july11b.indd C&RL News July/August 2011 420 The quickly changing information and technology landscape requires increas- ingly sophisticated information literacy skills for the navigation, evaluation, and use of information (Jenkins, 2006). Teachers play a key role in providing students with diverse opportunities to learn how to use information wisely. Those preparing to become prekinder- garten to 12th grade (PK–12) teachers require a comprehensive understanding of informa- tion literacy to guide their own knowledge creation activities that will ultimately affect their future students. Yet, researchers have shown that future teachers often enter teach- ing without the necessary information literacy skills and knowledge (Laverty & Reed, 2006). Experiences in pre-service, graduate, and continuing education programs shape how teachers model and facilitate student learning in their own classrooms. The development of information literacy tools and knowledge is fundamental to teacher education students’ abilities to evaluate and use diverse and continually changing information sources in their academic work and pre-service teaching. Once in their own classrooms, PK–12 teach- ers model for their students how to critically navigate the current maze of information and how to use information to construct credible arguments: Information literacy competence enables pre-service teachers to develop a robust understanding of the role of informa- tion in their lives, and to model information literacy to PK–12 students. Intended audience The Information Literacy Standards for Teacher Education provides a bridge be- tween the ACRL Information Literacy Com- petency Standards for Higher Education (2000) and the application of the information literacy standards in teacher education con- texts (Cook & Cooper, 2006). The intended audiences are teacher education librarians and faculty members, and secondarily teacher education students. As the majority of edu- cation students enrolled in higher education institutions, PK–12 pre-service teachers are the intended teacher education students, regardless of their content-area specialization. Purpose The main purposes of the Information Lit- eracy Standards for Teacher Education are to: • Guide teacher education faculty and instruction librarians in developing informa- tion literacy instruction for teacher education students. • Enable the evaluation and assessment of such instruction and curricula through benchmarking outcomes. Secondarily, the Standards aim to commu- nicate to teacher education students expecta- tions for information literacy knowledge and skills they need to develop and apply in their academic work and pre-service teaching. The Standards also aim to lead teacher education students to consider how they might integrate information literacy into their future cur- ACRL standards and guidelines Information literacy standards for teacher education Approved by the ACRL Board of Directors, May 11, 2011 By the EBSS Instruction for Educators Committee July/August 2011 421 C&RL News riculum, instruction, and assessment activities once a member of the teaching profession. Sources consulted The Information Literacy Standards for Teach- er Education were built upon the framework and foundation of the ACRL Information Lit- eracy Competency Standards for Higher Edu- cation (2000). In addition, the EBSS Instruction for Educators Committee used the resources gathered by previous committee members on the “EBSS Connecting the Standards” Web site.1 The site was designed to provide examples of collaborative practices that help bridge the ACRL Information Literacy Competency Standards for Higher Education to existing education standards, such as those from the American Association of School Librarians (AASL) and the Association for Educational Communications and Technology (AECT). The Web site facilitated a point-by-point analysis of standards documents from relevant education- specific associations and organizations. In addition, the committee reviewed literature in both library science and education focusing on information literacy standards for teacher education students. Development process This project was initiated in 2007 at the ALA Midwinter Meeting in Seattle. Initially under the auspices of the Education and Behavioral Sciences Section (EBSS) Ad Hoc Information Literacy Steering Committee, the project was then assigned to the Instruction for Educators Committee given the committee’s goals: to identify the issues and problems encountered by librarians serving schools, colleges, and departments of education in colleges and uni- versities and to make distinctive contributions as education library specialists to the field of bibliographic instruction. The committee began its work with a literature review and then considered the ACRL Information Literacy Competency Stan- dards for Higher Education (2000) within the domain of teacher education. Professional standards for PK–12 education and educa- tors, as cited above, as well as professional association members were consulted. Drafts of the standards were circulated to the EBSS Executive Committee, EBSS members, and faculty instructing pre-service teachers, and revised based on the feedback received. The “Checklist for Developing Subject-Specific Information Literacy Standards,” developed by ACRL’s Information Literacy Advisory Commit- tee, served as a guiding document throughout the development process. Standard One. The information literate teacher education student defines and articulates the need for information and selects strategies and tools to find that information. Performance Indicators: A. Defines the need for information. Outcomes include: 1. Identifying the purpose for which infor- mation is needed. Examples: for a research paper, lesson plan, oral presentation, class exercises or project, or for action research on classroom practices. 