nov10b.indd November 2010 569 C&RL News Ed. note: To ensure that your personnel news is considered for publication, write to Ann-Christe Galloway, production editor, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e -mail: agalloway@; fax: (312) 280-2520. Megan Bresnahan is now assistant pro- fessor in the University of Colorado-Boulder Engineering Library. Tassanee Chitcharoen has been named senior instructor in the University of Colorado-Boulder Libraries Cataloging and Metadata Services. Jeannette R. Cox has been appointed assistant director of library and information services at Florida A&M University. William Cuthbertson has been ap- pointed assistant professor in the University of Colorado-Boulder Government Informa- tion Library. Pamela Dennis is now learning com- mons coordinator at the University of Memphis. Susan Fingerman has been named online librarian at the American Public Uni- versity System. Maryelizabeth Gano has been named online librarian at the American Public Uni- versity System. Robert Glushko is now copyright specialist in the MPublishing Office at the University of Michigan. Emily Harrell has been named online librarian at the American Public University System. Alison Hicks has been appointed assis- tant professor in the University of Colorado- Boulder Libraries Department of Research and Instruction. Claudia Alcalá Iñiguez has been named social sciences librarian in the Davis Library Research and Instructional Services Depart- ment at the University of North Carolina- Chapel Hill. Steven Knowlton is now collection development librarian at the University of Memphis. Sauraub Koparkar is the new user experience librarian in the User Experience Unit at the University of Michigan. Beth Larkee Kumar has been appointed serials and electronic resources librarian at Karen Downing has become the first visit- ing scholar for the new Diversity Research Center at Rutgers University. Downing’s re- search has addressed many aspects of di- versity in libraries, including social identity and professional roles in academe, race as a dynamic and social construct, biracialism and multiracialism, and the role of diversity and peer teaching and learning. She is cur- rently the university learning communities liaison and foundation and grants librarian at University of Michigan. In more than 20 years at Michigan, Downing has also held the positions of assistant to the dean of li- braries for cultural diversity and staff devel- opment officer and coordinator of academic outreach services. In 2009, she received the ALA’s Equality Award, which recogniz- es outstanding contributions in promoting equality in the library profession. She is a frequent speaker and has published many journal articles and two books, Reaching a Diverse Student Community and Multiracial America: A Resource Guide on the History and Literature of Interracial Issues. A p p o i n t m e n t s Timothy J. Johnson has been named the first E. W. McDiarmid Curator of the Sher- lock Holmes Collections at the University of Minnesota Libraries. Johnson has served as the curator of special collections and Rare Books for the libraries since 1998. Rashauna Brannon has been named electronic resources librarian at the University of Memphis. P e o p l e i n t h e N e w sAnn-Christe Galloway C&RL News November 2010 570 Committee. Recently, she served four years as an elected member of the Orbis Cascade Alliance Council Executive Committee. She was on the editorial board of The Journal of Academic Librarianship for 13 years and continues on the editorial board of portal: Li- braries and the Academy, of which she is a founding member. J. Robert Verbesey, executive director of the Southwest Florida Library Network (SWFLN), has retired after more than 35 years managing libraries. He created and managed two li- braries during his 40- year library career—a public library in New York and an academic library in Florida—be- fore assuming the reins of a multi-type library cooperative. Verbesey has taught library management and organization at four graduate library and information science programs since 1986—Long Island University, Queens College, University of South Florida, and Florida State University. American Li- braries, Catholic Library World, Library Ad- ministration and Management, and Library Journal are among the periodicals that pub- lished articles he authored. He also consult- ed for a variety of libraries and businesses. Verbesey plans to stay active in the profes- sion by continuing to present workshops on library management. the Kraemer Family Library, University of Colorado-Colorado Springs. Suzanne Larsen, senior instructor and department head at the University of Colo- rado-Boulder Libraries, accepted a two-year appointment as the interim associate director for public services. Amy LeFager has joined the full-time library faculty at National-Louis University. R e t i r e m e n t s Helen H. Spalding has retired as university librarian/professor emerita, after five-and-a- half years of service at Portland State Univer- sity. During her 36-year professional career, she also held library management and ad- ministrative positions at the University of Missouri-Kansas City and at Iowa State University. She was elected OCLC Users Council vice presi- dent (1982–83), and selected 1983–1984 Council of Library Resources Academic Library Management Intern at Northwestern University (Evanston, IL), and a 1989 UCLA Senior Fellow. Spalding has provided leader- ship on numerous ACRL, LAMA, LITA, and other ALA committees, including ACRL Board (1994–96, 1997–2004), ALA Council (1997– 2001), and ALA Budget Analysis and Review Committee (1998–2002). As 2002–03 ACRL president, she initiated collaborative relation- ships between ACRL and the professional academic librarian associations in Canada and Mexico, established the ACRL Dr. E. J. Jo- sey Spectrum Scholar Mentor Program to fa- cilitate the success of minority library school graduate students, and led the Academic and Research Library Marketing Campaign that produced training, online and print materials, an annual award, and the ACRL Marketing Advertisers ASBMB 517 Annual Reviews cover 3 Antioch University 546 Association of Research Libraries 518 Choice 568 IGI Global cover 4 Serials Solutions cover 2 ProQuest 531 Rittenhouse Book Distributors 521 Helen H. Spalding J. Robert Verbesey