C&RL News April 2010 186 Megan Griffin ACRL honors the 2010 award winners, part 2 Northwest Vista College Library wins CJCLS Program Award Northwest Vista College Library in San Antonio, Texas, has been chosen to re- ceive the Community and Junior College Libraries Section (CJCLS) EBSCO Commu- nity College Learning Resources Program Achievement Award. “What Northwest Vista College Library has achieved with their information literacy instruction and distance programming is a credit to all that were involved,” said José Aguiñaga, award committee chair and librarian at Glendale Community College North. “The outstanding results from these initiatives have transformed the one-shot instruction approach to a multifaceted learning environment for students and faculty.” The faculty at Northwest Vista College Library has created a diverse approach to library instruction for both on campus and distance students, including innova- tive uses of technological resources to develop new approaches to information literacy efforts. The $500 award and plaque, donated by EBSCO Information Services, will be pre- sented at the CJCLS dinner during the ALA Annual Conference in Washington, D.C. Kelsey and VandenBroek receive CLS Award Sigrid Kelsey, electronic reference services and Web development coordinator, and Angela K. VandenBroek, library associate in the ref- erence and electronic ser- vices department, both of Louisiana State University (LSU), have been named the recipients of the College Libraries Section (CLS) Pro- Quest Innovation in College Librarianship Award. This annual award honors an ALA member who has dem- onstrated a capacity for in- novation in their work with undergraduates, instructors, and/or the library community. ProQuest will present the $3,000 award and plaque during the CLS program at the ALA Annual Conference. “The committee chose Sigrid and Angela as this year’s award recipients for their commitment to providing open source con- tent that can be used by college libraries to Megan Griffin is ACRL program coordinator, e-mail: mgriffin@ala.org Staff of Northwest Vista College Library in San Antonio, Texas. april10b.indd 186 3/18/2010 9:26:33 AM April 2010 187 C&RL News support develop- ment of dynamic research guides using Delicious,” said award com- mittee chair Bar- bara Burd, dean of library services at Coastal Caro- lina University. “ T h e i r S u b j e c t G u i d e To o l b o x provides an easy interface that can be used by subject specialists to customize content. The awards committee commended these librarians for their creativity in developing research guides to improve ac- cess to resources and in their will- ingness to share their expertise and innovation w i t h l i b r a r i e s throughout the United States.” T h e S u b j e c t Guide Toolbox combines Web 2.0 technology with an easy-to-use inter- face allowing subject specialists to develop subject guides using Delicious to select resources and to enter unique content. By sharing the instructions and source code, the LSU librarians have demonstrated a commitment to open source that benefits college libraries. Woodard wins IS Miriam Dudley Instruction Librarian Award Beth S. Woodard, staff development and training coordinator at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (UIUC) Library, is the winner of the Instruction Section’s (IS) Miriam Dudley Instruction Librarian Award. The award honors Miriam Dudley, whose efforts in the field of infor- mation literacy led to the formation of the IS. The honor recognizes a librarian who has made a significant contribution to the advancement of instruction in a college or research library environment. For this year, i n l i e u o f c o r- porate sponsor- ship, the award is jointly sponsored by the IS and the LOEX Clearing- house for Library Instruction. Wo- odard will receive h e r a w a r d a n d p l a q u e , d u r i n g the ALA Annual Conference. “[Woodard] has made exceptional contri- butions to the advancement of instruction and information literacy in academic library environments,” said Sarah McDaniel, coor- dinator of library and information literacy instruction at the University of Wisconsin- Madison. “Woodard’s record of leadership includes chairing the ACRL IS and serving as a longtime member of the Faculty of the Institute for Information Literacy Im- mersion Program. In addition, she has mentored hundreds of new professionals in the Graduate School of Library and Infor- mation Science at UIUC. This exceptional record of leadership, teaching, and service combined with a significant record of scholarship make Woodard a truly worthy recipient of the Miriam Dudley Instruction Librarian Award.” Goebel and Anderson win IS Innovation Award Nancy Goebel, head librarian, and Dylan Anderson, Web applications specialist, at the University of Alberta-Augustana Campus have been selected to receive the Instruction Section (IS) Innovation Award for developing WASSAIL, an information literacy assessment project. Sponsored by Lexis-Nexis, the annual award recognizes a project that demon- strates creative, innovative, or unique ap- Beth S. Woodard Sigrid Kelsey Angela K. VandenBroek april10b.indd 187 3/18/2010 9:26:34 AM C&RL News April 2010 188 proaches to information literacy instruction or programming. A prize of $3,000 and a certificate will be presented to Goebel and Anderson during the ALA Annual Conference. “The IS Awards committee chose the WASSAIL in- formation literacy assessment proj- ect for the ACRL Instruction Sec- tion Innovation Award because of the creators’ forward-thinking approach to assessing student learning locally and sharing methods universally,” said award