feb10b (2).indd C&RL News February 2010 80 John Jaeger Holocaust resources on the Web Finding some of the best sites John Jaeger is doctoral research and reference librarian at Dallas Baptist University, e-mail: johnja@dbu.edu © 2010 John Jaeger The Holocaust was one of the most sig-nifi cant events of the 20th century, and it had impact on many different areas, includ- ing politics, psychology, sociology, ethics, philosophy, and religion. As such, it is not surprising to fi nd that there is a great deal of Holocaust coverage on the Internet. Yet there is a kind of unevenness to the Holocaust sites, with some focused on personal and individual experiences and others of broader scope. This article draws attention to some of the best sites available. It also aims to cover some of the sites addressing related areas impacted by the Holocaust. Comprehensive sites • H-Holocaust Link (H-Net). Humanities and Social Sciences Online (H-Net) is a large site providing scholarly book reviews and other high-quality materials. Additionally, the site provides helpful links for specifi c subjects related to history, including the Holocaust. The Holocaust links are helpful and include many sites not mentioned in the above Holo- caust History site. Access: http://www.h-net. org/~holoweb/links. • Holocaust Links (Holocaust History Site). The Holocaust History Site will be dis- cussed in the historical sites section, but one part of it provides fi ve pages of annotated links to Holocaust resources. All the recom- mended sites are excellent, and the brief descriptions of those sites are helpful. Access: http://www.holocaust-history.org/links. • The Holocaust (About.com). This About.com site provides links for several different categories, including: Holocaust basics, camps, ghettos, victims, persecution, resistance, Nazis, museums and memorials, and book and movie reviews. Access: http:// history1900s.about.com/od/holocaust/tp /holocaust.htm. • The U.S. Holocaust Memorial Mu- seum. The site describes the museum as “a living memorial to the Holocaust, the United States Holocaust Memorial Museum inspires citizens and leaders worldwide to confront hatred, promote human dignity, and prevent genocide.” The museum site has resources related to education, research, history, re- membrance, and genocide. Access: http:// www.ushmm.org. • Yad Vashem. This site focuses on four primary areas in providing an ongoing memorial to the Holocaust: documentation, research, education, and commemoration. Of particular interest are the database of victims’ names and the material on righteous gentiles of the Holocaust. Access: http://www. yadvashem.org. Historical sites • The Holocaust History Project. The site is “a free archive of documents, pho- tographs, recordings, and essays regarding the Holocaust, including direct refutation of Holocaust-denial.” The large collection of essays related to historical aspects of the Ho- locaust make this site unique. Access: http:// holocaust-history.org. internet resources February 2010 81 C&RL News • Holocaust Timeline (The History Place). The History Place is a comprehen- sive site providing information on historical events and periods. It has an excellent set of Holocaust links, discussed above, and it also has a useful Holocaust timeline. The timeline is extremely detailed and is 17 pages long. It also contains links to guide the reader to more information. Access: http://www.historyplace. com/worldwar2/holocaust/timeline.html. • Internet Modern History Source- book: Holocaust. Paul Halsall has created several detailed history-related sourcebooks, and the one related to modern history has a large section on the Holocaust. Subjects covered include anti-Semitism, the “Final Solution,” ordinary Germans, and non-Jewish Holocaust victims. Access: http://www. fordham.edu/halsall/mod/modsbook44/ html. • The Nizkor Project. This site is devoted to refuting those who deny that the Holocaust occurred. In so doing, it draws upon a large amount of historical evidence that points to the reality of the Holocaust. While the site certainly refutes Holocaust-denial, it also is helpful for learning more of the historical events related to the Holocaust. Access: http:// www.nizkor.org. Reference