feb11ff.indd C&RL News February 2011 120 Gary Pattillo is reference librarian at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, e-mail: pattillo@email. unc.edu G a r y P a t t i l l o Science researchers Science researchers at the University of California-Santa Cruz were surveyed about their article database use and preferences in order to inform collection budget choices. Web of Science was the single most used database, selected by 41.6 percent. Statistically there was no difference between PubMed (21.5 percent) and Google Scholar (18.7 percent) as the second most popular database. 83 percent of those surveyed had used Google Scholar and an additional 13 percent had not used it but would like to try it. Very few databases account for the most use, and subject-specific databases are used less than big multidisciplinary data- bases (PubMed is the exception). While Google Scholar is favored for its ease of use and speed, those who prefer Web of Science feel more confident about the quality of their results than do those who prefer Google Scholar. When asked to choose between paying for article database access and paying for journal subscriptions, 66 percent of researchers chose to keep journal subscriptions, while 34 percent chose to keep article databases. Christy Hightower and Christy Caldwell, “Shifting Sands: Science Researchers on Google Scholar, Web of Science, and PubMed, with Implications for Library Collections Budgets,” Issues in Science and Technology Librarianship, fall 2010, www.istl.org/10-fall/refereed3.html (retrieved December 3, 2010). Foreign-language enrollment Undergraduate enrollments in foreign-language courses at American colleges and universities rose 6.6 percent between 2006 and 2009. Graduate level for- eign-language enrollments, however, declined 6.7 percent for the same period. Spanish, French, German, and American Sign Language (ASL) are the four most popular languages. Arabic has risen two positions in the ranking since 2006 to eighth most popular. Nelly Furman, David Goldberg, and Natalia Lusin “Enrollments in Languages Other than English in United States Institu- tions of Higher Education, fall 2009,” Modern Language Association, www.mla.org/pdf/2009_enrollment_survey.pdf (retrieved January 5, 2011). Mobile data bandwidth Mobile data bandwidth usage increased by 68 percent during the first half of 2010. Video streaming applications dominate global mobile bandwidth usage and continue to grow in popularity. YouTube alone accounts for 13 percent of mobile data bandwidth usage. Voice over Internet Protocol (VoIP) grew by 84 percent, with Skype accounting for the large majority of that usage. “Allot MobileTrends Report H1, 2010,” Allot Communications, September 27, 2010, www.allot.com/MobileTrends _Report_H1_2010.html (retrieved December 15, 2010). BioEve BioEve: Discovery Engine is a search and discovery service that makes it easier for researchers to search and navigate knowledge hidden in the text of published life sciences literature. The word cloud search interface makes it easy to limit results by co-occurring genes, drugs, or diseases. BioEve: A Discovery Engine for Life Sciences Literature, www.bioeve.org/index.html (retrieved January 11, 2011).