feb11a.indd C&RL News February 2011 74 N e w s f r o m t h e F i e l dDavid Free The lighted façade of the Hunt Library at Carnegie Mellon. Visit this article online for color image. Carnegie Mellon lights up In November 2010, Carnegie Mellon Univer- sity hosted its own version of Light Up Night with a sparkling event to celebrate Hunt Li- brary’s 50th anniversary. Hosted by Univer- sity President Jared L. Cohon and his wife, Maureen, the event unveiled the latest gift to the university from the Hunt Foundation— lighting for the façade of Hunt Library on three sides. Cindy Limauro and Christopher Popowich, design partners in C & C Lighting, designed the new exterior lighting to show- case the multifaceted elegance of the library’s aluminum structure and to create a welcom- ing atmosphere at the canopy entrance. The lighting slowly changes throughout the night to enhance the library’s focal presence on campus. In addition, lighting designs have been created for celebratory campus events, such as graduation and homecoming as well as special holidays. The green technology behind the display uses color-changing LED bulbs that can mix to white light or create dynamic color combinations. The library’s aluminum structure serves as a canvas for painting with color and the designs create a sense of energy and activity at night. Guidelines for Instruction Programs in Academic Libraries revision The ACRL Instruction Section has a task force working to revise the ACRL “Guide- lines for Instruction Programs in Academic Libraries” and would welcome your input. Approved by the ACRL Board of Directors in June 2003, the guidelines assist academ- ic and research librarians in preparing and developing effective instructional programs. Review the draft of the guideline revision on the ACRL Web site at www.ala.org/ala /mgrps/divs/acrl/standards/ and send com- ments to task force co-chairs Rhonda Huis- man (rhuisman@iupui.edu) and Theresa Westbrock (twestbro@ lib.nmsu.edu) by March 1, 2011. Demco acquires Highsmith DEMCO has acquired the assets of educational products supplier Highsmith from W. W. Grainger Inc. With the addition of High- smith, DEMCO hopes to grow its products and services for li- braries and schools across the country. “DEMCO and Highsmith have a shared commitment to serving the library community: school, public, and academic,” DEMCO President Mike Grasee said. “For more than 100 years, DEMCO has provided quality solutions for libraries. Together, we will continue that tradition into the future.” The Highsmith business will operate from the DEMCO facilities in Madison and Defor- est, Wisconsin. DEMCO currently employs 245 workers and anticipates hiring an additional 60 to 75 people to support the acquisition of the Highsmith business. Civil Rights Digital Library wins Schwartz Prize The Civil Rights Digital Library (CRDL), host- ed by the University of Georgia Libraries and GALILEO, was awarded the 2010 Schwartz Prize for excellence in the public humanities by the Federation of State Humanities Coun- cils. CRDL was recognized as an innovative program to deliver educational content on the civil rights movement via the Web. The online library contains 30 hours (about 450 clips) of historical news footage, a civil February 2011 75 C&RL News Ten reasons to attend the ACRL 2011 Virtual Conference Not able to make the trip to Philadelphia for ACRL 2011? You can still participate in the conference online. Building on the success of the 2009 Virtual Conference and feedback from its participants, ACRL will again offer the opportunity to experience the confer- ence virtually. Here are a few reasons why the ACRL 2011 Virtual Conference could work for you or your institution: 1. Preview podcasts. Podcasts are planned with face-to-face and virtual conference organizers, a local arrangements co-chair who will give you the Philly scoop from a local perspec- tive, and invited speaker Char Booth. The preview podcasts will be available in the online conference community when it launches prior to the conference. 2. No missed sessions. Virtual Conference attendees will have access to 12 original virtual conference Webcasts and more than 130 slidecasts (Powerpoint or other presenta- tions synced with audio of the speaker) from every contributed paper, Cyber Zed Shed presentation, invited paper, and panel session presented at the face-to-face conference in Philadelphia. Access to all of these presenta- tions will be available for one year following the conference. 3. Presentations on emerging topics in academic librarianship. Live, interactive Webcast sessions will cover user studies, em- bedded librarianship, project management, personal branding, digital library partner- ships with cultural heritage organizations, the presence of librarians and libraries in virtual worlds and online classes, and teacher development, among other topics. 4. Live session interactivity. The ACRL 2011 Virtual Conference online classroom will provide a simple, effective interface exclusively for presentations at the virtual conference. Presenters can use interactive tools, such as the whiteboard, survey, and chat features, to encourage attendee partici- pation and facilitate discussion. 