jan12b.indd C&RL News January 2012 30 Trevor A. Dawes is circulation services di- rector at the Princeton University Library, a position he has held since 2004. He has also been adjunct instructor at the College of In- formation Science and Technology at Drexel University since 2006. Prior to this, Dawes was head of Circulation and Support Services at Columbia University Libraries (1999–2004). He also served as head of the Information and Library Privileges Office at Columbia University Libraries (1992–99). His activities in ACRL include serving as cochair of the ACRL 2013 Conference Invited Papers Component Committee (2011–13) and cochair of the ACRL 2011 Conference Poster Sessions Component Committee (2009–11). Dawes was a member of the ACRL Scholar- ships Committee (2010–11) and a member of the ACRL Appointments Committee (2007–08). He also served as chair of the ACRL Professional Development Coordinat- ing Committee (2006–09) and as chair of the ACRL Excellence in Academic Libraries Award Nominating Committee (2004–05). His ALA activities include serving as coun- cilor-at-large of the ALA Council (2008–11) and as a member of the ALA Committee on Committees (2010–11). Dawes was a member of the ALA Committee on Education (2011– 13) and served as chair of the Committee on Diversity (2006–07). He was a member of the LLAMA-SASS Technical Services Committee (2005–09) and a member of the LLAMA Mem- bership Committee (2005–06). Dawes also served as an executive committee member at large of LLAMA-MAES (2003–05) and as an ex- ecutive board member of BCALA (2005–07). Dawes’s work with state and regional as- sociations includes serving as executive board member at large of the New Jersey Library Association (2009–13) and president of the ACRL-NJ/NJLA-CUS (2009–10). He served as secretary of the ACRL-NJ/NJLA-CUS (2007–08) and cochair of the mentoring committee of the New Jersey Library Association (2006–09). Dawes also was a member of the Cultural Diversity Committee of ACRL-NY (2003–06). Dawes won the Princeton University LGBT Center “Building Bridges Award” in 2009. He was a 2007 Library Journal “Mover and Shaker,” and he won the BCALA Leadership Award in 2007. His publications include coauthor of “As- sessing Reserve Management Systems: Do They Deliver on Their Promises?,” Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery and Electronic Reserve (Haworth Press) vol. 20, no. 2, April 2010; editor of Marketing and Managing Electronic Reserves (Haworth Press), 2006; and coauthor of SPEC Kit #290: Access Services, Association of Research Li- braries, 2005. ACRL candidates for 2012 A look at who’s running for office Trevor A. Dawes Debbie Malone January 2012 31 C&RL News Debbie Malone is library director at De- Sales University in Pennsylvania, a position she has held since 2000. Prior to this, Malone was associate professor and technical services librarian at Ursinus College from 1985-1999. Her activities in ACRL include serving as director-at-large on the ACRL Board of Direc- tors (2006–10), ACRL liaison to the National Resource Center for the First-Year Experi- ence (2010-2012), and chair/cochair of the Liaison Coordinating Committee (2010–12). She served as chair of the Liaison Grants Committee (2010–11) and was a member of the CLS CLIP Notes Committee (2005–07). Malone also served as ACRL Chapter Topics editor (2001–04) and as president to the ACRL Delaware Valley Chapter in 2000. Her ALA activities include serving as Penn- sylvania State coordinator for ALA Legislative Day (1999–2010), and as a member of the ALA Legislative Committee E-Government Subcommittee (2009–10). Malone’s work with state and regional as- sociations includes serving as vice-president/ president of the Pennsylvania Library Asso- ciation (2011–12) and the PaLA Conference Chair (2004). She served as member-at-large to the PALINET Board of Trustees (2005–09) and member-at-large to the LYRASIS Board of Trustees (2010–11). Malone was president of the Lower Providence Community Library Board of Directors (2004–06) and served as member-at-large of the Pennsylvania Library Association Board of Directors (2000–02). She was also chair of the Pennsylvania Library Association, College & Research Libraries Division (1997–98). Her publications include coauthor of “National Survey of Information Literacy Programs in the First Year,” ACRL and the National Resource Center for the First Year Experience, fall 2012; coauthor of “Models of library instruction for first-year students,” The Role of the Library in the First College Year, edited by Larry Hardesty (National Resource Center for the First-Year Experience and Students in Transition), 2007; and coauthor of First Year Student Library Instruction Pro- grams: CLIP Note #33, (ACRL) 2003. ACRL Board of Directors Director-at-Large: Charles Kratz, Dean of the Library and Information Fluency, Uni- versity of Scranton; Marilyn Ochoa, Assistant Head of the Education Library, University of Florida. Director-at-Large: Julie Garrison, As- sociate Dean of Research and Instructional Services, Grand Valley State University; Adrian Ho, Scholarly Communication Librarian, Uni- versity of Western Ontario. Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Studies Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Hong Cheng, Chinese Studies Librarian, University of Cali- fornia-Los Angeles; Suyong Jiang, Chinese and Korean Studies Librarian, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Member-at-Large: Akram Khabibullaev, Librarian for Middle Eastern, Islamic, and Central Eurasian Studies, Indiana University, Bloomington; Cynthia Nyirenda, Serials and Documents Librarian, University of Maryland Eastern Shore; Diane Perushek, Fulbright Scholar, Nanjing University; John E. Russell, Social Sciences Librarian, University of Oregon. African American Studies Librarians Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Johnnieque Love, Coordinator of Personnel Programs and Man- ager of Employee Development, University of Maryland. Secretary: Angela Williams, Librarian, The Martin Luther King, Jr. Memorial Library, Syracuse University. Member-at-Large: Lavonda Broadnax, Digital Project Administrator, Library of Con- gress; Jamillah Gabriel, Lead Library Techni- cian, Ohlone College. Anthropology and Sociology Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Wayne Sanders, Monograph Cataloger and Head of Books, Rare Materials, and Music Unit, University of Missouri; Pauline D. Manaka, Research Librarian for Anthropology, Demography and Sociology, University of California-Irvine. C&RL News January 2012 32 Member-at-Large: Miriam Rigby, Social Sciences Librarian, University of Oregon; Anne Davis, Collection Development Coordinator and Anthropology Librarian, University of Washington, Seattle. Arts Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Sara Harrington, Head of Arts and Archives, Ohio University, Athens. Community and Junior College Libraries Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: José Aguiñaga, Library Faculty, Glendale Community College. Secretary: Mary Mayer-Hennelly, Associ- ate Vice-President for Learning Resources, Tidewater Community College; Linda Mc- Cann, Director of Library Services, Bucks County Community College. College Libraries Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Carolyn Carpan, Director of Public Services, Hamilton College; Sally Gibson, Head of Technical Services, Creighton University. Secretary: Michael Miller, Associate Librar- ian for Public Services, Queens College, the City University of New York; Joe Mocnik, Director of Libraries, Southern Adventist University. Member-at-Large: Polly D. Boruff-Jones, Director of Library and Information Services, Drury University; Jeff Rosedale, Acting Direc- tor, Manhattanville College Library. Distance Learning Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Alice Daugherty, Assessment Librarian, Louisiana State Univer- sity, Baton Rouge; Timothy Peters, Director of Information Services, Central Michigan University. Secretary/Archivist: Megan Davis, Ref- erence and Instruction Librarian, University of Maryland University College; Moushumi Chakraborty, Director of Public Services, Salisbury University. Member-at-Large: Cynthia Porter, Dis- tance Support Librarian, A.T. Still University of the Health Sciences; Danielle Skaggs, Coordi- nator of Online Instructional Design, California State University-Northridge. Education and Behavioral Sciences Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Cathy Michael, Communications Librarian, Ithaca College; Scott Collard, Coordinator of Social Sciences Collections and Graduate Student Services, New York University. Member-at-Large: Jodie L. Borgerding, Instruction and Liaison Librarian, Webster University; Kate Zoellner, Education, Human Sciences and Psychology Librarian and As- sessment Coordinator, University of Montana- Missoula. Instruction Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Christy Stevens, Information Literacy Coordinator, Cal Poly Po- mona; Elizabeth Kocevar-Weidinger, Head of Instruction and Reference Services and Interim Head of Electronic Resource and Assessment Services, Longwood University. Secretary: Maura Seale, Research and Instruction Librarian, Georgetown Univer- sity; Elana Karshmer, Instruction Program and Information Literacy