sites • The Felix Posen Bibliographic Proj- ect. This searchable online bibliography cov- ers the topic of anti-Semitism, and it addresses all topics related to the Holocaust. One can search by author, title, subject, keyword, and journal name. Access: http://sicsa.huji.ac.il /bibsear.html. • The Holocaust Chronicle. This site originates from an excellent book, and “it includes the book’s complete text and index, plus all of the book’s images. Because Holo- caust-related developments cross news wires daily, the Web site is regularly updated.” Thus this is a very informative and helpful site. Access: http://www.holocaustchronicle.org. • Holocaust Encyclopedia. This re- source is part of the larger United States Holocaust Memorial Museum site, and its articles cover such broad categories as the Third Reich, rescue and resistance, the Holo- caust, after the Holocaust, and victims of the Nazi era. One can search for specifi c topics or browse the subjects in the encyclopedia. Access: http://www.ushmm.org/wlc/en. • Holocaust Glossary. Ths glossary is part of the larger site, “A Teacher’s Guide to the Holocaust,” which is discussed below. The glossary provides short defi nitions for more than 100 terms related to the Holo- caust. Access: http://fcit.usf.edu/holocaust /RESOURCE/glossary.htm. • The Jewish Virtual Library: The Holo- caust. The Jewish Virtual Library calls itself a “source for information about Jewish history, Israel, U.S.-Israel relations, the Holocaust, anti-Semitism, and Judaism.” The section of this online library devoted to the Holocaust guides the reader to excellent historical and informational resources. Access: http://www.jewishvirtuallibrary. org/jsource/holo.html. C&RL News February 2010 82 • Remember.org: A Cybrary of the Ho- locaust. According to the site, “Remember. org offers contributors (survivors, liberators, historians, and teachers) a place to connect and share the best research resources and stories through art, photography, painting audio/video, and remembrance.” As such, the cybrary is an online collection of interesting items, some of which are more scholarly in nature and others of which are more per- sonal. Access: http://remember.org. Subject-specifi c sites • Avalon Project: International Mili- tary Tribunal for Germany. The Avalon Project, affiliated with Yale University, provides a large amount of primary source historical material online. This particular part of the Avalon Project has material from the Nuremburg Trials, much of which is related to the Holocaust. Access: http://avalon.law. yale.edu/subject_menus/imt.asp. • Business and the Holocaust. It is easy to overlook the close relationship between corporations and the Holocaust experience. This site “provides information leading up to the Holocaust showing major ties between corporations and the Nazis with articles, book excerpts, historical and recent news media reports, war crimes trial transcripts, government, and organization resources.” This is a unique and excellent site. Access: http://www.stockmaven.com /holocaust.htm. • Fortunoff Video Archive for Ho- locaust Testimonies. This archive is “a collection of more than 4,400 videotaped interviews with witnesses and survivors of the Holocaust.” A portion of the segments of the interviews is available online. The archive is associated with Yale University’s Sterling Memorial Library. Access: http:// www.library.yale.edu/testimonies. • The Einsatzgruppen. The Ein- satzgruppen were mobile killing groups whose task was to kill Jews in the terri- tory captured in Russia. The site contains a “collection of documents, testimonies, trial transcripts and photographs documenting the brutal history of the Einsatzgruppen mobile killing units.” Access: http://www. einsatzgruppenarchives.com. • Literature of the Holocaust. This site is maintained by Al Filreis, Kelly Professor of English at the University of Pennsylvania. It provides nine pages of alphabetically-arranged links to sites on Holocaust literature. One can also search the entire site by keyword. Access: http:// www.writing.upenn.edu/~afi lreis/Holocaust /holhome.html. • A Teacher’s Guide to the Holocaust. The site describes itself as “an overview of the