march11a.indd C&RL News March 2011 128 N e w s f r o m t h e F i e l dDavid Free Interior of the new Columbia University Science and Engineering Library. Columbia opens new Science and Engineering Library Columbia University’s new Science and Engineering Library opened in the univer- sity’s Northwest Corner Building on Janu- ary 18, 2011. The new library focuses on research support for the fields of chemistry, biology, physics, astronomy, and psychol- ogy, as well as providing a collaborative environment supporting rapidly expanding interdisciplinary science and engineering research. The library features seating and study spaces for 345 students and research- ers with spectacular views of the Columbia campus and Morningside Heights. “The new Science and Engineering Library fulfills the vision of the Columbia University Li- braries to rethink and redefine library spaces to better support emerging approaches to research and teaching,” said Jim Neal, vice president for information services and university librarian. The building and library were designed by José Rafael Moneo, in collaboration with the architects at Madrid’s Moneo Brock Studio and New York’s Davis Brody Bond Aedas. The state of the art building links the laboratories and study spaces to the Colum- bia campus, facilitating the ready sharing and exchange of ideas, resources, and informa- tion. More information about Science and Engineering Library can be found at www. New Immersion program faculty named Four new members have been named to the ACRL Information Literacy Immersion Program faculty. The new faculty members are Char Booth (e-learning li- brarian at the University of California-Berkeley), Wendy Holliday (coordinator of library instruction at Utah State Univer- sity), Michelle Millet (head of research services at the Univer- sity of Texas-San Antonio), and Karen Nicholson (teaching and learning librarian at McMaster University in Hamilton, Ontar- io, Canada). More information about the Immersion Program, including the new faculty mem- bers, is available on the ACRL Web site at /mgrps/divs/acrl/issues/infolit /professactivity/iil/immersion /programs.cfm. Apply to host travelling King James Bible exhibit The ALA Public Programs Office, the Fol- ger Shakespeare Library and the National Endowment for the Humanities (NEH) in- vite public, academic, and special librar- ies to apply to host “Manifold Greatness: The Creation and Afterlife of the King James Bible.” Three copies of the exhibit will travel to 40 libraries from fall of 2011 through winter of 2013. Successful appli- cants will host the exhibit for a four-week period between fall of 2011 and winter of 2013 and will receive a $2,500 grant from NEH for attendance at an exhibit-planning workshop and other exhibit-related ex- penses. Participating libraries are expected to pres- ent at least two free public programs featuring a lecture or discussion by a qualified scholar on exhibition themes. All showings of the exhibi- tion must be free and open to the public. For more information, including access to the online application, visit /kingjamesbible. March 2011 129 C&RL News New ACRL publications ACRL announces the publication of Col- lection Development in a Changing En- vironment: Policies and Organization for College and University Libraries (CLIPNote #42) and Decision-Making in the Absence of Certainty: A Study in the Context of Technology and the Construction of the 21st Century Ac- ademic Library. Compiled and authored by Su- sanne K. Clement and Jennifer M. Foy, Collection Development in a Changing En- vironment high- lights collection d e v e l o p m e n t and management policies for college and university libraries. For each collection development policy element, the authors provide examples of traditional policy language along with ex- amination of unique, forward thinking, and strategic language. The topical organization of the work will be useful for a wide variety of large and small college and university libraries, as well as facilitate creation of new collections policies or inform revisions and updates of existing policies. Decision-Making in the Absence of Certainty, written by S. David Mash, details an in-depth study of the often surprising decision-making process at five American universities that built new libraries at the dawn of the 21st century. Their collective decision to invest many millions of dollars in technology and physical space is a testament to their perceptive commitment to a vision that the very best for students and faculty is a library where both technology and the physical space are well designed. In the work, Mash explores such ques- tions as: How do we bring together the rich- ness of physical space and the effectiveness of technology to achieve a learning environ- ment that reaps the best of both? What decision-making model can help library leaders face ambiguity about the future as they navigate this complex, high-stakes, and expensive task? Readers will gain personal and profes- sional insights that expand to any setting where high-stakes decision making is combined with ambiguity and complexity. Mash’s book is ideal for any libraries con- sidering construction projects or seeking insight into the decision-making process in general. Collection Development in a Changing Environment is the first digital publication in the ClipNote series. The digital format a l l o w s t h e a u t h o r s t o f e a t u r e h y - p e r l i n k e d ex c e r p t s o f policies from more than 60 libraries. Avail- able in PDF e- book format, C o l l e c t i o n Development in a Chang- ing Environ- ment (CLIP- Note #42) is available for purchase by credit card only through the ALA Online Store at www. Decision-Making in the Absence of Cer- tainty is available for purchase through the ALA Online Store and by telephone order at (866) 746-7252 in the United States or (770) 442-8633 for international customers. C&RL News March 2011 130 arXiv joins EBSCO Discovery Service arXiv is the latest content source to become available via EBSCO Discovery Service (EDS) from EBSCO Publishing. arXiv is an e-print service owned and operated by Cor- nell University offering an extensive archive of scientific papers. Metadata from arXiv will be added to the EDS Base Index. arXiv serves as an archive for more than 650,000 electronic preprints of scientific papers. Metadata from arXiv is a valuable resource for those with interests or research needs in the fields of physics, mathematics, com- puter science, quantitative biology, quantita- tive finance, and statistics. More