C&RL News March 2010 126 N e w s f r o m t h e F i e l dDavid Free New UGA Special Collections Library building The University of Georgia (UGA) recently broke ground for the Richard B. Russell Building, the new home of the university’s Special Collections Library. The ground- breaking ceremony took place January 28, 2010, and featured remarks from UGA Presi- dent Michael F. Adams and University Li- brarian and Associate Provost William Gray Potter. The 115,000-square-foot building is projected to cost close to $46 million, with approximately one-third of that amount coming from private sources. The building will be named in recognition of an early pledge from the Richard B. Russell Founda- tion, which founded and continues to sup- port one of the special collections libraries to be housed in the new facility. “This building will allow the University Libraries to provide state-of-the-art storage and security for its most valuable collec- tions,” Potter said. “It will provide galleries where students and citizens can view these treasures. An auditorium, classrooms and seminar rooms will allow students to directly use these materials in instructional settings, truly making history come alive.” The new library will house the Hargrett Rare Book and Manuscript Library, a re- pository on Georgia history and culture, the Walter J. Brown Media Archive and Peabody Awards Collection, and the Richard B. Russell Library for Political Research and Studies. The building will be constructed around a 30,000 square-foot storage area with shelves that will be 30 feet high. State- of-the-art climate control will be used to provide an environment that will protect and preserve the materials for future generations. Construction is expected to take two years. Register now for ACRL/LLAMA Spring Virtual Institute Registration is now open for the ACRL/LLA- MA Spring Virtual Institute, “Doing Well by Doing Good”: Entrepreneurial Leadership for Librarians. The institute will explore different models and aspects of leader- ship and management and their impact on academic librarianship in today’s challenged and flat eco- nomic environments. The institute’s online commu- nity will provide an envi- ronment in which groups of participants, both small and large, can gather elec- tronically to learn, collab- orate, and network. The institute will offer both synchronous and asyn- chronous sessions, and programs will be archived for viewing on-demand for one year after the institute. The ACRL/LLAMA Spring Virtual Institute will be held April 21–22, 2010, with a regis- tration deadline of April 19, 2010. Complete details on the institute program, along with registration information, is available at www.acrl.org/ala/mgrps/divs/acrl/events /springvirtualinstitute.cfm. New home for New York Center for the Book The Library of Congress has approved a proposal from the New York Library As- sociation (NYLA) to become the new host of the New York Center for the Book. The New York Center for the Book is part of the Library of Congress Center for the Book’s network of centers in the 50 states, the District of Columbia, and the U.S. Virgin Islands. These affiliates carry out the na- tional center’s mission in their local areas, Rendering of University of Georgia’s Richard B. Russell Building. march10a.indd 126 2/24/2010 9:05:54 AM March 2010 127 C&RL News Library Advocacy Day travel grants To assist academic and research librar- ians in participating in the 2010 Library Advocacy Day, ACRL is providing ten $250 scholarships to attend the June 29 event in Washington, D.C. For one year only, Li- brary Advocacy Day will replace National Library Legislative Day. Library advocates from all 50 states and Washington, D.C., will meet at Upper Senate Park on the U.S. Capitol grounds to hear speakers and cheer on libraries. After the rally, participants will meet with their elected offi cials and staffs. Travel grant applicants must be ACRL Legislative Advocates and must not have attended previous National Library Leg- islative Day events. The deadline for grant applications is Friday, April 16. Grants will be awarded on a fi rst-come, fi rst-served basis. Complete details and application information is available on the ACRL Web site at www.acrl.org/ala/mgrps /divs/acrl/issues/washingtonwatch /nlldtravelgrants.cfm. Information on the ACRL Legislative Advocates Program is available at www.acrl.org/ala/mgrps /divs/acrl/issues/washingtonwatch /acrladvocates.cfm. sponsor programs that highlight their area’s literary heritage, and call attention to the importance of books, reading, literacy, and libraries. Affi liates must submit an applica- tion to become part of—and retain—their Center for the Book status, which is renew- able for a three-year period. “NYLA is this nation’s oldest state library association and one of