jan11b.indd C&RL News January 2011 36 ACRL candidates for 2011 A look at who’s running for office Vice-president/president-elect Thomas (Tom) Abbott is dean of libraries and distance learning at the University of Maine-Augusta (UMA), a position he has held since 2005. From 1986 to 2005, he was dean of libraries and instructional support/director of libraries at UMA. His activities in ACRL included serving as a member of the Task Force on Standards for Libraries in Higher Education (2009–present), and as chair of the Task Force on Academic Librarians’ Job Descriptions with CUPA (2006 –09). He served on the ACRL Extended Campus Library Services Section, now the Distance Learning Section (DLS), Executive Committee as member-at-large (1993–95) and as chair (1996–97). He was chair of the DLS Nominating Committee (1999–2000), and he served as a member (2006–09). He was a member of the DLS Awards Committee (2003–04), and he served as chair (2004–06). He was a member of the ACRL Awards Task Force (2005–06). His work with outside library organiza- tions includes serving as chair of the Uni- versity of Maine System Library Directors’ Council (2003–07), and he is a representa- tive to the Gardiner (Maine) Public Library Board of Trustees (1989–present). Abbott was also responsible for importing the University of South Carolina’s MLIS degree; now in its fourth cohort, having graduated almost 150 Maine students. At UMA, Abbott serves as the NEASC ac- creditation liaison. He has been a NEASC evaluator for 20 years and regularly presents training workshops for the organization. He has served five years as campus dean for a UMA satellite campus with 500 students. He teaches the capstone course in UMA’s Mental Health and Human Services Program online using Blackboard. From 1985 to 1987, Abbott served as UMA’s acting CAO and today fills in as needed. In the community, he is finance chair and vice president for Health Reach Community Health Centers Board (HRCHC). HRCHC is an 11-community health center (Federally Qualified Health Organization) with a $15 million budget. Abbott received ACRL’s Routledge Distance Learning Librarian Conference Sponsorship Award (2010) and the John N. Olsgaard Dis- tinguished Service Award, University of South Carolina (2005). He was also the recipient of the Women Work and Community of the University of Maine System Service Award (2001) and was elected to Alpha Sigma Nu Jesuit National Honor Society, Boston College Chapter (1989). His publications include chap- ter author, “Keeping on the Right (Correct) Side of Campus Politics,” Mistakes in Academic Library Management; Grievous Errors and How to Avoid Them (ed., Fritts, The Scarecrow Press, Inc. UK, 2009); author, “Filling the Void: An Academic Library’s Experience Developing Thomas (Tom) Abbott Steven J. Bell January 2011 37 C&RL News an Associate Degree in Library and Infor- mation Technology for Distance Education Students,” in C&RL News, 1997: and chapter author, “Challenges for the Accreditation Pro- cess and Librarians,” Challenge and Practice of Academic Accreditation, A Handbook for Information Professionals (ed., Garten, 1994, Greenwood Publishing Group). Abbott re- ceived a certificate in W. Edwards Deming’s course “Quality, Productivity and Competitive Position (for Educators). For more information, please see www. tomabbott.info. Steven J. Bell is associate university librar- ian for research and instructional services at Temple University, a position he has held since 2006. From 1997 to 2006, he was library director at Philadelphia University. Prior to that, he held positions at the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School Library, where he was assistant director (1995–97) and head of access services (1989–94). His activities in ACRL include serving as cochair of the 2011 President’s Program Plan- ning Committee (2010–present), as cochair of the ACRL 2011 Conference Keynote Speaker Committee (2009–present), and as chair of the ACRL Appointments Committee (2008–09). Bell was cochair of the ACRL 2007 Confer- ence Innovations Committee (2005–07) and was on the ACRL College Libraries Section (CLS) Executive Committee (2006–09), where he served as chair (2007–08). Bell was also active as chair of the CLS Research Commit- tee (2004–06) and served on the ACRL 2005 Conference Workshop Committee (2004–05). He was a member of the ACRL Doctoral Dis- sertation Fellowship Committee (2000–04) and served a term on the ACRL Excellence in Academic Librarianship Award Nominating Committee (1999–2000). Bell’s work with state and regional associa- tions includes serving on the PALINET Board of Trustees (2002–05), and as president of the ACRL Delaware Valley Chapter (1998–2000). His publications include author of “Fit Libraries Are Future-Proof,” Amer- ican Libraries, vol. 41, no. 10, 2010, americanlibrariesmagazine.org/features /09212010/fit-libraries-are-future-proof; author of “Taming the Textbook Market,” Inside High- er Ed, June 11, 2010, www.insidehighered. com/views/2010/06/11/bell; and coauthor with John Shank, Academic Librarianship by Design (ALA Press, 2007). Through projects such as the Keeping Up Website (2001), Kept-Up Academic Librarian (2003), the Blended Librarians Online Learning Community (2004), ACRLog (2005), Design- ing Better Libraries (2007), and his Library Journal column “From the Bell Tower” (2009), Bell demonstrates a consistent track record of thought leadership and opportunity creation for academic librarians seeking out new ideas to stimulate innovation in their libraries. For more information, please see www. stevenbell.info. ACRL Board of Directors Director-at-Large: Teresa Anne Fishel, Library Director, Macalester College; Loretta R. Parham, CEO and Library Director, Atlanta University Center-Robert W. Woodruff Library. Director-at-Large: H. Frank Cervone, Vice Chancellor for Information Services and Chief Information Officer, Purdue University- Calumet; Irene M. H. Herold, Dean of Mason Library, Keene State College. Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Studies Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Deepa Banerjee, South Asian Studies Librarian, University of Washington. Secretary: Chella Vaidyanathan, History Librarian and Curator of 19th–21st Century Books and Manuscripts Collection, Johns Hopkins University. Member-at-Large: Ruby A. Bell Gam, Librarian for African Studies and Interna- tional Development Studies, University of California-Los Angeles. African American Studies Librarians Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Malaika Grant, Librarian for African and African American C&RL News January 2011 38 Studies, English and American Literature, University of Minnesota; Gennice W. King, Associate Library Director, Xavier University of Louisiana. Secretary: Dalena E. Hunter, Librarian, Center for African American Studies, Univer- sity of California, Los Angeles. Member-at-Large: Aslaku Berhanu, Reference and Catalog Librarian III, Temple University. Anthropology and Sociology Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Jennifer J. Darragh, Librarian for Data Services and Government Information, Johns Hopkins University; Wayne A. Sanders, Monograph Cataloger and Head of Books, Rare Materi- als and Music Unit, University of Missouri. Secretary: Jason Bernard Phillips, Social Sciences Librarian, New York University; Erin Faraone Gratz, Associate Professor, Librarian and Liaison to the College of Arts and Sciences, University of La Verne. Member-at-Large: Juliann Couture, So- cial Sciences Librarian, New York University; Helen Peeler Clements, Associate Professor, Humanities and Social Sciences, Oklahoma State University-Edmon Low Library. Arts Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Alessia Zanin- Yost, Research and Instruction Librarian and Visual and Performing Arts Liaison, Western Carolina University. Secretary: Ann Medaille, Reference and Instruction Librarian, University of Nevada- Reno. Community and Junior College Libraries Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: José Alberto Aguiñaga, Library Faculty, Glendale Com- munity College North; Ann Coder, Library Services Manager, Brookhaven College, Dallas County Community College District. Secretary: Jackie L. Case, Director of Library Services, Wake Technical Community College; Lisa Craig-Young, Reference and Instruction Librarian, Coastal Bend College. College Libraries Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Gillian S. (Jill) Gremmels, Library Director, Davidson Col- lege; Douglas K. Lehman, Library Director, Wittenberg University. Secretary: David Paul Bunnell, Dean of Library Services, Pittsburg State University; Amy E. Badertscher, Director of Library Services, Kenyon College. Member-at-Large: Ann M. Watson, Li- brary Director, Ohio University-Lancaster; Ken Fujiuchi, Emerging Technology Librar- ian, Buffalo State College. Distance Learning Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Sandra Lee (Sandy) Hawes, Digital Resources Librar- ian, Saint Leo University; Julie Ar nold Lietzau, Course Manager, Reference and Instruction Librarian, and Liaison to the Graduate School of Management and Tech- nology, University of Maryland University College. Secretary/Archivist: Cynthia Porter, Distance Support Librarian, A. T. Still University; Angela Paige Whitehurst, Dis- tance Education Coordinator, East Carolina University. Member-at-Large: Britt Fagerheim, Coordinator of Distance Education Library Services, Utah State University; Jane M. Hutton, Electronic Resources Librarian, West Chester University of Pennsylvania. Education and Behavioral Sciences Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Vanessa J. Earp, Education Librarian, Kent State Uni- versity; Dana Peterman, Research Librarian for Education, Psychology and Cognitive Sciences, University of California-Irvine. Secretary: Bruce R. Stoffel, Reference Services Coordinator, Illinois State Uni- versity; Cindy Judd, Associate University Librarian, Eastern Kentucky University. Member-at-Large: Jason Martin, Asso- ciate Librarian, University of Central Flor- ida; Alex R. Hodges, Assistant Director for Library Instruction, American University. January 2011 39 C&RL News Instruction Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Susan Miller, Instruction Coordinator, Community Col- lege of Rhode Island; Ellysa Stern Cahoy, Acting Head, Library Learning Services and Education and Behavioral Sciences Librarian, Pennsylvania State University-University Park. Secretary: Alec Sonsteby, Reference and Instruction Librarian, Metropolitan State Uni- versity; Jennifer E. Knievel, Faculty Director of Research and Instruction, University of Colorado-Boulder. Member-at-Large: Michelle S. Millet, Head of Research Services, University of Texas-San Antonio; Jennifer Sharkey, Assistant Profes- sor of Library Science and Coordinator of Instruction