information on EDS is available at /discovery. arXiv is online at Open Folklore project receives 2011 Outstanding Collaboration Citation The Open Folklore project, a collabora- tive effort between the Indiana University Bloomington Libraries and the American Folklore Society, is the recipient of the 2011 Outstanding Collaboration Citation from the Association of Library Collections and Technical Services (ALCTS). The award recognizes and encourages collaborative problem-solving efforts in the areas of ac- quisition, access, management, preservation or archiving of library materials, as well as a demonstrated benefit from actions, services or products that improve and assist with the management of library collections. Open Folklore debuted in October 2010 to provide open online access to many useful— but heretofore difficult to access—research materials in the field of folklore studies, including books, journals, “gray literature” (unpublished), and Web sites. More infor- mation on the project is available at www. New WilsonWeb enhancements H. W. Wilson recently unveiled several new enhancements to the WilsonWeb service in- clude improvements to the WilsonWeb Mobile interface, expansion of the “My Wilson- Web” individual user account functions and increased cus- tomization. New features in- clude record previews, Zotero compatibility, and ReadSpeak- er text-to-speech converter en- hancements. In addition, the WilsonWeb Mobile interface now allows libraries to add up to the cus- tom links. New search boxes have also been added, allowing users to launch new searches without returning to the main search screen. Wilson Mobile usage sta- tistics are now available for administrators, and the interface has been adapted to work with Shibboleth Authentication. For more on the Wilson- Web enhancements, visit www.hwwilson. com/enhancements. 2012 ACRL professional development programs ACRL invites proposal submissions for half- or full-day preconferences to be held prior to the 2012 ALA Annual Conference held Delaware digitizes bookplates The University of Delaware Library has digitized the William Augustus Brewer Digital Bookplate collection and made it freely available online at the request of bookplate scholars and collectors. The online collection currently includes about 3,000 bookplates, with the remaining bookplates to be added in 2011. Reverend William Augustus Brewer was an avid bookplate collector. His wife, Augusta La- Motte Brewer, bequeathed his collection to the library after her husband’s death. The collection is comprised of thousands of bookplates dating mainly from the 18th, 19th and 20th centuries, including bookplates from the libraries of Lewis Carroll, Samuel L. Clemens, Charles Dickens, Walt Disney, Harry Houdini, Paul Revere, and William Butler Yeats. Subjects illustrated in the book- plates are varied and include acrostics, birds, death’s heads, medicine, music, rebuses, science, and portraits of historical and literary figures. The collection is available online at fletcher.lib.udel. edu/collections/wab/. March 2011 131 C&RL News Visual literacy, information literacy programs standards and guidelines review The ACRL Image Resources Interest Group has a task force developing visual literacy standards and has a public draft of the stan- dards available for review. The task force is seeking comments before completing final revisions and submitting the standards for approval. The draft of the standard is available on the interest group blog at Post comments on the blog or send to Denise Hattwig ( by March 31, 2011. In addition, the ACRL Instruction Sec- tion’s Information Literacy Best Practices Committee is in the process of revising the “Characteristics of Programs of Informa- tion Literacy that Illustrate Best Practices: A Guideline” and would welcome your input. Approved by the ACRL Board of Directors in 2003, “Characteristics of Programs of Information Literacy that Illustrate Best Practices: A Guideline” articulates elements of exemplary information literacy programs for undergraduate students at four-and two- year institutions. The draft of the guideline revision is avail- able on the ACRL Web site at /ala/mgrps/divs/acrl/standards/. Send com- ments to the IS Information Literacy Best Practices Committee Chair Elana Karshmer ( by March 28, 2011. June 22, 2012, in Anaheim, California. Sub- missions will be accepted online at https:// w ww .s ur ve ym on ke y. co m/ s/ JV N 3TQ 3 through April 8, 2011. Preconferences should allow participants to develop skills related to a specific topic and should focus on interactive learning us- ing a variety of presentation styles. Programs that offer practical tips and cutting-edge techniques are especially encouraged. Pro- posals should outline activities that will be incorporated during the session to enable attendees to achieve the session’s learning outcomes. Preconferences can either be half-day or full-day sessions. The deadline for submissions is 5 p.m. PDT, Friday, April 8, 2011. Visit www.acrl. org/ala/mgrps/divs/acrl/events/call.cfm for the complete call for proposals. Notifications will be issued by June 2011. OCLC releases new perceptions report OCLC has released “Perceptions of Librar- ies, 2010: Context and Community,” a fol- low-up to its 2005 “Perceptions of Libraries and Information Resources.” The new report provides updated in- formation and new insights into informa- tion consumers and their online informa- tion habits, preferences, and perceptions. Particular attention was paid to how the Correction The name of Kate Burke, one of the au- thors of the article “The accidental men- torship,” is misspelled on page 99 of the February 2011 issue. The editors regret the error and apologize to Ms. Burke. current economic downturn has affected information-seeking behaviors and how those changes are reflected in the use and perception of libraries. The report explores technological and economic shifts since 2005; lifestyle changes Americans have made during the recession, including increased use of the library and other online resources; how Americans use online resources and libraries in 2010; and perceptions of libraries and information resources based on life stage, from teens to college students to senior Americans. The membership report is based on U.S. data from an online survey conducted by Harris Interactive on behalf of OCLC. OCLC analyzed and summarized the results. “Perceptions of Libraries, 2010: Context and Community” is available for free download on the OCLC Web site at /reports/2010perceptions.htm.