its largest,” said NYLA Executive Director Michael J. Borges. “We represent more than 4,000 members from college, public, school and special libraries from around the state. We look forward to partnering with other organizations, like the New York State Library and the New York Council for the Humanities, to spread the Center for the Book’s message to all parts of our great state.” The Center for the Book (www.loc.gov /cfbook) was established by Congress in 1977 “to use the resources and prestige of the Library of Congress to promote books, reading, literacy and libraries.” With its many educational programs that reach readers of all ages and through its support of the National Book Festival, the Center for the Book has developed a nationwide network of organizational partners dedicated to pro- moting the wonders and benefi ts of reading. The center also oversees the new Read.gov Web site, with its exclusive “Exquisite Corpse Adventure” serialized story. UNC’s Southern Historical Collection now online Eighty years after its founding in January 1930, the Southern Historical Collection (SHC) at the University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill’s Wilson Special Collections Library is inaugurating a program to digi- tize large segments of the collections. The Digital SHC debuted January 8 with 35 col- lections digitized in their entirety, plus two more that have been partially digitized. The 8,627 scans reproduce diaries, letters, busi- ness records, and photographs that provide a window into the lives of Americans in the South from the 18th through mid-20th centuries. The program grew out of a two-year in- vestigation funded by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to explore digitization possibili- ties for SHC. The fi rst areas of concentration are collections documenting African Ameri- can life and race relations in the American South. SHC will continue to enhance and build the Digital SHC, with several dozen col- lections to be added every year. The digital collection is available at dc.lib.unc.edu/ead /archivalhome.php. Nature on the iPhone Nature has launched a new iPhone applica- tion, allowing iPhone and iPod Touch us- ers to search, browse, read, and bookmark full text content from Nature and Nature News.The mobile app will also work with the newly announced iPad, and Nature Publishing Group (NPG) will be producing EPUB fi les that can be read using Apple’s iBooks and other e-readers. Users will be able to read full-text ar- ticles immediately or save them for later, search nature.com, set up saved searches, or browse the latest news and research. To ensure that research papers and news march10a.indd 127 2/24/2010 9:05:54 AM C&RL News March 2010 128 New ACRL publication: Librarians Serving Diverse Populations ACRL announces the publication of a new title, Librarians Serving Diverse Popula- tions. Written by Lori Mestre, associate professor of library admin- istration at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, Librarians Serving Diverse Populations is a qualitative and quantitative assessment and research study examining the paths and experiences of librarians whose duties in- clude serving diverse cultures. Through surveys, inter- views, and evaluation of docu- ments, Mestre explores issues and challenges related to the duties and responsibilities of multicultural librarians. The title sheds light on the chal- lenges faced in serving diverse population, including the organization and management of diversity services. This groundbreaking study of diversity librarianship in academic libraries offers recommendations for libraries seeking to fi ll diversity librarian positions, provide follow-up training and support after hiring new librarians, and strengthen di- versity efforts. Also included are two chapters providing guidance for academic librar- ians getting started as a liaison for diversity and crosscultural efforts. Mestre additionally provides suggestions for im- provements to curricula and training in library and infor- mation science programs. P u r c h a s e L i b r a r i a n s Serving Diverse Populations through the ALA Online Store (www.alastore.ala.org) and by telephone or- der at (866) 746-7252 in the United States or (770) 442-8633 for international customers. articles are truly readable on the iPhone, NPG has designed the nature.com mobile app to provide high-resolution, zoomable fi gures, and a special references view. The app also allows users to keep up with the latest relevant abstracts from PubMed. The app is available free of charge in the iPhone App Store and on nature.com at www.nature.com/mobileapps. Access to the full text of all Nature and Nature News content through the app is free as an introductory offer until April 30, 2010. 