committee cochair Emily Rogers, assis- tant professor and reference librarian for instruction at Valdosta State University. “Using this soft- ware, librarians can systematically track, store, and a n a l y z e a s s e s s - ment data to mea- sure and improve student learning. Furthermore, in a truly collaborative spirit, the project planners expand- ed WASSAIL’s utility by making it open source and therefore available for local adaptation by any library. In its purpose, content, and potential for widespread use, WASSAIL is truly an innovative contribu- tion to information literacy and instruction librarianship.” WASSAIL is assessment and survey soft- ware developed at the Augustana Campus Library of the University of Alberta. It was released in 2009 as open source software, making it freely available for download and use or modification. It was developed as a tool to assess student learning in infor- mation literacy courses, excelling at those using pre- and post-tests. It is also used as a general qualitative and quantitative survey tool. Additional information is available at www.library.ualberta.ca/augustana/infolit /wassail/. Jacobs receives IS Ilene F. Rockman Publication of the Year Award Heidi L. M. Jacobs, information literacy librarian at the University of Windsor, has been chosen the winner of the Instruction Section (IS) Ilene F. Rockman Publication of the Year Award for her article “Informa- tion literacy and reflective peda- gogical praxis,” published in the May 2008 issue of The Jour nal o f A c a d e m i c L i b r a r i a n s h i p . The award rec- ognizes an out- standing publi- cation related to library instruc- tion published in the past two years. “The IS Awards committee chose Jacobs’ article because it represents simultane- ously timely and timeless appreciation and inspiration for both the intellectual under- pinning and the practice of information literacy pedagogy,” said award commit- tee cochair Elizabeth Kocevar-Weidinger, associate professor and instruction and reference services librarian at Longwood University. Jacobs’ conclusion best describes this: For librarians working directly with information literacy programs, it is particularly easy in the midst of a busy teaching load to lose sight of the fact that what we are doing goes far beyond Boolean searching and Library of Congress Subject Head- ings. The work we do is part of a broader educative project that works Nancy Goebel Dylan Anderson Heidi L. M. Jacobs april10b.indd 188 3/18/2010 9:26:35 AM April 2010 189 C&RL News to empower individuals both locally and globally. “Information literacy and reflective pedagogical praxis” expands upon dia- logues within composition and rhetoric to examine information literacy pedagogy,” Kocevar-Weidinger continued. “It considers how academic librarians can theorize our profession in a way that inspires us to ask new questions of our teaching, our educa- tional purpose. In so doing, Jacobs’ work fosters creative, reflective and critical habits of mind regarding pedagogical praxis.” The award, donated by Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., consists of a plaque and a cash prize of $3,000. Pencek receives Marta Lange/CQ Press Award Bruce Pencek, assistant professor and college librarian for the Social Sciences at Virginia Tech, has been named the 2010 recipient of the Law and Political Science S e c t i o n ( L P S S ) M a r t a L a n g e / CQ Press Award. The award, es- tablished in 1996 b y L P S S , h o n - ors an academic or law librarian w h o h a s m a d e d i s t i n g u i s h e d c o n t r i b u t i o n s to bibliography and information service in law or political science. CQ Press, sponsor of the award, will pres- ent the $1,000 award and plaque during the ALA Annual Conference. “Bruce Pencek is an innovator and a leader in establishing connections and col- laborating with political science faculty,” said Barbara L. Morgan, chair of the award committee and law reference librarian at the University of Massachusetts. “He was instrumental in developing LPSS preconfer- ences at the last two annual meetings of the American Political Science Association. In addition, he recently completed an out- standing term as editor of the LPSS News from 2006 to 2010.” Ingold wins WSS Career Achievement Award Cindy Ingold, women and gender resources librarian at the University of Illinois Urbana- Champaign, has been selected as the winner of the Women’s Studies Section (WSS) Career Achievement Award. The award, sponsored by ABC-CLIO, honors significant long-stand- ing contributions to women’s stud- ies in the field of librarianship over the course of a career. A cash prize of $1,000 and a plaque will be presented to In- gold at the WSS Program. “ C i n d y h a s c o n t i n u o u s l y d e m o n s t r a t e d significant contributions and dedication to Women’s Studies librarianship, including her extensive service to WSS and ACRL, as well as her exemplary publications,” said Diana King, chair of the WSS award committee and associate librarian at the UCLA Arts Library. “These include her coeditorship of Women’s Studies: A Recommended Bibliography (2004), coeditorship and article contribu- tion to a special issue of Library Trends on ‘Gender Issues in Information Needs and Services’ and numerous other publications and presentations. “Her work to successfully move an under-utilized departmental library into an integrated and circulating collection was also particularly cited in her nomination, as were her notable efforts in outreach to students and faculty in Women’s Studies and LGBT Studies programs.” Bruce Pencek Cindy Ingold april10b.indd 189 3/18/2010 9:26:36 AM