jan10b.indd C&RL News January 2010 48 Ed. note: To ensure that your personnel news is considered for publication, write to Ann-Christe Galloway, production editor, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e -mail: agalloway@ ala.org; fax: (312) 280-2520. maintain, preserve, and assist users with information from the federal government, providing the information at no cost. Sears was fi rst appointed to the Depository Li- brary Council by Robert C. Tapella, pub- lic printer of the U.S. Government Printing Offi ce, in July 2008. Sears has directed the government documents department for the UNT Libraries since August 2007. She pre- viously worked 23 years for the Tulsa City- County Library. Under her direction, the library received the fi rst Federal Depository Library of the Year award from the FDLP in 2003. In addition to her work with the De- pository Library Council, Sears is currently serving as coordinator of the ALA’s Gov- ernment Documents Roundtable State and Local Documents Task Force. She is also a member of the Government Documents Roundtable of the Texas Library Associa- tion, after previously serving on the Okla- homa Library Association’s government documents roundtable as chair, cochair, and secretary. Keith Ann Stiverson, has been named chairman of the Legal Information Preser- vation Alliance, an organization of more than 100 academic and state law libraries and other organizations concerned with the preservation of born-digital and print legal information. Stiverson will serve a one-year term Sharon Tahirkheli, director of information systems at the Ameri- can Geological Insti- tute (AGI), was hon- ored with the 2009 Mary B. Ansari Dis- tinguished Service Award. The award is given by the Geosci- ence Information So- ciety in recognition of signifi cant contri- Kelly Jacobsma, director of libraries at Hope College, has been appointed the fi rst recipient of the college’s Genevra Thome Begg Director of Libraries endowed chair. A member of the Hope library faculty since 1988, Jacobsma became director of libraries on July 1, 2008. In addition to recognizing faculty members for excellence, endowed chairs provide funding for summer re- search projects as well as some salary sup- port. Among other grant projects, Jacobsma was codirector (2001–02) of a joint initia- tive with the department of English focused on information and literacy writing fund- ed through an SBC Ameritech Partnership Award for Independent Colleges. Her on- going professional activities have included serving on committees and in elected posi- tions with the Michigan Library Association and as a MeL (Michigan Electronic Library) trainer on behalf of the Michigan Library Consortium. She is a member of the ACRL. Prior to joining Hope College, Jacobsma was with Central Michigan University for six years, fi rst as a regional librarian and then as manager of off-campus library ser- vices. Suzanne Sears, head of the government documents department in the University of North Texas (UNT) Libraries, has been elected chair of the Federal Depository Li- brary Program’s (FDLP) Depository Library Council to the Public Printer. She will serve as chair beginning Oct. 1, 2010, after a year of serving as vice chair of the council. The FDLP was established by Congress in 1813 to ensure that the American public has ac- cess to U.S. government information. More than 1,200 libraries throughout the United States and its territories collect, organize, P e o p l e i n t h e N e w s Ann-Christe Galloway Sharon Tahirkheli January 2010 49 C&RL News Maria Bonn has been named associate university librarian for publishing at the University of Michigan. Bridget Burke is now the head of the Alaska and Polar Regions Collections at the University of Alaska-Fairbanks. Thomas Cetwinski is now director of administrative services at the University of South Florida Libraries. Gail P. Clement joined the faculty at Texas A&M University Libraries as outreach librarian in the department of digital services and scholarly communications. Natalie Erb has been appointed chief fi nancial offi cer of LYRASIS. Sarah Fletcher has been appointed Web services librarian at the University of South Carolina’s School of Medicine Library. Michelle Foss has joined the faculty of Marston Science Library at the University of Florida as a science and technology librarian. Kate Ganski is now library instruction coordinator at the University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee Libraries. Gregory Grossmeier is the new copy- right specialist at the University Library at the University of Michigan. Heidi M. Hanson is the new electronic resources librarian at