april12b.indd C&RL News April 2012 186 Laun receives ACRL CJCLS EBSCO Community College Learning Resources Leadership Award Mary Ann Laun, dean of library services and library director at the Shatford Library at Pasadena City College, has been chosen to receive the 2012 Community and Junior College Libraries Sec- tion (CJCLS) EBSCO Community College Learning Resources Leadership Award. The $500 award and plaque, donated by EBSCO Informa- tion Services, will be presented to Laun dur- ing the ALA Annual Conference in Anaheim, California. “Mary Ann Laun has demonstrated a dedi- cation to community college libraries for over 30 years,” said Award Chair Amy Gonzalez Ferguson of the Richland College Library. “Her service as cofounder and chair of the first Cali- fornia Community College consortium and as a member of Infopeople advisory committees, among other roles, benefit not just Pasadena City College students, faculty and staff, but also community colleges across the state and nation-wide.” Since 1980, Laun has served Pasadena City College in various capacities, including coor- dinator of technical services; coordinator of reference services; and faculty liaison, biblio- graphic instruction and acquisitions librarian. She has also been involved with numerous committees, including the Eureka! Leadership Megan Griffin ACRL honors the 2012 award winners, part 2 A recognition of professional development Megan Griffin is ACRL program officer, e-mail: mgriffin@ ala.org © 2012 Megan Griffin Institute (2011), the OCLC Members Council (2005–09), and the Infopeople Advisory Com- mittee (2005–present). Her numerous publications include “On- ramps to PCC Digital Highways: Digitization Activities and Trends in California’s Commu- nity College Libraries” (2007) and “California Community College Consortium from Elec- tronic Research Purchasing,” with Tamara Weintraub (2000). Afnan-Manns, Medrano, and Mickelsen win ACRL CJCLS EBSCO Community College Learning Resources Award Sheila Afnan-Manns, faculty librarian at Scotts- dale Community College, Kandice Mickelsen, faculty librarian at Paradise Valley Community College (PVCC), and Reyes Medrano, faculty member in the Business and Information Tech- nology Division at PVCC have been chosen to receive the 2012 Community and Junior College Libraries Section (CJCLS) EBSCO Com- munity College Learning Resources Award for their work on the Medrano Project. The $500 award and plaque, donated by EBSCO Information Services, will be presented to Afnan-Manns, Medrano, and Mickelsen dur- ing the ALA Annual Conference. “The Medrano Project provides a model for effective librarian and classroom instruc- tor collaboration that can be implemented in almost any college or university,” said Award Chair Amy Gonzalez Ferguson of the Richland College Library. “This project incorporates sev- Mary Ann Laun April 2012 187 C&RL News eral proven instruc- tion strategies, such as cooperative and integrative learning, with social media and Web 2.0 tools in order to prepare students for the 21st century workplace. Creation of a ‘liv- ing’ online textbook provided students the opportunity to develop subject knowledge, information literacy skills, and professional- level experience with Web 2.0 tools.” Mickelsen and former PVCC librarian Afnan-Manns partnered with Medrano to develop a project that used pro- prietary and open access content to replace costly textbooks while instilling information literacy skills. Based on the PVCC Li- brary’s open educational r e s o u r c e s p r o j e c t , O n e C l i c k D i g i t a l , teams of students e x p a n d e d o n course content by researching timely and relevant infor- mation to create a free online “living textbook” that incorporated information from propriety library databases and open access resources. Burke, Lai, and Rogers receive ACRL CLS ProQuest Innovation in College Librarianship Award Anne Burke, Adrienne Lai, and Adam Rogers all of North Carolina State University (NCSU) Libraries have been named the 2012 recipients of the ACRL College Libraries Section (CLS) ProQuest Innovation in College Librarianship Award for their work on the NCSU Libraries Mobile Scavenger Hunt. This annual award honors an ALA member who has demonstrated a capacity for innova- tion in his or her work with undergraduates, instructors, and/or the library community. ProQuest will present the $3,000 award and plaque during the CLS program at the ALA Annual Conference. The NCSU Libraries Mobile Scavenger Hunt combines the use of the iPod Touch and the free app Evernote to create a dynamic experi- ence for the students as they are oriented to the library and its services. Prompts lead the students to different areas of the library in or- der to complete tasks or to answers questions. Responses are submitted in real time via text or photographs using Evernote. “The NCSU Libraries Mobile Scavenger Hunt is an interactive, collaborative, and in- novative approach to library orientation,” said award committee cochairs Amy E. Badertscher, director of library services at Kenyon College, and Jessica O’Brien, technology and learning support librarian at Lenoir-Rhyne University. “This program can be easily replicated by other libraries, both large and small.” Greenblatt wins ACRL WGSS Career Achievement Award Ellen Greenblatt, scholarly communications librarian at the University of Colorado-Denver Auraria Library, has been selected as the 2012 winner of the ACRL Women and Gender Studies Section (WGSS) Career Achievement Award. The award honors significant long- standing contributions to women’s studies Sheila Afnan-Manns Kandice Mickelsen Adrienne Lai, Adam Rogers, and Anne Burke. C&RL News