june11a.indd June 2011 317 C&RL News In the Welcome to the June 2011 issue of C&RL News. As ALA gears up to migrate our Web presence to a new content management system, I’ve been involved in several discussions about common naming and placement of site elements across the association to improve usability. While this can be a daunting task in an organization this large, imagine working to develop a common vocabulary for library Web sites across a univer- sity system. But this is exactly what a taskforce of librarians from the University of California recently did. Taskforce members describe how they were able to “Come together” and recom- mend a unified Web nomenclature and layout in this month’s issue. As academic libraries move into the sum- mer break, planning activities and services for the next academic year is in full swing. In this issue, librarians from the University of Alabama describe how they got freshmen to “Step right up to the library!” during welcome week with a carnival-style orientation. If you are looking for a new program for your faculty orientation this fall, check out Mary K. O’Kelly and Colleen Lyon’s successful “Google like a librarian” workshop. Summer break is also a good time to ponder new class assignments and activities. Robert Miller of the University of Maryland College describes using a six-word memoir on library experiences as a reflective assignment in his library skills course in his article “I came, I saw, I researched.” At Wright State University, Maureen Barry successfully incorporated a service learning activity into her information literacy course. Learn how students engaged in “Research for the greater good” by providing research and volunteer hours for a local nonprofit focused on childhood nutrition. Make sure to check out the other features and columns this month, including Internet Resources on missing persons, an essay on navigating the information landscape, and 2011 ACRL election results. —David Free, editor-in-chief dfree@ala.org