jan10b.indd C&RL News January 2010 32 Vice-president/president-elect Frank D’Andraia is service professor in the department of information studies at the University at Albany-State University of New York (SUNY), a position he has held since 2009. From 2005 to 2009, he was dean of library faculty and director of university libraries at the University at Albany-SUNY. Prior to that, D’Andraia was dean of library services and professor of library science at the University of Montana (2000–05). He also worked at the University of North Dakota, where he served as director of libraries (1990–99), and was head of the university libraries technical services division of the University of California-Riverside (1985–90). D’Andraia was assistant director of libraries for technical services and associate profes- sor of library science at the University of Louisiana-Lafayette (1979–85), where he also served as serials librarian and associate professor of library science (1975–79). His activities in ACRL include serving as cochair of the 14th National Conference Colleagues Committee (2007–09), and as a member of the 14th National Conference Executive Committee (2007–09). He served as chair of the Marketing Academic and Re- search Libraries Committee (2004–08) and was a member of the Advocacy Coordinating Committee (2006–08). D’Andraia was a mem- ber of the 9th National Conference Invited Papers Subcommittee (1997–99) and was chair of the Current Topics Planning Commit- tee (1993–95). He was ACRL’s representative to the RTSD’s Cataloging and Classifi cation Section, Description and Access Committee (1988–90) and served as a member of the University Libraries Section Conference Pro- gram Planning Committee (1992). His ALA activities include serving as a member of the ALCTS Fund Raising Committee (2000–03) and as chair of the ALCTS Membership Committee (1994–95). D’Andraia was a member of the ALA Mem- bership Promotion Task Force (1994–95) and served a term as chair of the ALCTS E. J. Piercy Award Committee (1992–93). He was a LITA Editorial Board Member, Infor- mation Technology and Libraries (1989–93) and served as chair of the ALCTS Blackwell/ North America Scholarship Award Commit- tee (1989–90). D’Andraia was chair of the ALCTS Technical Services Administrators of Medium-sized Research Libraries Discussion Group (1988–89), was a member of the ALCTS Regional Serials Workshop Committee (1983–85), and was on the ALCTS Member- ship Committee (1994). D’Andraia’s work with state and regional associations includes serving as president of the California Library Association Inland Empire Chapter (1997–98). He was a mem- ber of the OCLC Advisory Committee on College and University Libraries (1992–96), and he was chair of the North Dakota State Library’s Governor’s Advisory Council on Li- ACRL candidates for 2010 A look at who’s running for offi ce Frank D’Andraia Joyce L. Ogburn January 2010 33 C&RL News braries (1994–95). He was an Advisory Board member of the NorthWestNet Information Resources (1993-95) and served as president- elect of the EPSCoR Science Information Group Executive board (2005). D’Andraia was chair of the Online Dakota Information Network (ODIN) Advisory Council (1999) and served as chair of the California Library Association’s Chapter Relations Committee (1989). He was also secretary of the Uni- versity of California’s Librarian’s Association (1989). D’Andraia received a grant from the Nor- wegian Information Services (1994) and was awarded a United States Army Commenda- tion Medal (1971). His publications include author, “Direc- tor’s Challenge: Academic Libraries, Risky Business or A Business at Risk?,” Journal of Library Administration (Haworth Press), Volume 24, Number 3, 1997; editor, “The Academic Library Director: Refl ections on a Position in Transition,” Journal of Library Administration (Haworth Press), Volume 24, Number 3, 1997; and author, “The Business of Libraries is Staying in Business,” Journal of Library Administration (Haworth Press), Volume 20, Number 2, 1994. D’Andraia received his master’s of library science from Simmons College. He received his master of arts degree in History from Northeastern University, and he earned his bachelor of science degree in Secondary Education/History from Boston State College. Joyce L. Ogburn is university librarian and director of the University of Utah Marriott Library, a position she has held since 2005. From 1999 to 2005, she was associate direc- tor at the University of Washington. Prior to that, she was assistant university library at Old Dominion University (1996–99). She served as chief acquisitions librarian at Yale University (1991–96), and was an acquisitions librarian at Penn State University (1984–01). Her activities in ACRL include serving as the scholarly communication column editor for C&RL News (2006–09), as cochair of the Scholarly Communications Committee (2006– 08), and as a member of the Choice Editorial Board (2000–04). She was the founder and editor of ANSSWeb (1995–2003), and