5. Second Life tours of library presences in the virtual world and a live Webcast origi- nating in Second Life that will be broadcast in the Virtual Conference environment. 6. Participation in discussions via social networks, such as the Twitter (www.twitter. com/#ACRL2011) and Facebook (www. facebook.com/ACRL2011). 7. Professional development opportuni- ties all year long. Register your institution as a group and play a few of the recorded sessions each month. The Virtual Conference committee will provide a Facilitator’s Guide, which will help stimulate discussion among your colleagues. 8. Volunteer opportu- nities. When you register, you will have the option of volunteering to be a Virtual Conference blogger. Partici- pating in the conference as a virtual corre- spondent can provide entry to future com- mittee work and networking opportunities. 9. A richer virtual conference environ- ment. This year’s virtual conference site features a more intuitive navigation system for improved access to conference content and a more streamlined process of viewing slidecasts, which are embedded into the virtual conference site. 10. No travel costs and less paperwork. No worries about staying under per diem rates, submitting receipts, finding a roommate, or getting to and from the conference site. Registration for the 2011 ACRL Virtual Conference opens February 8, 2011. Regis- tration rates are available on the ACRL 2011 Web site. Group registration is for a single log-in per institution. The group participates in live events from the same location. Ad- ditional site licenses can be purchased for $25, if you want multiple log-ins for your institution. Register for the ACRL 2011 Virtual Confer- ence online at www.acrl.org/acrlconference. Contact Er in Dor ne y (er in.dor ne y @millersville.edu), Scott Vine (scott.vine@ fandm.edu) or Margot Conahan at ACRL (312-280-2522; mconahan@ala.org) with questions about the ACRL 2011 Virtual Conference.—Calida Barboza, electronic resources/systems librarian, King’s College C&RL News February 2011 76 New ACRL Liaison Coordinating Committee Did you know that since 1995, ACRL has encouraged strategic networking with other higher education organizations through the Council of Liaisons? Individuals have been designated as ACRL liaisons to the Council of Independent Colleges, American Educa- tional Research Association, American As- sociation of Community Colleges, American Sociological Association, American Political Science Association, and more. For a complete list, visit www.ala.org/ala/mgrps/divs/acrl /issues/councilofliaisons/targetliaisons.cfm. Our liaisons have accomplished a great deal over the years to bring academic library issues and concerns to the attention of higher education groups. During the past year, the ACRL Board of Directors spent considerable time discussing ways to improve the program and expand it as a strategic priority. One of their goals is to recognize and support both the formally established liaisons and the im- portant work that sections and other ACRL units are doing in supporting their members’ outreach to a variety of higher education organizations. The Council of Liaisons has been renamed and reorganized as the ACRL Liaison Coordi- nating Committee, with three subcommit- tees. The Assembly of Liaisons includes all individuals who have been appointed as liaisons, whether by the ACRL Board itself or a particular ACRL unit. The assembly will gather in person at ALA conferences as well as virtually throughout the year with the goal of sharing best practices. The Liaison Training and Development subcommittee is responsible for providing continuing education opportunities for liai- sons as well as assisting in communicating the successful work of the liaisons to the ACRL membership. The Liaisons Grant Committee manages the liaison program budget. It is currently working to establish a competitive process for funding specific liaison activities over a defined period of time with a focus on as- sessable outcomes. We are currently seeking volunteers to serve on both the Training and Grant subcommittees as they establish guidelines and procedures. To learn more about ACRL’s liaison work, and to volunteer to serve on one of these new subcommittees, please contact ACRL President Lisa Hinchliffe at ljanicke @illinois.edu. As a sample of successful and important liaison work, Susan Barnes Whyte, current liaison to the Council of Independent Col- leges (CIC), reports on her work and pro- vides some background history on ACRL’s relationship with CIC. Read her report on ACRL Insider at http://bit.ly/fax7IA.