Coast. We are also pleased that this collection of visual art books will be accessible to students and faculty at UC-San Diego and will benefi t teaching and research in the arts.” To date, MCASD has transferred more than 8,000 of its art volumes to the UCSD libraries. Most of the materials are catalogs accrued via the museum’s long-standing international museum library exchange program, and are now being housed at the UCSD Arts Library. The collection will grow annually as MCASD continues to produce between one and three scholarly catalogs each year, and will also pro- vide a number of volumes via its international museum library exchange program. Addition- ally, MCASD curators will recommend titles to the UCSD Arts Library that support MCASD research needs. HathiTrust launches full text search A year after its launch, HathiTrust Digital Library has announced the addition of full- text searching capabilities across the entire li- brary. Researchers can now search public do- main and in copyright works by keyword or phrase across the 1.6 billion pages (4.6 mil- lion volumes) in the HathiTrust collections. Based on open source Solr/Lucene technol- ogy, the service expands on an experimental search of public domain volumes introduced in November 2008. In combination with the HathiTrust Digital Library’s bibliographic data, the new functional- ity allows researchers to more effi ciently locate items relevant to their research. It also lays the foundation for future services, such as full-text search with faceted browsing and “more like this” options, computational research. HathiTrust is a collaboration of the 13 universities of the Committee on Institutional Cooperation, the University of California system, and the Uni- versity of Virginia, and currently includes digi- tized volumes from the University of Michigan, University of California, Indiana University, and the University of Wisconsin. Visit HathiTrust at www.hathitrust.org.