and Information Literacy, Illinois State University; Wendy Holliday, Coordinator of Library Instruction, Utah State University. Literatures in English Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Arianne Hartsell- Gundy, Humanities Librarian, Miami Univer- sity; Melissa S. Van Vuuren, English Librarian, James Madison University. Secretary: Christine Ruotolo, Digital Services Manager, University of Virginia; Amanda Rust, Research and Instruction Li- brarian, Northeastern University. Member-at-Large: David D. Oberhelman, Professor of Humanities-Social Sciences Di- vision, Oklahoma State University; Tammy Eschedor Voelker, Associate Professor, Hu- manities Reference and Instruction Librarian, Kent State University. Law and Political Science Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: LeRoy LaFleur, Head, Arlington Campus Library, George Mason University; Amalia Monroe-Gulick, Librarian for Political Science, Public Ad- ministration, and International Government Information, University of Kansas. Secretary: Lynda Kellam McMillan, Data Services and Government Information Librar- ian, University of North Carolina-Greensboro; Lynn Thitchener, Reference and Instruction Librarian and Government Documents Coor- dinator, Cornell University. Member-at-Large: Mara Degnan Rojeski, Social Sciences Liaison Librarian, Dickinson College; Lisa R. Norberg, Dean of the Library and Academic Information Services, Barnard College. Rare Books and Manuscripts Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Erika Dowell, Public Services Librarian, Indiana University- Lilly Library; Robert L. Maxwell, Chair of Special Collections and Formats Catalog De- partment, Brigham Young University-Harold B. Lee Library. Secretary: Ann Wilson Copeland, Special Collections Cataloging Librarian, Pennsyl- vania State University; Martha M. Lawler, Cataloger, James Smith Noel Collection, Louisiana State University-Shreveport. Member-at-Large: Sarah S. Fisher, Head of Printed Acquisitions, Beinecke Rare Book and Manuscript Library, Yale University; William La Moy, Curator of Rare Books and Printed Materials, Special Collections Research Center, Syracuse University. Slavic and Eastern European Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Patricia Thur- ston, Team Leader, Specialty Cataloging, Yale University. Secretary: Heghine Hakobyan, Slavic Librarian, University of Oregon. Science and Technology Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Lori Ostapowicz Critz, Head of Faculty Engagement Depart- ment and Science-Engineering Librarian, Georgia Institute of Technology; Kara M. Whatley, Head, Coles Science Center, New York University. Secretary: Marianne Stowell Bracke, Agricultural Sciences Information Specialist, Purdue University; Edward Lener, College Librarian for the Sciences and Associate Director for Collection Management, Vir- ginia Tech. Member-at-Large: Peter Larsen, Physical Sciences and Engineering Librarian, Univer- sity of Rhode Island; John J. Meier, Science Librarian, Pennsylvania State University. C&RL News January 2011 40 University Libraries Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Tanner Wray, Director of Public Services, University of Maryland; Stephanie S. Atkins, Head of Ac- cess, Washington University-St. Louis. S e c r e t a r y : We n d y G i r v e n , P u b l i c Services Librarian, University of Alaska Southeast; Robert P. Holley, Professor of Library and Information Science, Wayne State University. Member-at-Large: Dane Ward, Associ- ate Dean for Public Services, Illinois State University; Jamie Kearley, Head of Reference and Instruction, University of Wyoming; Jan H. Kemp, Assistant Dean for Public Services, University of Texas-San Antonio; Rubye Jean Cross, Periodicals Librarian, Georgia Institu- tion of Technology. Western European Studies Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Deb Raftus, Ro- mance Languages and Literatures Librarian, University of Washington; Heidi Madden, Librarian for Western European Studies, Duke University. Secretary: Michelle Emanuel, Catalog Librar- ian, University of Mississippi; Marcus Richter, Technical Services Librarian, Alma College. Member-at-Large: Charlene M. Kellsey, Faculty Director of the Acquisitions Depart- ment, University of Colorado; Ann P. Snoey- enbos, Coordinator of International Sales and Special Markets, Project MUSE, Johns Hopkins University Press. Women’s Studies Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Jennifer Mayer, Fine Arts and Women’s Studies Librarian, University of Wyoming; Sharon Ladenson, Gender Studies and Communications Librar- ian, Michigan State University. Secretary: Susan Elaine Wood, Interlibrary Loan/Document Delivery Librarian, University of Memphis; Diane Fulkerson, Instruction Li- brarian, University of West Georgia. Member-at-Large: Piper Martin, Social Sciences and Humanities Librarian, Wright State University; Caitlin Mary Shanley, In- structional Design and Technology Librarian, University of Tennessee-Chattanooga. Project MUSE now offers you more rich archival content online. Back issues from nearly 100 of our respected, peer-reviewed journals are being added, and complete runs — from Volume 1, Issue 1 — are now available for over 60 titles. A core discovery and research tool for faculty and students in the humanities and social sciences since 1995, MUSE makes access affordable and easy. 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