C&RL News October 2010 494 ACRL volunteers are an integral part of the association who help shape the organization by advancing its strategic plan and influencing the direction of academic and research librarianship. Volunteering to work on a committee is one of the best ways to be involved and make an impact with your association. If you have been looking for a way to become more involved, ACRL Vice-President/ President-Elect Joyce Ogburn invites you to volunteer for a division or section committee for the 2011-12 term. The rewards of volunteering Volunteers benefit by: • building ties with academic and research librarians around the country, • enhancing their leadership abilities through consensus building and project man- agement, • sharing their experience with colleagues, • gaining additional expertise about a new area of academic librarianship or updating expertise in a current specialization, and • advancing the work of the association and the profession. The appointment process Appointments are made at the division and section level. The ACRL vice-president is re- sponsible for committee appointments at the division level for the year he or she serves as president. The ACRL Appointments Commit- tee assists the vice-president in an advisory capacity. Section vice-chairs are responsible for committee appointments for the year they will serve as chair. Most committee appoint- ment offers will be sent in April and May 2010. Factors influencing appointment Although the emphasis in the appointment process may vary from year to year accord- ing to the priorities of the vice-president/ president-elect and section vice-chairs, several factors are always considered: • Evidence of prospective committee member’s interest and expertise. Have po- tential volunteers attended the meetings and in- troduced themselves to the chair? Do they have knowledge and/or previous experience that relates to the work of the committee? Have they indicated their interest on the volunteer form? • Demographics and composition of committee. A balance is sought with respect to type of library (community college, college, or university), geographic representation, ethnic diversity, and gender. Those who have not had the opportunity to serve on an ACRL committee are encouraged to volunteer. • Recommendation of the current com- mittee chair. Current committee chairs are asked to suggest prospective members. The final appointments are the prerogative of the ACRL president-elect and the section vice-chairs. How to apply 1. Identify the committees that interest you. ACRL committees and their charges are listed on the ACRL Web site (www.acrl.org, select “Directory of Leadership” from the menu bar). Attend committee meetings at the ALA Midwinter Meeting and Annual Conference to help you decide if their activities interest you. Talk with committee members. Express your in- terest to the committee chair. Ask about current projects and explain how you might contribute to the work of the committee. Volunteer now Get involved with ACRL by serving on a division or section committee October 2010 495 C&RL News 2. Submit a volunteer form. For divi- sion-level committees, visit www.ala.org/ala /mgrps/divs/acrl/resources/forms/volunteer.cfm for more detailed instructions. Volunteer forms should be submitted by February 15, 2011. For section committees, complete the online volunteer form at www.acrl.org /volunteer. You will be asked to login using your ALA member ID and the password you created. The form should be completed by February 15, 2011. 3. Volunteer again. If you are not successful in being appointed one year, volunteer again the next year. Remember that many factors—number of appointments made, number of volunteers for each committee, number of volunteers from your type of library or your geographic area— determine the actual appointment, and these factors change from year to year. ACRL division-level committee appointments ACRL has more than 50 standing committees for which you may volunteer to serve for 2011–12. The committees are listed along with their charges on the ACRL Web site (www.acrl. org, select “Directory of Leadership” from the menu bar). Appointments to ACRL standing commit- tees are made in the spring for terms beginning immediately after the ALA Annual Conference. The Appointments Committee recommends to the president-elect of ACRL the names of members who might fi ll the vacancies. The president-elect makes the fi nal appointments for the committees. Questions about division-level appoint- ments may be directed to the Chair of the Appointments Committee, Lisa B. German, Pennsylvania State University; e-mail: lbg10@ psu.edu. If you have any questions about using the volunteer form, please contact ACRL Program Offi cer Adam Burling at aburling@ala.org or (312) 280-2521. ACRL section appointments ACRL has 17 sections to help members custom- ize their ACRL experience through newslet- ters, electronic discussion lists, specialized programming, preconferences, recognition, and focused activities. A description of their areas of responsibility is available at www. ala.org/ala/mgrps/divs/acrl/about/sections /index.cfm. Section vice-chairs appoint the members of section committees. Most of these ap- Nominations sought for ACRL vice-president/president-elect “When nothing is sure, everything is possible.”