was chair of the Anthropology and Sociology Sec- tion (ANSS) (1997–98). Ogburn also served as editor of ANSS Currents (1996–97). Her ALA activities include serving as chair of the ALCTS Chief Collection Development Offi cers of Large Research Libraries (2004–05) and as chair of the ALCTS Acquisition of Library Materials Section Education Com- mittee (1991–92). She was a member of the ALA Library Education Assembly (1990–92) and was chair of the ALCTS Education Com- mittee (1990-91). Ogburn’s work with state and regional associations includes serving on the Greater Western Library Alliance Board of Directors (2009–present) and serving on the Associa- tion of Research Libraries Scholarly Commu- nications Steering Committee (2008–present). She is a member of the Center for Research Libraries Board of Directors (2007–present), and she served on the SPARC Steering Com- mittee (2005–07). She was also a member of the American Anthropological Association Librarians Advisory Group (2001–05). Ogburn was a UCLA Senior Fellow (2001), and she was elected to Phi Beta Kappa (1978). Her publications include author of “Moderately Risky Business: Challenging Librarians to Assume More Risk in an Era of Opportunity,” Risk and Entrepreneurship in Libraries: Seizing Opportunities for Change (ALA/ALCTS), 2009; author, “Defi ning and Achieving Success in the Movement to Change Scholarly Communication,” Library Resources and Technical Services, 2008; and coauthor, “Establishing a Research Agenda for Scholarly Communications: A Call for Community Engagement” (ACRL), 2007. Ogburn received her master’s of library science from the University of North Caro- lina-Chapel Hill. She received her master’s degree in Anthropology from Indiana Univer- sity, and earned her bachelor of arts degree in Anthropology from the University of North Carolina-Greensboro. C&RL News January 2010 34 ACRL Board of Directors Director-at-Large: Mark Emmons, Coordi- nator, Information Literacy and Instruction Services, University of New Mexico; John H. Pollitz, Director of Libraries, University of Wisconsin-Eau Claire. Director-at-Large: Kenley Neufeld, Li- brary Director, Santa Barbara City College; Mary Ann Sheble, Dean of Libraries, Oakland Community College. Councilor: Susan M. Allen, Associate Director and Chief Librarian, Development and Collaborative Initiatives, Getty Research Institute; Maggie Farrell, Dean of Libraries, University of Wyoming. Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Studies Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Binh P. Le, As- sociate Librarian, Penn State University. Member-at-Large: Hong Cheng, Librar- ian, University of California-Los Angeles; Tao Yang, East Asian Librarian, Rutgers University. African American Studies Librarians Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Rebecca Han- kins, Assistant Professor of Library Science, Texas A&M University; Gennice W. King, Associate Library Director, Xavier University of Louisiana. Secretary: Shauna Collier, Librarian, Sonja Haynes Stone Center, UNC-Chapel Hill. Member-at-Large: Angela Gooden; Malaika Grant, Librarian for African and African American Studies, University of Minnesota. Anthropology and Sociology Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Terrence W. Epperson, Social Sciences Librarian, The Col- lege of New Jersey; Gabrielle Margaret Toth, Reference and Instruction Librarian, Chicago State University. Member-at-Large: Juliann Couture, Social Sciences Librarian, Arizona State Uni- versity; Annie Paprocki, Anthropology and Sociology Librarian, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Arts Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Megan Smith- Heafy, Subject Specialist for the Arts and Humanities, Nova Southeastern University. Community and Junior College Libraries Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: B. Nan Schichtel, Information Literacy and Outreach Librarian, Grand Rapids Community College. Secretary: Carl A. Antonucci, Director of Library Services, Capital Community College. College Libraries Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Frank Quinn, Director of Ryan Library, Point Loma Naza- rene University; Celia E. Rabinowitz, Director of the Library, St. Mary’s College of Maryland. Secretary: Eric A. Kidwell, Director of the Library/Professor, Huntingdon College; Stacy L. Voeller, Electronic Resources Librarian, Min- nesota State University Moorhead. Member-at-Large: Carolyn Carpan, Di- rector of Public Services, Hamilton College; Ethelle S. Bean, Associate Vice President/Di- rector of the Library, Dakota State University. Distance Learning Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Samantha Schmehl Hines, Distance Education Coordina- tor, University of Montana. Secretary/Archivist: Timothy Peters, Director of Off-Campus Library Services, Central Michigan University; Brian Arnold Hickam, Human Services Librarian, University of Toledo. Member-at-Large: Alice Daugherty, In- formation Literacy Librarian, Louisiana