2. Determining the factors that influence the information need. Examples: The na- ture, extent, type, and format of information needed; the intended audience, such as school children, college classmates, or professional educators; or the scope, length, purpose, and role of the specific information-seeking task. 3. Exploring general information sources to increase familiarity with the scope of the information need. Examples: specialized edu- cation almanacs, encyclopedias, handbooks, bibliographies, dictionaries, curriculum or textbook collections, or trusted and evaluated online journals, blogs, wikis, newsfeeds, and news articles. 4. Defining or modifying the information need to achieve a manageable focus. 5. Reviewing the initial information need to clarify, revise, or refine initial impressions and ideas. B. Articulates the need for information. Outcomes Include: C&RL News July/August 2011 422 1. Formulating key questions to develop and clarify the information need. 2. Breaking down the information need into component concepts and terms. 3. Brainstorming and selecting synonyms and alternative words that represent the com- ponent concepts. C. Selects strategies to fulfill the information need. Outcomes Include: 1. Recognizing that disciplines produce, organize, disseminate, describe, and preserve knowledge in different ways that influence the way it is searched or accessed. Example: Researchers looking for materials about el- ementary and secondary-level students will find that psychology often uses terms such as childhood and adolescence to describe school children and that these terms should be used when accessing information from psychologi- cal sources. 2. Understanding how information in the discipline of education and related behavioral and social sciences is formally and informally produced, organized, disseminated, described, accessed, and preserved. 3. Considering the relevancy of literature of other disciplines (e.g., psychology, social science, English, law) to address the informa- tion need. 4. Recognizing that fulfilling the informa- tion need may require combining existing information with original thought, experi- mentation, and/or analysis to produce new information. 5. Recognizing the key associations, institu- tions, organizations, government agencies, and platforms for information discovery, retrieval, and analysis. 6. Considering the value and potential of various information sources to fulfill the in- formation need. Examples: finding a historical photograph for a lesson plan, incorporating popular literature in a scholarly research pa- per, or using an audio oral history for a class presentation. 7. Identifying the value and potential of information sources specific to the field of education to fulfill the information need. Ex- amples: accreditation standards, certification requirements, curricula, handbooks, manu- als, reference materials, statistics, textbooks, professional reviews, children’s books, and professional association resources. 8. Creating a realistic plan and timeline to acquire the needed information based upon task, product, performance, or practice expectations and outcomes. D. Selects tools to find information. Outcomes Include: 1. Knowing where the needed information of the desired types and formats is available and how it can be accessed. Examples: know- ing that bibliographic data about scholarly articles can be found in databases such as ERIC (Education Resources Information Cen- ter) and PsycINFO, or that education statistics can be accessed from the National Center for Education Statistics (NCES) Web site. 2. Determining the availability, accessibil- ity, and usability of information sources. 3. Making decisions on whether or not to broaden the information-seeking process by including sources available though inter- library loan, local school or public libraries, or other institutions or organizations. Standard Two. The information literate teacher education student locates and selects information based on its appro- priateness to the specific information need and the developmental needs of the student. Performance Indicators: A. Locates information. Outcomes Include: 1. Selecting tools that will provide access to the desired types and formats of informa- tion. 2. Using the selected tools to access in- formation. 3. Choosing and using efficient and effec- tive approaches for locating information in the selected tools. July/August 2011 423 C&RL News a. Employing various classification schemes and identifying data. Examples: Library of Congress, Dewey Decimal, or PsycINFO classifications. b. Employing advanced search strategies in various electronic information retrieval sys- tems through the use of command languages, protocols, or search parameters. Examples: Boolean and proximity operators, truncation, or other limiters (e.g., peer-reviewed, empiri- cal study, etc.), or using the advanced search (Reading level, Interest level, Lexile Range) on a Web site to identify materials to use in a lesson plan. c. Employing proper terminology by translating concepts into accurate keywords and synonyms by using provided tools, such as controlled vocabularies, thesauruses, or indexes. Example: Student keeps a record of their search terms, including keywords, descriptors from the Thesaurus of ERIC De- scriptors, Library of Congress Authorities, or other subject headings. d. Revising searches based on results. e. Employing linkages among documents to identify additional pertinent information. Example: following cited references or hy- perlinks. f. Employing specialized online or in- person services. Examples: interlibrary loan, virtual reference services, Curriculum Materi- als Center, the Children/Teen librarian at the local public library, school librarians, profes- sional associations, community resources, or other experts and practitioners. B. Selects information. Outcomes Include: 1. Assessing the quantity, quality, and relevance of the information found. 