—Bede Mitchell, ACRL Liaison Coordinating Com- mittee chair rights portal that allows users to access material on the movements from 100 libraries and other organizations nationwide, and supplemental instructional materials. It has been incorporat- ed into public programs ranging from teacher training to television documentary. “Winning the Schwartz Prize is a wonderful accomplishment for the CRDL partners,” said P. Toby Graham, deputy university librarian and Digital Library of Georgia director. “The 15 nominations for this year’s prize showcase some of the most imaginative and important work humanities councils are currently under- taking or supporting.” The awards ceremony was held at the National Hispanic Cultural Center in Albuquer- que, New Mexico, as part of the 2010 National Humanities Conference. CRDL is available online at crdl.usg.edu. CLIR Hidden Collections Grant preproposals The Council on Library and Information Resources (CLIR) recently opened the pre- proposal application period for its Catalog- ing Hidden Special Collections and Archives grant program. Information about the pro- gram and links to the online application and guidelines are available at www.clir.org /hiddencollections/index.html. The dead- line for submitting completed preproposals is Friday, March 11, 2011. All applicants are required to submit a preproposal. Final pro- posals will be accepted only from applicants February 2011 77 C&RL News Hot on the Web The following are the top five most read articles on C&RL News online in 2010. 1. “2010 top ten trends in academic libraries: A review of the current literature” by ACRL Research Planning and Review Committee (June 2010) 2. “QR codes and academic libraries” by Robin Ashford (November 2010) 3 “Embedding library resources into learning manage- ment systems: A way to reach Duke undergrads at their points of need” by Emily Daly (April 2010) 4. “Introducing transliteracy” by Tom Ipri (November 2010) 5. “Understanding resistance: An introduction to anar- chism” by Joshua Finnell and Jerome Marcantel (March 2010) Visit C&RL News online at crln.acrl.org to find your favorite current and past articles. And discover something new. whose preproposals are ap- proved by the program’s re- view panel. The program will award funds to institutions holding collections of high scholarly value that are difficult or im- possible to locate through existing finding aids. Award re- cipients will create descriptive information for their hidden collections that will be linked to and interoperable with all other projects funded by this grant, to form a federated envi- ronment that can be built upon over time. Funding for the pro- gram comes from the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation. In 2011, the program ex- pects to award about $4 mil- lion in grants that range from $75,000 to $500,000. Decisions will be announced by December 31, 2011, and ap- plicants may begin their projects anytime between January 1, 2012, and March 1, 2012. Elsevier joins CrossRef Cited-by Linking Elsevier now participates in CrossRef’s Cited- by Linking Service, allowing CrossRef mem- ber publishers to display links on an article page to other articles that cite that particu- lar document. Elsevier joins more than 200 publishers that deposit references from their scholarly content and display citing links from CrossRef publishers back to that con- tent. Since August 2010, CrossRef DOI-based Cited-by Links have been added to more than 10 million Elsevier articles on SciVerse Science- Direct. The next step in Elsevier's implemen- tation will be to submit approximately 200 million references to CrossRef from its large library of scholarly publications. Depositing these references will allow other CrossRef members to display links to Elsevier articles that cite their content. CrossRef Cited-by Linking (previously known as Forward Linking) has grown steadily since its inception in 2006. Currently, almost 20 percent of the 44 million CrossRef DOIs deposited also have their references avail- able to create Cited-by Links. A total of more than 125 million Cited-by Links exist among participating publishers. Nearly 17 million CrossRef DOIs have at least one Cited-by Link referencing them. More information is avail- able at the CrossRef Web site at www.crossref. org/citedby.html. NCSU Libraries Web site wins OITP “Cutting Edge Service” award A little more than four months after it of- ficially went public, the newly redesigned Web site for the North Carolina State Uni- versity Libraries (www.lib.ncsu.edu) has been awarded the ALA Office of Information Technology Policy “Cutting Edge Technol- ogy Service” award. The award is given an- nually to libraries that are serving their com- munities with novel and innovative methods. The NCSU Libraries was the only academic library in the country to be honored with a 2011 award. “The NCSU Libraries long ago committed to being a technology incubator both for NC State and for our profession in general,” says Susan K. Nutter, vice provost and director of the NCSU Libraries. The NCSU Libraries received a 2010 ALA “Cutting Edge Service” award for its “Library Course Tools” project, automating the cre- ation of an individual Web guide on how to approach research tasks for every one of the more than 6,000 courses taught at the university.