Librarian, Saint Leo University. Member-at-Large: Nancy Fawley, Head of Gorgas Information Services, University of Alabama-Tuscaloosa; Meghan Sitar, Instruc- tion and Outreach Librarian, Library Instruc- tion Services, University of Texas Libraries; Merinda McLure, Applied Human Sciences Librarian and Assistant Professor, Colorado State University-Fort Collins. Literatures in English Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Frank Gravier, Librarian, University of California-Santa Cruz; Arianne Hartsell-Gundy, Humanities Librarian, Miami University. Secretary: Laura Taddeo, Humanities Librarian, University at Buffalo; Jaena Alabi, Reference and Instruction Librarian, Auburn University. Member-at-Large: Harriett Green, English and Digital Humanities Librarian, University of January 2012 33 C&RL News Illinois at Urbana-Champaign; Alex Watson, Reference Librarian and Assistant Professor, University of Mississippi-Oxford. Law and Political Science Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Amalia Monroe- Gulick, Librarian for Political Science and Public Administration, University of Kansas; Lynda Kel- lam, Data Services and Government Information Librarian, University of North Carolina-Greensboro. Member-at-Large: Mara Degnan-Rojeski, Social Sciences Liaison Librarian, Dickinson College; Brett Cloyd, Research and Instruction Librarian, University of Iowa. Rare Books and Manuscripts Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Lois Fischer Black, Curator of Special Collections, Lehigh Univer- sity; J. Fernando Pena, Director, Rare Books and Special Collections Program, Palmer School of Library and Information Science, Manhattan Campus, Long Island University. Member-at-Large: Erin C. Blake, Curator of Art and Special Collections, Folger Shake- speare Library; Athena N. Jackson, Special Collections Librarian, University of Miami. Slavic and Eastern European Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Jason Reuscher, Reference Librarian, Pennsylvania State Uni- versity; Natasha Lyandres, Russian Studies Bibliographer and Head of Acquisitions, Re- sources and Discovery Services Department, University of Notre Dame. Science and Technology Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Edward Lener, College Librarian for the Sciences and Associ- ate Director for Collection Management, Vir- ginia Tech; Matthew Marsteller, Head, Science Libraries, Carnegie Mellon University. Publicity Officer: Elizabeth Berman, Sci- ence and Engineering Librarian and Library Assistant Professor, University of Vermont-Bur- lington; Kimberly Chapman, Assistant Librar- ian and Campus Repository Service Manager, Digital Library Team, University of Arizona. Member-at-Large: Diana Shonrock, Pro- fessor Emeritus, Iowa State University; Kathy Szigeti, Liaison Librarian for Chemistry and Earth Science, University of Waterloo. University Libraries Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Beth Filar-Wil- liams, Coordinator of Library Services for Dis- tance Learning, University of North Carolina- Greensboro; Kaya van Beynen, Reference, Instruction and Outreach Librarian, Nelson Poynter Memorial Library, University of South Florida-St. Petersburg. Member-at-Large: Elizabeth Berman, Science and Engineering Librarian and Assis- tant Library Professor, University of Vermont- Burlington; Rebecca Blakiston, Instructional Services Librarian, University of Arizona- Tucson; Emily Daly, Coordinator of Upper Level Instruction, Duke University; Sidney Lowe, Head of Research and Information, Lied Library, University of Nevada-Las Vegas. Western European Studies Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Timothy Shipe, Arts and Literature Bibliographer, University of Iowa; Michelle Emanuel, Catalog Librar- ian and Associate Professor, University of Mississippi. Secretary: Marcus Richter, Technical Ser- vices Librarian and Assistant Professor, Alma College; David Lincove, Professor of History and Political Science and Philosophy Librarian, Ohio State University. Member-at-Large: Eileen Bentsen, Associ- ate Librarian for Reference and Instruction, Baylor University; Jeff Staiger, Librarian for Romance Languages and Classics, University of Oregon-Eugene. Women and Gender Studies Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Heather Tomp- kins, Reference and Instruction Librarian for Humanities and Government Documents, Carleton College. Secretary: Shana Higgins, Instructional Services Librarian, University of Redlands. Member-at-Large: Beth Strickland, Wom- en’s Studies Librarian, University of Michigan- Ann Arbor; Juliann Couture, Social Sciences Librarian, Arizona State University-Tempe.