april12a.indd April 2012 181 C&RL News In the Welcome to the April 2012 issue of C&RL News. Information literacy instruction is a major part of the daily work of many academic librarians. Working with faculty to incorporate informa- tion literacy skills into the classroom can be one of the biggest challenges facing today’s instruction librarians. As part of their outreach program, librarians at Smith College encour- aged faculty to create research skills guidelines for individual major programs. Bruce T. Sajdak describes this collaborative approach to infor- mation literacy in his article “Let the faculty do it.” Of course, librarians often serve as class- room faculty in addition to their other duties. Adam Balcziunas and Larissa Gordon discuss their experiences teaching undergraduate seminars, and the ways the experience influ- enced their approaches to information literacy instruction, in “Walking a mile in their shoes.” A focus on marketing can be an important part of a successful information literacy program. Katherine O’Clair provides tips to “Sell what they’re buying” in this issue’s The Way I See It es- say. With the increasing focus on accountability on campus, assessing the success of information literacy programs is becoming more and more essential. In this month’s Internet Resources column, Cheryl L. Blevens provides a list of resources for “Catching up with information literacy assessment.” This issue also features newly revised ACRL “Guidelines for instruc- tion programs in academic libraries” to provide a model framework for information literacy programs at institutions of all types and sizes. Stephanie Davis-Kahl outlines ways librar- ians can go about “Engaging undergraduates in scholarly communication” in this month’s Schol- arly Communication column. In a continuation of our occasional spotlight on art and aesthetics in libraries, Courtney Seymour and Kara Jefts discuss partnering with multicultural groups to mount a juried art exhibition as part of Union College’s outreach to the campus LGBTQ com- munity in their article “A display of tolerance.” Make sure to check out the other features and columns this month, including part two of our spotlight on the 2012 ACRL award winners and a Job of a Lifetime feature on Leo Lo. Thanks as always for reading the News. —David Free, editor-in-chief, dfree@ala.org The Content You Need. The Format You Want. Just in Time. l Free freight and competitive discounts l One-stop shop for print and eContent from leading health-sciences publishers l Online Approval Plans, Core Collection Update Program and Doody’s Core Titles subscription access Save Money Save Time Manage Smartly 511 Feheley Drive King of Prussia, PA 19406 800-345-6425 Rittenhouse.com R2Library.com