—Margaret Drabble Higher education is experiencing un- precedented change, providing academic libraries with tremendous opportunities to define new roles related to learning, teaching, and research. ACRL is dedicated to enhancing the ability of library and information profes- sionals to dream big and shape our new future. Be a part of shaping that future. The ACRL Leadership Recruitment and Nomi- nations Committee encourages members to nominate themselves or others to run for the position of ACRL vice-president/ president-elect in the 2011 elections. To nominate an individual or to self-nomi- nate, send the nominee’s name and institution to: Karen Williams, University of Minnesota; phone: (612) 626-4190; e-mail: kaw@umn.edu. Once nominated, individuals will need to submit a two-page curriculum vita or resume (if self-nominating, you may include these materials with your nomination). The Leadership Recruitment and Nomi- nations Committee will request statements of interest from selected individuals prior to developing a slate of candidates. The deadline for nominations is November 20, 2010. C&RL News October 2010 496 pointments are made in the spring for terms beginning immediately after the ALA Annual Conference. If you would like to be considered for ap- pointment as a chair or member of a section committee, fill out the ACRL volunteer form at www.acrl.org/volunteer by February 15, 2011. If you have questions about the form, please contact ACRL Program Officer Adam Burling at aburling@ala.org or 312-280-2521. Contact information for the vice-chair of each section is below. African American Studies Librarians Section. Rebecca Hankins, Texas A&M; phone: (979) 845-1951; e-mail: rhankins@ library.tamu.edu. Anthropology and Sociology Section. Terrence W. Epperson, College of New Jersey; phone: (609) 771-3352; e-mail: epperson@ tcnj.edu. Arts Section. Megan Smith-Heafy, Corn- ing Museum of Glass; phone: (607) 368-3721; e-mail: smithheafy@gmail.com. Asian, African and Middle Eastern Section. Binh P. Le, Pennsylvania State University; phone: (215) 881-7426; e-mail: bpl1@psu.edu. College Libraries Section. Celia E. Rabi- nowitz, Saint Mary’s College of Maryland; phone: (240) 895-4267; e-mail: cerabinowitz@ smcm.edu. Community and Junior College Librar- ies Section. Nan Schichtel, Grand Rapids Community College; phone: (616) 234-3082; e-mail: schichteln@comcast.net. Distance Learning Section. Samantha Hines, University of Montana-Missoula; phone: (406) 243-4558; e-mail: samantha. hines@umontana.edu. Education and Behavioral Sciences Section. Sally R. Neal, Butler University; phone: (317) 940-9949; e-mail: sneal@butler. edu. Instruction Section. Stephanie A. Michel, University of Portland; phone: (503) 943-7418; e-mail: michel@up.edu. Law and Political Science Section. Chad M. Kahl, Illinois State University; phone: (309) 438-3454; e-mail: cmkahl@ilstu.edu. Literatures in English Section. Faye Christenberry, University of Washington-Se- attle; phone: (206) 616-2758; e-mail: fayec@u. washington.edu. Rare Books and Manuscripts Section. Mike Kelly, Amherst College; phone: (413) 542-5307; e-mail: mkelly@amherst.edu. Science and Technology Section. Mary Beth Slebodnik, Purdue University; phone: (765) 494-2917; e-mail: slebodnik@purdue.edu. Slavic and East European Section. Liladhar Ramchandra Pendse, UCLA Depart- ment of Information Studies; phone: (310) 825-1639; e-mail: lpendse@library.ucla.edu. University Libraries Section. Carol Hixson, University of South Florida-St. Peters- burg; phone: (727) 873-4400; e-mail: hixson@ mail.usf.edu. Western European Studies Section. Gail P. Hueting, University of Illinois-Urbana; phone: (217) 244-0481; e-mail: ghueting@ illinois.edu. Women’s Studies Section. Pamela Mann, St. Mary’s College of Maryland; phone: (240) 895-4285; e-mail: pemann@smcm.edu. Editorial boards ACRL has eight editorial/advisory boards for its publications: Academic Library Trends and Statistics Survey Editorial Board; Choice Editorial Board; College & Research Libraries Editorial Board; Col- October 2010 497 C&RL News lege & Research Libraries News Editorial Board; New Publications Advisory Board; Publications in Librarianship Editorial Board; RBM: A Jour nal of Rar e Books, Manuscripts, and Cultural Heritage Edi- torial Board; and Resources for College Libraries Editorial Board. Appointments to editorial boards are made after the ALA Midwinter Meeting for terms that begin immediately after the ALA Annual Conference. The editors recommend the names of individuals to fill vacancies. The Publications Coordi- nating Committee approves the recom- mendation and the ACRL vice-president/ president-elect makes the appointment. If you would like to be considered for appointment to an editorial board, contact the editor of the editorial board early in the fall or indicate your interest on the ACRL online volunteer form. Academic Library Trends and Statis- tics Survey Editorial Board chair: William Miller, Florida Atlantic University; e-mail: miller@fau.edu. CHOICE editor: Irving Rockwood, Choice; phone: (800) 347-6933 x119; e-mail: irockwood@ala-choice.org. College & Research Libraries editor: Joseph Branin, King Abdullah University of Science and Technology; e-mail: joseph. branin@kaust.edu.sa. College & Research Libraries News editor: David Free, ACRL; phone: (312) 280- 2517; e-mail: dfree@ala.org. New Publications Advisory Board staff liaison: Kathryn Deiss, ACRL; phone: (312) 280-2529; e-mail: kdeiss@ala.org. Publications in Librarianship editor: Craig Gibson,George Mason University; phone: (703) 993-3716; e-mail: jgibson1@ gmu.edu. RBM: A Journal of Rare Books, Manu- scripts, and Cultural Heritage editor: Beth Whittaker, Ohio State University; phone: (614) 247-7463; e-mail: whittaker.50@osu.edu. Resources for College Libraries chair: Brian Coutts, Western Kentucky University; phone: (270) 745-6121; e-mail: Brian.Coutts@ wku.edu. Project MUSE now offers you more rich archival content online. Back issues from nearly 100 of our respected, peer-reviewed journals are being added, and complete runs — from Volume 1, Issue 1 — are now available for over 60 titles. A core discovery and research tool for faculty and students in the humanities and social sciences since 1995, MUSE makes access affordable and easy. Our tiered pricing and six collection options offer unbeatable value and can satisfy any library’s needs and budget. 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