State University. Education and Behavioral Sciences Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Vanessa J. Earp, Education Librarian/Assistant Professor, Kent State University; Sally Neal, Associate Dean for Public Services, Butler University. Member-at-Large: Catherine Helen Mi- chael, Communications and Legal Studies Librarian, Ithaca College; Cheryl Goldenstein, January 2010 35 C&RL News Associate Librarian, Reference/Instruction/Col- lection Development, University of Wyoming. Instruction Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Stephanie A. Michel, Reference/Instruction Librarian, Uni- versity of Portland; Merinda McLure, Applied Human Sciences Librarian, Colorado State University. Secretary: Anne-Marie Deitering, F. McEd- ward Professor, Undergrad Learning Initiatives, Oregon State University; Mireille Djenno, Librarian for the First-Year Experience, Drake University. Member-at-Large: Meghan Sitar, Instruc- tion and Outreach Librarian, University of Texas; Mark Szarko, Instruction Coordina- tor, Massachusetts Institute of Technology; Merinda Kaye Hensley, Instructional Services Librarian, University of Illinois at Urbana- Champaign; Amy L. Deuink, Reference and Instruction Librarian, Penn State University. Literatures in English Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Faye Christen- berry, English Studies Librarian, University of Washington; Shawn Martin, Scholarly Commu- nication Librarian, University of Pennsylvania. Secretary: Tim Hackman, Librarian for English and Linguistics, University of Maryland; Aline Soules, Library Faculty, California State University. Member-at-Large: Melissa S. Van Vuuren, English Librarian, James Madison University; Laura Sue Fuderer, Subject Librarian for English and French Literature, University of Notre Dame. Law and Political Science Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Chad Kahl, Li- brarian for Criminal Justice and Politics and Government, Illinois State University; Leslie R. Homzie, Senior Reference Librarian/Bibliogra- pher, Boston College. Member-at-Large: Brian E. Coutts, Head, Department of Library Public Services, West- ern Kentucky University; Sidney D. Lowe, Head, Research and Information, University of Nevada-Las Vegas. Rare Books and Manuscripts Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Mike Kelly, Head, Archives and Special Collections, Amherst College; R. Arvid Nelsen, Archivist, Charles Babbage Institute, University of Minnesota. Member-at-Large: Nina Marie Schneider, Head Cataloger, William Andrews Clark Me- morial Library, UCLA; Jennifer Hain Teper, Conservation Librarian, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Slavic and Eastern European Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Liladhar R. Pendse, Librarian for Slavic/Eastern European/ Central Asia, UCLA. Science and Technology Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Maribeth Sle- bodnik, Biomedical Sciences Information Specialist, Purdue University; Nora A. Hillyer, Instruction/Reference Librarian, University of Nebraska at Omaha. Publicity Offi cer: Norah Xiao, Science and Engineering Librarian, University of South- C&RL News January 2010 36 ern California; Steven M. Adams, Biological and Life Sciences Librarian, Princeton University. Member-at-Large: William Simpson, Senior Assistant Librarian, University of Dela- ware; Maxine Schmidt, Reference and Instruc- tion Librarian, University of Massachusetts. University Libraries Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Jan Kemp, As- sistant Dean for Public Services, University of Texas-San Antonio; Carol G. Hixson, Dean of Library, University of South Florida-St. Petersburg. Member-at-Large: Michele M. Reid, Dean of Libraries, North Dakota State University; Rebecca Bernthal, Liaison Librarian, University of Nebraska-Lincoln; Rachel Augello Erb, Sys- tems Librarian, University of Nebraska-Omaha. Western European Studies Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: James P. Niessen, World History Librarian, Rutgers University; Gail P. Hueting, Principal Cataloger, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Secretary: Karen Green, Ancient and Medieval History and Religion Librarian, Columbia University; Jonathan C. Marner, Cataloging and German Resources Librarian, Texas A&M University. Member-at-Large: Jeff Staiger, Librarian for Romance Languages and Classics, Univer- sity of Oregon; Heidi Madden, Librarian for Western European Studies, Duke University. Women’s Studies Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Pamela Mann, Reference, Instruction and Outreach Librar- ian, St. Mary’s College of Maryland; Chi- mene Elise Tucker, Reference and Instruction Librarian, University of California-Santa Barbara. Secretary: Erin Gratz, Librarian, As- sistant Professor, University of La Verne; Heather Lee Tompkins, Reference and In- struction Librarian, Carleton College. Member-at-Large: Phyllis Holman Weis- bard, Women’s Studies Librarian, University of Wisconsin.