40 million DOIs can’t be wrong CrossRef, which provides reference link- ing services for scholarly publications, recently surpassed 40 million metadata records for scholarly content. Each of these records includes a CrossRef Digital Object Identifi er (DOI), which allows the content to be accessed by a permanent link on the Internet. Eight-seven per- cent of CrossRef deposits are from jour- nals, with content from scholarly books and reference works making up more than 5 percent and another 5 percent from conference proceedings. The oldest CrossRef DOIs represent articles from 1665 with issues of the Royal Soci- ety’s Philosophical Transactions, and the service contains more than 650,000 records from the 17th, 18th, and 19th centuries. Complete information on CrossRef is available at www.crossref. org. ACRL seeks liaisons The ACRL Council of Liaisons (COL) is ac- cepting applications for an outstanding, in- fl uential, and energetic individual to fulfi ll the role of liaison to the American Political Science Association. Formed in 1995, COL carries out a program of in-depth liaison activities with targeted professional associa- tions. The council works to demonstrate the value-added asset libraries and librarians are to the liaison organization’s goals and mod- el effective partnerships between librarians and other professionals within the liaison organization. Effective partnerships are more important than ever. Today’s challenges are opportuni- march10a.indd 128 2/24/2010 9:05:55 AM March 2010 129 C&RL News Self-service checkout at Odegaard Undergraduate Library Students waiting to check out a book or open reserve materials now have a new op- tion at the University of Washington’s (UW) Odegaard Undergradu- ate Library—a self-ser- vice checkout station installed in December 2009. T h e n ew s t a t i o n was installed after a survey showed an over- whelming number of students in favor of a self-checkout option. “Our main goal with the self-check machine, and the reason for its location, is to allow students to check out their own materials which are on open class reserve,” said Access Services Manager Ryan McCrory. “Students are pressed for time as it is, and often just need to run in, grab their books, check out, and go. During our busy times, the self-check machine just gives students another option.” The machine was funded by the Student Technology Fee, a yearly fee paid by UW students, with the wiring and the yearly maintenance agreement funded by the libraries. ties for creativity and collabora- tion. Please consider applying to become an individual liaison. Applications that indicate the supporting documentation requirements and additional information are available on the COL Web site at www.ala. org/ala/mgrps/divs/acrl/issues /councilofliaisons/liaisons.cfm. Please read the instructions carefully when filling out the application. Only fully com- pleted applications will be considered. Send completed applica- tions by the June 1 2010, dead- line to COL Chair Susan Kroll at kroll.susan@gmail.com and ACRL Program Officer Katie Coombes at kcoombes@ala.org. Canadian publishing history online The McMaster University Li- brary, in partnership with Queen’s University Archives and the Thomas Fisher Rare Book Library at the Uni- versity of Toronto, recently launched a new scholarly Web site dedicated to the his- tory of publishing in Canada. Augmented with digital images, sound, and video, Historical Perspectives on Ca- nadian Publishing contains 90 case stud- ies covering a range of material from pub- lisher archives. The site features a variety of archival documents and imprints on the interaction of authors with their publishers and the promotion of their books, including Leon- ard Cohen, Marian Engel, Stephen Leacock, Margaret Laurence, and Alice Munro. The project was funded by the Canadian Culture Online program of the Depart- ment of Canadian History. Visit Historical Perspectives on Canadian Publishing at hpcanpub.mcmaster.ca. ALA Annual Conference 2011 preconferences proposals Share your knowledge with a national au- dience. ACRL is now accepting proposal submissions for half-day or full-day pre- conferences to be held prior to the 2011 ALA Annual Conference, June 24, 2011, in New Orleans. Preconferences should allow partici- pants to develop skills related to a spe- cific topic and should focus on interactive learning using a variety of presentation styles. Programs that offer practical tips and cutting-edge techniques are especially en- couraged. Proposals should outline activities that will be incorporated during the session to enable attendees to achieve the session’s learning outcomes. Proposals must be submitted via the online submission form by April 9, 2010. The full text of the Call for Pro- posals is online at www.acrl.org/ala /mgrps/divs/acrl/events/. march10a.indd 129 2/24/2010 9:05:59 AM