people and events of the Holocaust through photographs, documents, art, music, movies, and literature.” The resources are geared particularly for the teacher, and it includes activities that can be used. Access: http://fcit.usf.edu/Holocaust. Discussion lists • Center for Advanced Holocaust Studies. This moderated discussion list has more than 3,000 subscribers and focuses on academic research related to the Holo- caust. Subscribe: CAHS@LISTSERV.USHMM. ORG. • H-Genocide. This is “a discussion network for professional scholars, survi- vors of genocide, authors, historians and other interested people working in genocide studies and related fi elds.” There are more than 600 subscribers to this list. Subscribe: LISTSERV@H-NET.MSU.EDU. • H-Holocaust. This discussion list ad- dresses the Holocaust and “closely related topics like anti-semitism, and Jewish his- tory in the 1930s and 1940s . . .” The site (continues on page 87) February 2010 87 C&RL News 9. Registry of Open Access Repositories, roar.eprints.org/. 10. RoMEO, www.sherpa.ac.uk/romeo/. 11. Authors Rights Toolkit section, www. acrl.ala.org/scholcomm/node/8. 12. Authors Rights Toolkit section, www. acrl.ala.org/scholcomm/node/8. 13. Scholarship & Publication Toolkit sec- tion, www.acrl.ala.org/scholcomm/node/7. 14 Alliance for Taxpayer Access, www. taxpayeraccess.org/issues/access/index. shtml. 15. Open Citation Project, opcit.eprints. org/oacitation-biblio.html. 16. Information about Journals and the NIH Public Access Policy, publicaccess.nih. gov/submit_process_journals.htm. 17. Author Addenda Toolkit section, acrl. ala.org/scholcomm/node/41. 18. The Transformative Potential of Open Educational Resources (OER), www.arl.org /sparc/meetings/ala09mw/. 19. MIT OpenCourseWare, ocw.mit.edu/. 20. MERLOT, www.merlot.org/. 21. Connexions, cnx.org/. is focused on the interests of academics, but others can participate, as well. Approxi- mately 1,300 people subscribe to this list. Subscribe: LISTSERV@H-NET.MSU.EDU. • USHMM-T. This is the U.S. Holocaust Memorial Museum’s discussion list for Ho- locaust teachers. There are more than 250 subscribers to this list. Subscribe: USHMM- T@LISTSERV.USHMM.ORG Electronic journals • Studies in Christian-Jewish Rela- tions. Published by the Center for Christian- Jewish Learning at Boston College, this jour- nal addresses historical and contemporary issues related to the relationships between members of these two religious groups. While not focused specifi cally on the Ho- locaust, issues regarding it and the broader subject of anti-Semitism appear frequently in its articles. Access: http://escholarship. bc.edu/scjr. • War Crimes, Genocide and Crimes against Humanity. This journal is “a multidisciplinary, peer-reviewed scholarly journal dedicated to understanding the conceptualization, etiology, and prevention of violations of international criminal and humanitarian law.” Access: http://www. war-crimes.org. Conclusion The topic of the Holocaust is diffi cult to grasp in its entirety, because its impact has been so wide-ranging. However, the sites displaying in this article provide the reader with guid- ance and direction. For those focusing on very specific information, queries on discussion lists mentioned above might be of particular help. Taken as a whole, however, researching on the Holocaust makes for a fascinating and enlightening journey. 22. DiscoverEd, discovered.creativecom- mons.org/search/. 23. Creative Commons licenses, creative- commons.org/about/licenses/. 24. Journal Economics Toolkit section, www.acrl.ala.org/scholcomm/node/9. 25. Scholarship and Publishing Toolkit section, www.acrl.ala.org/scholcomm/ node/7. 26. Open Humanities Press, www. openhumanitiespress.org/. 27. Athabasca University Press, www. aupress.ca/. 28. The Campus-based Publishing Resource Center, www.arl.org/sparc/partnering/. 2 9 . U n i v e r s i t y o f C a l i f o r n i a P u b - l i s h i n g S e r v i c e s , w w w . u c p r e s s . e d u /pubservices/. 30. digitalculturebooks, www.digitalcul- ture.org/. 31. Penn State Romance Studies, roman- cestudies.psu.edu. 32. What You Can Do: Conversation- al Openings section, www.acrl.ala.org /scholcomm/node/43. (“Holocaust resources” continued from page 82)