April 2012 188 Denda, Marker, Sun, Vidal, Graham, and Canfield win ACRL WGSS Significant Achievement Award Kayo Denda, Alicia Graham, Rhonda Marker, and Li Sun (of Rutgers University Libraries) and Kirsten Canfield and Lucy Vidal (of the Center for Women’s Global Leadership [CWGL] in the School of Arts and Sciences at Rutgers University) are the winners of the 2012 ACRL Women and Gender Studies Section (WGSS) Award for Significant Achievement in Woman’s Studies Librarianship. Denda, Marker, Sun, Vidal, Graham, and Canfield were recog- nized for their work on the Poster Collection portal (http://cwgl.rutgers.edu/globalcenter /additional.html), which provides digitized access to approximately 300 posters from women’s rights organizations. This project is a collaboration between the Rutgers University’s CWGL and Women’s and Gender Studies department, both of the School of Arts and Sciences, and the Rutgers University Libraries. The WGSS award honors a significant or one-time contribution to women’s studies librarianship. A plaque will be presented to Denda and colleagues at the WGSS program during the ALA Annual Conference. “When speaking about the importance of a particular digital project, historian Laurel Thatcher Ulrich said, ‘Digitization will help democratize scholarship, but in the right hands in the field of librarianship over the course of a career. A plaque will be presented to Greenblatt at the WGSS program during the ALA Annual Conference. “Ellen Greenblatt has continuously made significant contributions in Women and Gender Studies librarianship,” said Award Chair Jane Nichols of Oregon State Univer- sity. “Through her service and scholarship, she has been at the forefront of LGBTIQ librarianship. She expanded the profession’s understanding of problematic language used to describe the LGBTIQ community and corevised a bilingual thesaurus to establish appropriate terminology for access. Her many publications are excellent resources for librarians and archivists who wish to develop services for the LGBTIQ com- munity. Greenblatt’s colleagues and nominees are inspired by her leader- ship and achievements.” Greenblatt’s long-time women’s studies involvement is demonstrated by a variety of projects, including serv- ing as one of the first cochairs of the former ALA SRRT Gay & Lesbian Task Force, as well as her service as the first editor of WSS Links Lesbian Sites. In addition to her groundbreaking book Gay and Lesbian Library Service (1990 with Cal Gough), she has published numerous articles and most recently edited Serving LGBTIQ Library and Archives Users (2011). She co-compiled the thesaurus for EBSCO’s LGBT Life database and a revision of the Homosaurus, a bilin- gual LGBTQ thesaurus, for the International Gay and Lesbian Information Centre and Archives in the Netherlands, and teaches the first and only library-related course in the U.S. focused on LGBTIQ resources and issues at San José State University’s School of Library and Information Science. Most recently she has turned her attention to the development of a database of LGBTQ- related literature for children and young adults, underwritten by an ALA Carnegie Whitney Grant. Rhonda Marker, Li Sun, Lucy Vidal, and Kayo Denda April 2012 189 C&RL News it will also produce more thorough and imagi- native research,’” said Award Chair Jane Nich- ols of Oregon State University. “Kayo Denda and her colleagues at Rutgers University have created a digital project that will do just this. The Center for Women’s Global Leadership at Rutgers has a large collection of posters from women’s right organizations around the world. By digitizing and making approximately 300 of these posters searchable and accessible, this team has created a project that will expand and facilitate research on feminist visual politics and aesthetics.” The project nominators emphasized the unique value this collection will have for stu- dents, faculty, researchers, and anyone looking for visual representations of women’s human rights activism. As scholars and students from across the curriculum increasingly engage with visual materials as a way to understand their subjects, projects like the CWGL poster collection will grow in importance. John F. Helmer wins Hugh C. Atkinson Award John F. Helmer, executive director of the Orbis Cascade Alliance, has been named the 2012 winner of the Hugh C. Atkinson Memorial Award. Helmer will receive a cash award and citation at the Library and Information Tech- nology Association (LITA) Award Ceremony, during the ALA Annual Conference. Named in honor of one of the pioneers of library automation, the Atkinson Award recognizes an academic librarian who has made significant contributions in the area of library automation or management and has made notable improvements in library services or research. “John Helmer is recognized as an effective leader and champion of new ideas and initia- tives in academic libraries,” said Mary Carmen Chimato, Hugh C. Atkinson Memorial Award committee chair and assistant dean of the Uni- versity of the Pacific Library. “The committee was impressed with John’s breadth of experi- ence, professional contributions, and his ability to facilitate collaboration across 37 individual institutions. Most impressive is the genuine respect, appreciation, and high esteem John’s colleagues hold for him, evidenced by the compelling nomination packet submitted to the committee.” As the executive director of the Orbis Cas- cade Alliance, “John is a champion of new ideas and initiatives and is able to convert his ideas, and the ideas of others, into actions that are supported by the group and that ultimately improve the Alliance,” wrote one of