nov10b.indd November 2010 565 C&RL News Hidden Realms, Lost Civilizations, and Be- ings from Other Worlds, by Jerome Clark (300 pages, June 2010), examines the intersection of myth and experience in this well-illustrated, engaging look at imaginary places that, at one time or another, seemed quite real to some people. A long-time chronicler of the other- worldly, Clark brings together in this volume the lore and legend of the lost colony of Le- murians living on Mount Shasta in northern California; the continent of Atlantis that psy- chic Edgar Cayce predicted would rise again from the ocean in the Bahamas in 1969; the demonic entities that live in the earth’s interior, as imagined by Richard Shaver in the 1940s; an alternative solar system that is home to Lunar- ians, Venusians, Martians, Saturnians, and Ura- nians; a realm populated by diminutive fairy folk; and the upper atmosphere, where ghost armies, sky serpents, and mystery airships float about. These visionary themes are worth re- visiting occasionally as a reality check against our current belief systems. $24.95. Visible Ink. 978-1-57859-175-6. My Lie: A True Story of False Memory, by Mer- edith Maran (260 pages, September 2010), is a disturbing yet honest personal memoir of a feminist writer who became convinced in the 1980s—amid widespread cul- tural and clinical acceptance that as many as one in three American women were vic- tims of childhood sexual abuse— that her father had molested her as a child. This book describes the steps leading George M. Eberhart is senior editor of American Libraries, e-mail: N e w P u b l i c a t i o n sGeorge M. Eberhart to her decision to tell her family and confront her father with her suspicions, as well as her journey back to reconciliation after she realized she had manufactured those memories herself, aided and abetted by a climate of uncritical belief in recov- ered memories, satanic ritual abuse, and the likeli- hood that any vague memory masks a bitter truth. Maran is far from denying that child abuse exists; it certainly does. But her point is that unfounded, unquestioning accusations can have drastic famil- ial and social consequences—though perhaps not always as severe as the McMartin preschool case of the 1980s. Maran keeps her personal narrative on a chronological footing by inserting relevant snippets of newspaper reports and journal articles (some her own) to describe the tenor of the times. $24.95. Jossey-Bass. 978-0-470-50214-3. The State Library and Archives of Texas: A His- tory, 1835–1962, by David B. Gracy II (226 pages, June 2010), celebrates the centennial of the Texas Library and Historical Commis- sion in 2009 with this in-depth history of the Texas state library agency. Gracy, who served as state archivist from 1977 to 1986, examines how the state has treated its dual functions as library and archives over the years, as well as the struggles that the library has had over ap- propriations, mission, and space. $45.00. Uni- versity of Texas. 978-0-292-72201-9. For a look at similar problems in Canada, see Better off Forgetting? Essays on Archives, Public Policy, and Collective Memory, edited by Cheryl Avery and Mona Holmlund (242 pages, September 2010). The contributors cov- er the history of archives funding in Canada, access and privacy issues, digitization, account- ability and the public sphere, and archives as a resource for the present. $24.95. University of Toronto. 978-1-4426-1080-4. A Style and Usage Guide to Writing about Music, by Thomas Donahue (105 pages, April 2010), presents guidelines on how best to write musician’s names, music titles, opus and num- ber, catalog designation, notes and pitches, C&RL News November 2010 566 octave designation, time signatures, keyboard compass, rehearsal marks, foreign musical terms, preferred word forms, and citations. $24.95. Scarecrow. 978-0-8108-7431-2. The Terrible Axe-Man of New Orleans, by Rick Geary (76 pages, August 2010), is the latest graphic novel in Geary’s series on 20th-centu- ry homicides. This one involves an unsolved spate of assaults and murders by an axe-wield- ing household intruder in New Orleans from May 1918 to October 1919. As usual, Geary conveys the fla- vor of the time and place with historical details about the culture and the music. He even made a site visit to the city to ensure the accuracy of his architectural ren- derings. The case involved a mys- terious Jack the Ripper–style letter to the Times-Picayune and evidence that a mafia hitman was involved, but it has been largely forgotten today. Per- haps Geary’s treatment will spark new interest. $15.95. NBM. 978-1-56163-581-8. UFOs: Generals, Pilots, and Government Of- ficials Go on the Record, by Leslie Kean (335 pages, August 2010), makes a solid journalistic case for the UFO phenomenon as a genuine scientific mystery that affects aviation safety and even national security. Kean, an investigative re- porter with impec- cable credentials, became interested in UFO reports in 1999 when she was alerted to a report by 13 re- tired French gener- als, scientists, and aerospace experts that documented the existence of unidentified aerial objects and their potential impact on national security (the COMETA re- port). Kean approaches the subject as a “prin- cipled skeptic” regarding the origin of UFOs, thus stepping outside the believers vs. debunk- ers stalemate that has tainted ufology as a ta- boo topic among policymakers, the scientific community, and the mainstream media. In this book, she lets 18 generals, pilots, investigators, and witnesses from nine countries go on the record about their experiences. Their testimony is compelling enough for Kean to call for a U.S. government agency to cooperate with other countries that are already investigating UFO re- ports and to release information openly about them. Former White House Chief of Staff John Podesta has written a short foreword. $25.99. Harmony Books. 978-0-307-71684-2. Serials: Issues and Challenges in the Electronic Environment,” in Perspectives on Serials in the Hybrid Environment, edited by Harriet Lightman and John P. Blosser , ALCTS Papers on Library Technical Services and Collections #15 (Chicago: American Library Association, 2007), 37-52. 3. This data and other historical exchange- rate data throughout this paper are available on FXHistory: historical currency exchange rates, visit /fxhistory. 4. The euro became official currency for ac- counting purposes already on January 1, 1999. It became legal tender on January 1, 2002. 5. This part of the study has been limited to three-month periods, since this interval would generally allow for the completion of a number of orders sufficient to have a significant effect. 6. Paul Krugman and Maurice Obstfeld, In- ternational Economics: Theory and Policy, 5th ed. (New York: HarperCollins, 2000), 354. (“Currency trends . . .” continued from page 549)