Arkansas Tech Univer- sity in Russellville, Arkansas. butions to the geoscience information pro- fession. Tahirkheli has worked in the fi eld of geoscience information for more than 30 years. She started as an indexer for GeoRef and now oversees production of that da- tabase as well as other AGI information products, such as the Cold Regions Bibli- ography Project. Tahirkheli was instrumen- tal in establishing GeoScienceWorld, an ag- gregate of linked and interoperable Earth science journals, and served both on the GSW Board of Directors and as the organi- zation’s treasurer. As a member of the Man- agement Council of the Digital Library for Earth System Education (DLESE), she led cataloging efforts that provided metadata for the DLESE Community Collection. Her service in the international arena includes the Working Group for the Multilingual Thesaurus of Geosciences—an initiative of the IUGS Commission for the Manage- ment and Application of Geoscience Infor- mation. She is a past president (2001) of the Geoscience Information Society. A p p o i n t m e n t s Doris Ann Sweet is the new director of library services at Assumption College. Sweet was associate director for research services in the library at Simmons College. In her work at Simmons, Sweet directed a $661,000 MassBLAST grant to introduce teens to librarianship as a career through internship opportunities. She is currently serving on ACRL’s Intellectual Freedom Committee. Stu Baker is now associate university librarian for library technology at Northwest- ern University Library. Theresa Beaulieu has joined the re- search and instructional support department at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries. Hannah Bennett is now architecture librarian at Princeton University. Advertisers Annual Reviews 25 Archival Products 36 ASCE cover 3 Association of Research 13, cover 4 Libraries Choice Reviews Online 39 CRC Press 1 CyberTools for Libraries 15 Georgia Southern University 24 John Wiley 2, 37 Liberty Fund 29 Peabody Professional Institutes 20 Project Muse 43 Rittenhouse Book Distributors 5 Routledge Journals 35 Serial Solutions cover 2 University of Oklahoma Libraries 41 C&RL News January 2010 50 Lorelei Harris has accepted the posi- tion of liaison librarian at the University of Michigan’s Health Sciences Libraries. Yolanda P. Jones has been named as- sistant director of the Wayne State University Library System’s Arthur Neef Law Library. Caroline (Carrie) Kent has accepted a position as director of research support and instruction at the Connecticut College Library. Ellen Knudson is now associate in the department of special and area studies col- lections at the University of Florida. Ahmed Kraima is now the multicul- tural studies librarian at the University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries. Josh Lupkin has been appointed refer- ence librarian-humanities for the Central University Libraries at Southern Methodist University in Dallas, Texas. Molly Mathias has been appointed Daniel M. Soref Learning Commons coordi- nator at University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee Libraries. Carla Montori is now head of preserva- tion at the University of Maryland Libraries. Joann Palmeri has been appointed his- tory of science librarian at the University of Oklahoma Libraries. Susanna Pathak is the new associate director of the University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee Libraries. Jane Marie Pinzino has been appointed humanities research librarian at Florida State University. Nancy Poehlmann is the new rare books librarian in the special and area stud- ies collections department at the University of Florida. Julia Proctor is the new social science data librarian at the University of Michigan Li- brary within the spatial and numeric data unit. Jeannette Robinson has been appointed cataloger/metadata librarian in technical services at the University of Wisconsin- Milwaukee Libraries. Marianne Ryan is now associate uni- versity librarian for public services at North- western University Library. Alexandra Shadid has been appointed librarian of the Western History Collections at the University of Oklahoma Libraries. Brena Smith is now coordinator of reference, outreach, and instruction for the Division of Library and Information Resources at California Institute of the Arts. Jean Song is the new research and informatics coordinator for the Health Sciences Libraries at the University of Michigan. Holly South has joined the staff at BCR (Bibliographical Center for Research) as project coordinator for a National Endow- ment for the Humanities-funded project, Digital Preservation for Digital