2. Determining the intellectual and pro- fessional aspects of choosing information sources that meet the information need ap- propriate for the intended audience. Exam- ples: selecting topical information for a lesson plan that aligns to specific state or national standards for a specific age group; selecting professional literature to use when giving a presentation on teaching methodologies. 3. Choosing the relevant content from a source to meet the information need. 4. Using the features of an information source to select the appropriate main ideas, data, and practices. Standard Three. The information literate teacher education student organizes and analyzes the information in the context of specific information needs and the developmental appropriateness for the audience. Performance Indicators: A. Organizes information. Outcomes Include: 1. Using various processes to maintain, organize, and manage located resources. Examples: saving and organizing informa- tion into files, folders, an accessible filing system, bibliographic management software (RefWorks, Zotero, EndNote, Procite, etc.), or Google Docs; or using a photocopier, scanner, or other piece of audio/visual equipment. 2. Tracking materials, practices, phrases, documents, or reproducible visual or statisti- cal data for a given information need. B. Analyzes information. Outcomes Include: 1. Analyzing the structure, logic, and pre- sentation of information and any supporting arguments or methods. 2. Selecting criteria to determine whether the preferred information contradicts or veri- fies other pieces of information and inves- tigating differing viewpoints encountered. 3. Determining how an individual’s educa- tional philosophy or theoretical perspective af- fects his or her use, selection, and presentation of information. Examples: keeping current by reading professional publications; or actively modeling information seeking, evaluation, and use for students; searching for data on an author’s philosophy or perspective. 4. Recognizing the commercial, cultural, historical, physical, or other context within C&RL News July/August 2011 424 which the information was created and understanding the impact of context on interpreting the information. Examples: evaluating and considering the purpose of a Web site: to inform or educate, to sell a product, or to promote an idea or stance; evaluating and considering authorship and currency of information when preparing a unit of study; considering multiple review sources when selecting classroom materials. 5. Recognizing the usefulness of and differences between information sources. Examples: research reports, case studies, surveys, and statistics; or primary, secondary, and tertiary sources. Standard Four. The information literate teacher education student synthesizes, processes, and presents the information in a way that is appropriate for the pur- pose for which information is needed. Performance Indicators: A. Processes information. Outcomes Include: 1. Determining whether to incorporate or reject viewpoints of information en- countered. 2. Recognizing interrelationships, con- sistencies, and inconsistencies among information, concepts, curricula, data, or practices and combining them with support- ing evidence. Example: reading and using peer-reviewed articles to make and support pedagogical changes in the classroom. 3. Extending ideas, information, and concepts, when possible, to a higher level of abstraction to construct new information, theories, or hypotheses. Example: realizing that concepts used in teaching one subject, for example probability in a mathematics class, can be transferred to other subject areas and tested there. 4. Drawing conclusions based upon the information gathered. 5. Testing theories, hypothesis, or infor- mation with appropriate accepted methodol- ogies, such as observation, surveys, or tests. B. Synthesizes information. Outcomes Include: 1. Using analysis tools such as spread- sheets, databases, statistical software, as well as social networks, and multimedia equip- ment to investigate the interaction between pieces of information, materials, practices, ideas, documents, or other data. 2. Integrating new information with previ- ous information or knowledge to form new perspectives and theories or to enhance professional practice. Example: using the findings of a scholarly journal article as a basis for trying a new instructional method in the classroom. C. Presents information. Outcomes Include: 1. Articulating conclusions based upon the information gathered. 2. Applying new and prior information to the planning, creation, and execution of a specific and applicable task, product, performance, or practice. 3. Choosing a communication medium and format that best supports the learning outcomes of the task, product, performance, or practice as well as learning styles of the intended audience. 4. Determining if the information rep- resentation is appropriate, sensitive, and responsible for the diversity (e.g., class, cultural, disability/ability, ethnicity, race, religion, sexual orientation, etc.) represented in the intended audience. 