April 2010 213 C&RL News The time to lead ACRL seeks nominees for section offices Standing for ACRL section office is an op-portunity to become involved with impor- tant issues affecting academic and research librarians in the 21st century, gain leadership experience, and build ties with colleagues. It is also an opportunity to be of service to your ACRL section community, ensuring that it continues to nurture the development of new members and forge deeper connections to the profession. ACRL section officers Candidates for vice-chair/chair elect, secre- tary, and members-at-large of ACRL sections are selected by the nominating committee of each section. If you would like to nominate someone or be nominated yourself, contact the chair of the appropriate section nominating commit- tee prior to the 2010 ALA Annual Conference in Washington, D.C. Terms of office will begin on July 1, 2011. 2011 section nominating committee chairs African American Studies Librarians: Vivian Njeri Fisher, Enoch Pratt Free Library, vfisher@prattlibrary.org Anthropology and Sociology: Randy Hertzler, Montgomery College, randal. hertzler@montgomerycollege.edu Arts: Bill Hemmig, Bucks County Com- munity College, hemmigw@bucks.edu Asian, African, and Middle Eastern: Bindu Bhatt, Columbia University, bb145@ columbia.edu College Libraries: Alice Bahr, Salisbury University, ahbahr@salisbury.edu Community College and Junior Col- lege Libraries: Contact CJCLS Vice-Chair David Wright, Sury Community College, wrightd@surry.edu Distance Learning: Contact DLS Vice- Chair Robin Lockerby, National University, rlock@nu.edu Education and Behavioral Sciences: Judy Walker, University of North Carolina- Charlotte, jwalker@uncc.edu Instruction: Jean Caspers, Linfield Col- lege, jcaspers@linfield.edu Law and Political Science: Contact LPSS Vice-Chair Chris Palazzolo, Emory University, cpalazz@emory.edu L i t e r a t u r e s i n E n g l i s h : S t e v e n Harris, University of New Mexico, srhar- ris@unm.edu Rare Books and Manuscripts: Mary Lacy, Library of Congress, mlac@loc.gov Science and Technology: Virginia Ann Baldwin, University of Nebraska, vbaldwin2@ unl.edu Slavic and East European: Cathy Zeljak, George Washington University, czeljak@ gwu.edu University Libraries: Leslie Madden, Georgia State University, lmadden@gsu. edu Western European Studies: Gerald Heverly, New York University, gerald.heverly@ nyu.edu Women’s Studies: Jennifer Gilley, Penn State University, jrg15@psu.edu april10b.indd 213 3/18/2010 9:30:58 AM