C&RL News September 2010 416 During the 2010 ALA Annual Conference in Washington D.C., the ACRL Board of Direc- ACRL Board of Directors’ actions, June 2010 Highlights of the Board’s Annual Conference meetings Goal Area: Scholarship, Research, and Creative Activity—ACRL and its members are recognized internationally as authorities on the integration of content, tools, and services into the evolving workflows of scholars and creators at all stages from initial discovery, to indi- viduals organizing their own resources, to the creation, sharing, publication, aggregation, and preservation processes, including associated intellectual property issues. tors met on June 26 and 28 and took the following actions: Approved the revised Guideline for Ap- pointment, Promotion in Academic Rank, and Tenure of College and University Librarians. Approved the Psychology Information Literacy Standards. ACRL Standards and Guidelines are avail- able on the ACRL Web site at www.ala.org/ala /mgrps/divs/acrl/standards/index.cfm. Goal Area: Advocacy—ACRL has greater influence on the higher education and research environment. Established an official ACRL organizational liaison relationship with the National Women’s Studies Organizations for a period of two years. Dissolved the current Council of Liaisons Committee upon completion of appointment recommendations in process, created the Liai- sons Coordinating Committee, Liaisons Grants Committee, Liaisons Training and Develop- ment Committee and Liaisons Assembly, and approved a transition plan to implement the new committee structure. Committee charges and details on the transition plan are avail- able in the 2010 Annual Conference Board Document Compilation at connect.ala.org /node/104599. Goal Area: Information Technology—Academic and research librarians are leaders in us- ing information, academic and instructional technologies to create and manage information resources and to deliver library and information services. Confirmed its virtual vote of February 2-9, 2010, which approved the creation of the Information Technology Task Force. The charge and roaster can be reviewed on ACRL’s Web site at www.ala.org/ala/mgrps /divs/acrl/resources/leadership/taskforces /acr-tfintech.cfm. September 2010 417 C&RL News Goal Area: Membership—ACRL’s membership growth builds on retaining core membership, while recruiting from new and diverse communities. of three years beginning in FY11. At the end of year two (FY13), the Board will begin to assess the success and impact of the program and review Sections’ needs and use of al- located funds. Increased section basic services funding to include a base amount of $1,000 with an incentive of $.75/member (over 200) for retaining and recruiting members. The new funding model was approved for a period Goal Area: Organizational Vitality and Effectiveness—ACRL will have the fiscal resources, staff expertise, and organizational structure to advance the association’s strategic plan by de- ploying data-driven decision making to drive entrepreneurial activities. Approved the following charge for the Immersion Program Committee: This committee acts as an oversight council for the Immersion Program and works closely with Immersion Program faculty and ACRL staff to market and promote the various Immersion Program tracks, develop conference programming relat- ed to the Immersion Program, sustain the community of Immersion Program alumni and cultivate their engagement, support assessment efforts, and review applications for the Immersion Program tracks. Approved the Budget and Finance Com- mittee’s recommendation for the ACRL FY2011 budget with: • Total ACRL revenues (without Choice) are $4,211,666. • Total ACRL expenses (without Choice) are $4,287,878 • Net ACRL revenues (without Choice) are $76,212. ACRL Board 2009–10 (l to r): (back) Locke J. Morrisey, Mary Ellen K. Davis, John A. Lehner, Mary M. Carr, Lori A. Goetsch, Elizabeth A. Dupuis, Michael J. LaCroix, (front) Janice Welburn, Erika C. Linke, Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, Linda A. Kopecky, Debbie L. Malone, Lizabeth Chabot, Ann Campion Riley. C&RL News September 2010 418 ACRL Board 2010–11 (l to r): (back) Mary Ann Sheblé, Mary Ellen K. Davis, Lisa Janicke Hinchliffe, Mark Emmons, Elizabeth A. Dupuis, Maggie Farrell, Michael J. LaCroix (front) Lori A. Goetsch, Linda A. Kopecky, Janice Welburn, Joyce L. Ogburn, John A. Lehner, Lizabeth Chabot, Ann Campion Riley. • Total CHOICE revenues are $3,192,432. • Total CHOICE expenses are $3,295,525. • Net CHOICE revenues are $103,093. Dissolved the ACRL (Samuel) Lazerow Fellowship and the ACRL (Samuel) Lazerow Fellowship for Research in Acquisitions and Technical Services Committee. Dissolved the Library Development Dis- cussion Group. Confirmed its virtual vote of March 3–11, 2010, which approved the 2010 Midwinter Board Meeting minutes. Approved the May 5, 2010, Virtual Board Meeting Minutes. ACRL Board meeting minutes are avail- able on ACRL’s Web site at www.ala.org /ala/mgrps/divs/acrl/about/board/index. cfm. acrl 2011 Connect online at www.acrl.org/acrlconference www.facebook.com/acrl2011 | Twitter: #acrl2011 Philadelphia, March 30 - April 2, 2011 www.acrl.org/acrl/nationalconference ACRL 2011: A Declaration of Interdependence In today’s fast paced and changing world, keeping current is more essential than ever. Access cutting-edge information, discover new ideas, and engage in conversations with academic and research librarians from around the world at ACRL 2011. You can’t afford to miss it! Registration Now Open! Register by February 4, 2011, to take advantage of discounted early-bird registration fees and save more than 20%! Group discounts are available for institutions that register ten or more employees. Save up to an additional 20% off conference registration fees. acrl2011.indd 1 5/13/2010 3:08:25 PM