5. Using a range of technology applica- tions in accomplishing the task or creating the product, performance, or practice. Ex- amples: creating a wiki for a group-writing project or developing an eportfolio for a job interview. 6. Organizing and presenting the informa- tion in a manner that supports the purposes and format of the task, product, or perfor- mance. Examples: in an outline, storyboard, lesson plan, or research paper. 7. Ethically and legally manipulating text, images, and data, as needed, by transferring and/or transforming them from their original July/August 2011 425 C&RL News locations and formats to a new context or format. 8. Participating in class or profession- sponsored communication forums designed to encourage discourse. 9. Interacting, collaborating, and publish- ing with peers, professors, or other experts. Examples: publication—presenting at the state education association conference. Standard Five. The information literate teacher education student evaluates discrete pieces of information as well as the entire information-seeking process. Performance Indicators: A. Evaluates individual pieces of information. Outcomes Include: 1. Examining, comparing, and critically analyzing information from various sources in order to evaluate and ascertain reliability, valid- ity, accuracy, authority, timeliness, and point of view or bias. 2. Recognizing and using the differences between information sources as an evalua- tion tool. 3. Determining probable accuracy of the information by questioning the source of the information, the limitations of the informa- tion, and the evidence for any conclusions made. Examples: analyzing the publisher and author of information, identifying the intended audience, determining flaws in the scientific method used, or understanding how statistical information leads to a result. 4. Recognizing prejudice, deception, or manipulation of information and avoiding the use of stereotypical or offensive information. Example: critically examining information to find subtle prejudice or stereotypes and deciding whether to use the information in light of such problems. B. Evaluates the information seeking process. Outcomes Include: 1. Determining if the information found adequately addresses the information need and identifying any remaining gaps. 2. Determining whether alternative strategies, tools, or investigative methods should be used to fill gaps. 3. Revising strategies as necessary, and continuing to search using the new strat- egy, tool, or investigative methods until all the needed information is obtained. Example: searching an alternative database with a different focus, such as PsycINFO in place of ERIC. Standard Six. The information liter- ate teacher education student knows how to ethically use and disseminate information. Performance Indicators: Ethically uses and disseminates informa- tion. Outcomes Include: 1. Understanding the ethical, legal, and socio-economic issues surrounding information and information technology. Examples: Family Educational Rights and Privacy Act (FERPA), the Individuals with Disabilities Education Act (IDEA), the Ethi- cal Standards of the American Educational Research Association (AERA), or problems arising from the creation, collection, re- cording, distribution, and processing of information. 2. Demonstrating an understanding of intellectual property, copyright, and fair use of copyrighted material. Examples: the ethics of downloading and using elec- tronic files such as digital images, video, or MP3s; fair use implications of transforming or combining works to create something new with a different purpose, or of using copies of texts and multimedia clips in the classroom. 3. Demonstrating and understanding the sociopolitical issues that surround infor- mation use, selection, and dissemination. Example: analyzing a book challenge. 4. Demonstrating an understanding of what constitutes plagiarism; giving proper credit to others’ ideas. C&RL News July/August 2011 426 5. Selecting and using an appropriate documentation style to cite or give credit to original information sources. Examples: us- ing the Publication Manual of the American Psychological Association, MLA Style Manual and Guide to Scholarly Publishing, or The Chicago Manual of Style. 6. Using materials, practices, phrases, documents, or reproducible visual or sta- tistical data without copyright restrictions. Examples: seeking out government publica- tions free of copyright or Creative Commons licensed materials. 7. Taking appropriate steps to obtain permission to use copyrighted material. Examples: contacting authors, publishers, and producers for permission, or purchasing content through appropriate vendors. 8. Complying with institutional policies on access to information including those related to printing, downloading, using, or disseminating copies of articles, and policies related to human subjects research. Example: talking with Internal Review Boards within universities and reviewing set policies of each institution. References American Association of School Librar- ians (2008). Standards for the 21st century learner. Chicago: American Association of School Librarians. Retrieved August 10, 2009, from www.ala.org/ala/mgrps/divs/aasl /guidelinesandstandards/learningstandards /standards.cfm. American Association of School Librarians and Association for Educational Communica- tions and Technology (1998). Information power: Building partnerships for learning. Chicago: ALA. Association of College & Research Li- braries (2000). Information literacy com- petency standards for higher education. Chicago: American Library Association. Re- trieved August 10, 2009, from www.ala.org / a l a / m g r p s / d i v s / a c r l / s t a n d a r d s /informationliteracycompetency.cfm. Cook, D., & Cooper, N. (Eds.) (2006). Teaching information literacy to social sci- ences students and practitioners: A casebook of applications. Chicago: ACRL. Earle, R.S. (Ed.) (2005, January). Stan- dards for the accreditation of school me- dia specialist and educational technol- ogy specialist programs (4th ed.) (Rev. ed.). Bloomington, IN: Association for Educational Communications and Tech- nology. Retrieved August 10, 2009, from www.ncate.org/public/programStandards. asp?ch=4. International Society for Technology in Education (2008). The ISTE national educational technology standards (NETS- T) and performance indicators for teach- ers. Eugene, OR: International Society for Technology in Education. Retrieved August 10, 2009, from www.iste.org/AM/Template. cfm?Section=NETS. Jenkins, H. (with Clinton, K., Purusho- tma, R., Robison, A., & Weigel, M.) (2006). Confronting the challenges of participatory culture: Media education for the 21st century (An occasional paper on digital media and learning). Chicago: The John D. and Cath- erine T. MacArthur Foundation. Retrieved August 10, 2009, from www.digitallearning. macfound.org/atf/cf/%7B7E45C7E0-A3E0 -4B89-AC9CE807E1B0AE4E%7D/JENKINS _WHITE_PAPER.PDF. Laverty, C., & Reed, B. (2006). Inspired teachers: Providing a classroom context for information literacy theory and practice. In D. Cook & N. Cooper (Eds.), Teaching in- formation literacy to social sciences students and practitioners: A casebook of applications (pp. 68-83). Chicago: ACRL. National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education (2009). Professional standards for the accreditation of teacher preparation institutions. Washington, DC: National Council for Accreditation of Teacher Education. Retrieved August 10, 2009, from www.ncate.org/public/standards.asp. Sources consulted Asselin, M. (2002). “I wish someone had taught me”: Information literacy in a teacher (continued on page 436) C&RL News July/August 2011 436 Ed. note: Send your news to: Grants & Acquisitions, C&RL News, 50 E. Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611-2795; e-mail: agalloway@ala.org. Emory University Libraries has been awarded a two-year grant of $695,000 by the Andrew W. Mellon Foundation to establish a collaborative digital humanities center. The grant will provide startup funds for the Digital Scholarship Com- mons (DiSC) in the Robert W. Woodruff Library. The proposal plan calls for DiSC to establish a site for transdisciplinary collaboration, drawing faculty members and graduate students into new collab- orative working relationships with librarians, and launching four large-scale and four smaller-scale seed projects that will draw on the library’s col- lections and services in new ways. While there are other digital scholarship centers across the country, most use a vertical approach, gathering scholars working within the same subject such as history or English. DiSC is described as a place where scholars can collaborate with technologists to build a digital scholarship project, analyze data, or explore new ways to combine humanities- based research with information technology. Council on Library and Information Re- sources (CLIR) has been awarded $117,567 by the Alfred P. Sloan Foundation for research on how to build capacity for data curation within disciplines. The project will be managed by CLIRs Digital Library Federation (DLF). The project will consist of three interrelated activi- ties. The first will be an environmental scan of professional development needs and of educa- tion and training opportunities for digital cura- tion in the academy. The second will be an anthropological study of five sites where digi- tal curation activities are under way. The third will be a report that analyzes the results of the two research efforts and includes a proposal, informed by the findings, for amending the curriculum for CLIRs Postdoctoral Fellowship in Academic Libraries program. G r a n t s a n d A c q u i s i t i o n sAnn-Christe Galloway education program. Teacher Librarian, 30(2), 10–17. Asselin, M. (2005). Teaching information skills in the information age: An examination of trends in the middle grades. School Librar- ies Worldwide, 11(1), 17–36. Crouse, W. F., & Kasbohm, K. E. (2004). Information literacy in teacher education: A collaborative model. Educational Forum, 69, 44-52. Grafstein, A. (2002). A discipline-based approach to information literacy. The Journal of Academic Librarianship, 28, 197–204. Johnson, C. M., & O’English, L. (2004). Information literacy in pre-service teacher education: An annotated bibliography. Be- havioral & Social Sciences Librarian, 22(1), 129–139. Libutti, P. O., & Gratch, B. (Eds.) (1995). Teaching information retrieval and evalua- tion skills to education students and practi- tioners: A casebook of applications. Chicago: ACRL. Rockman, I. F. (2003). Integrating informa- tion literacy into the learning outcomes of academic disciplines: A critical 21st-century issue. College & Research Libraries News, 64, 612–615. Shinew, D. M., & Walter, S. (Eds.) (2003). Information literacy instruction for educa- tors: Professional knowledge for an informa- tion age. Binghamton, NY: The Haworth Information Press. Witt, S. W., & Dickinson, J. B. (2004). Teaching teachers to teach: Collaborating with a university education department to teach skills in information literacy pedagogy. Behavioral & Social Sciences Librarian, 22(1), 75–95. Note 1. The EBSS Connecting the Standards Web site is currently being transferred to another format. (“Information lit...,” cont. from page 426)