Collabora- tives. Kathryn Summey is the new public services librarian at the University of Flor- ida-Jacksonville’s Borland Library. Brian Vivier has accepted the position of coordinator of public services in the Asia Library at the University of Michigan Library, selecting Western language materi- als on East Asia. Rebecca Welzenbach has accepted the position of digital publishing project man- ager in the University of Michigan Library’s Scholarly Publishing Offi ce. Ning Zou has been appointed instruc- tion coordinator at Dominican University Library in River Forest, Illinois. Cindy Zwies has joined the Physics Library staff at Stanford University as the fi xed-term collections consolidation spe- cialist. R e t i r e m e n t s Alice Hudson, chief of the Lionel Pincus and Princess Firyal Map Division at the New York Public Library, has retired after 39 years of service. Grace York retired as coordinator of gov- ernment documents and political science librarian at the University of Michigan Li- January 2010 51 C&RL News brary on August 31, 2009. York joined the University Library staff as a serials cata- loger in 1969 and became a government documents reference librarian the follow- ing year. She was best known distributing government information via the Internet beginning in the early 1990s. York re- ceived numerous recognitions, including ALA GODORT’s James Bennett Childs Award, ACRL Law and Political Science Section’s Marta Lange Award, Michigan GODORT’s Paul Thurston Award, and the University of Michigan Librarian Achieve- ment Award. D e a t h s Janet Bergquist Dixon, maps librarian; liaison to the geosciences, environmental dynamics, and anthropology programs and departments; and full librarian/full profes- sor in the University of Arkansas Libraries, has died. Dixon served as Environmental Specialist and Park Planner for the Plan- ning Division, Southeast/Southwest Team of the U.S. National Park Service in Den- ver, Colorado. She worked in 1982 as a research assistant at the University of Ar- kansas in the Department of Botany and Microbiology, then at the University Librar- ies as an hourly staff member in 1983, and was promoted as a library technical assis- tant III in 1984. She was appointed a vis- iting assistant librarian in 1989, served as acting head of the Periodicals Room for a year in 1998, was promoted to associate li- brarian in 2001, and was then promoted to librarian and awarded tenure in 2007. She accumulated a total of 26 years of service at the University of Arkansas. During Dix- on’s tenure as maps librarian at the Univer- sity Libraries, the map collection grew by more than 19,000 maps, the historic and archival maps in Special Collections were organized and cataloged for the fi rst time, and library services related to pioneering electronic map and aerial images of Arkan- sas, made in conjunction with the Center for Advanced Spatial Technologies through Geographical Information Systems (GIS), were initiated and grew rapidly. Under her leadership, the popular GIS Day was implemented in 1998 and continues each year, attracting numerous campus faculty and students, as well as community citi- zens, businesses, and organizations. has areas on researching, study skills, presentation skills, and personal research. The fi nal section is a group of forums for users to contribute to and read. Many of the words and terms could be found in other places, and other words you would expect to fi nd are missing. For instance, a quick check of the education dic- tionary did not contain an entry on “Bloom’s taxonomy.” The medical dictionary was the most thorough, which is understandable since the site specializes in the Online Medical Dic- tionary. While the prefi x, suffi x, abbreviation, and acronym dictionaries were entertaining, they were not exhaustive. The visualizer, the most academic of the “Word Tools,” could be useful as a thesaurus. The most helpful area of the site is the section on study skills; it contains information to help students write a paper, abstract, litera- ture review, or bibliography. Each discussion begins with a list of instructional objectives and the time it should take to complete the lesson. “Reading” has a discussion of reading skills, which could be very useful for new college students. The site is entirely funded through adver- tising revenue, which is annoying at times. The “Study Skills” section is worthwhile, but the site’s use of advertising greatly devalues what could be a useful resource. There are more scholarly and thorough resources on the Web.—Delores Carlito, University of Alabama-Birmingham, delo@ uab.edu (“Internet reviews,” continued from page 43)