Helmer’s nominators. The Orbis Cascade Alliance is a consor- tium of private and public colleges and universities in Oregon, Washington, and Ida- ho. The alliance was formed in 2003 through the merger of Orbis and Cascade, two academic library consortia founded in the early 1990’s. The alliance serves the equivalent of more than 250,000 full-time students at 37 member institutions. Member- ship includes all public institutions in Oregon and Washington. As executive director, Helmer is responsible for consortium leadership, stra- tegic planning, budgeting, staff supervision, representing the consortium in professional and public meetings, and fostering collabora- tive relationships among member libraries and consortium partners. The Hugh C. Atkinson Award is jointly sponsored by four ALA divisions: ACRL, ALCTS, LLAMA, and LITA. The award is funded from an endowment established to honor Hugh C. Atkinson. Donations to the endowment may be sent to Megan Griffin, ACRL, 50 East Huron St., Chicago, IL 60611. Vossler and Watts receive ACRL IS Innovation Award Joshua Vossler, information literacy and refer- ence librarian at Coastal Carolina University, and John Watts, instruction and liaison services librarian at Webster University, have been selected to receive the 2012 ACRL Instruction John F. Helmer C&RL News April 2012 190 Section (IS) Innovation Award for their work on a series of five videos, which were created in cooperation with Coastal Carolina Univer- sity’s First Year Experience Program and were designed to in- troduce first- year students to fundamental information lit- eracy concepts. S p o n s o r e d by ProQuest, t h e a n n u a l award recogniz- es a project that d e m o n s t r a t e s creative, inno- vative, or unique approaches to information literacy instruction or programming. A prize of $3,000 and a plaque will be presented to Vossler and Watts during the ALA Annual Conference. “Kimbel Library’s instructional videos combine a high lev- el of creativity and quality with humor, while addressing information literacy concepts in an ap- proachable man- ner,” said Award Committee Co-Chair Erin L. Ellis, head of libraries instruc- tional services at the University of Kansas. “Ad- ditionally, the videos are Creative Commons licensed. The creators have demonstrated a significant institutional impact and the videos are being used by several other universities.” Booth wins ACRL IS Ilene F. Rockman Publication of the Year Award Char Booth, instruction services manager and e-learning librarian at Claremont Colleges, has been chosen as the winner of the ACRL Instruction Section (IS) Ilene F. Rockman Publication of the Year Award for her book Reflective Teaching, Effective Learning: In- structional Literacy for Library Educators, published in 2011 by ALA Editions. The award recognizes an outstanding publica- tion related to library instruction published in the past two years. The award, donated by Emerald Group Publishing Ltd., consists of a plaque and a cash prize of $3,000. Booth will receive the award during the ALA Annual Conference. “The Instruction Section Awards Commit- tee chose Booth’s book because it provides new librarians entry into the world of instruc- tion, while also giving experi- enced librarians tips to freshen t h e i r t e a c h - ing skills,” said A w a r d C o m - mittee Co-Chair Robin Ewing, access services coordinator and associate professor at St. Cloud State Universi- ty. “In Reflective Teaching, Effective Learning: Instructional Literacy for Library Educators, Booth deploys a warm, conversational tone that draws in the reader. Though recently published, librarians are already using this book in reading groups at their libraries. Ev- ery instruction librarian can learn something from Booth’s book.” Booth is on the faculty of the ACRL In- formation Literacy Immersion Institute and is an ALA Emerging Leader and Library Journal Mover and Shaker. She blogs at info-mational and tweets @charbooth. RBMS Leab Exhibition Award winners The ACRL Rare Books and Manuscripts Section (RBMS) has selected five winners for the 2012 Katharine Kyes Leab and Daniel J. Leab Ameri- can Book Prices Current Exhibition Awards. The awards, funded by an endowment es- tablished by Katharine Kyes Leab and Daniel J. Leab, editors of American Book Prices Current, recognize outstanding exhibition catalogues Char Booth Joshua Vossler John Watts April 2012 191 C&RL News issued by American or Canadian institutions in conjunction with library exhibitions as well as electronic exhibition catalogs of outstanding merit issued within the digital/Web environ- ment. Certificates will be presented to each winner during the RBMS Membership Meeting and Information Exchange at the ALA Annual Conference. The Division One (expensive) winner is “Altered and Adorned: Using Renaissance Prints in Daily Life,” submitted by the De- partment of Prints and Drawings at the Art Institute of Chicago. “This elegant catalog reconstructs the diverse uses of printed text and images in Re- naissance life—from early popup books and tarot cards to printed textiles, astrolabes, and collaged reliquaries,” states Molly Schwartz- burg, chair of the RBMS Exhibition Awards committee and Cline Curator of Literature at the University of Texas-Austin’s Harry Ran- som Center. “The result is a visually stunning volume that is also a valuable resource for scholars, librarians, and curators who en- counter these materials in their work. A truly interdisciplinary study, the volume cogently describes a vast range of materials in a manner that is clear and engaging.” The Division Two (moderately expensive) winner is the University of Chicago Library for “Adventures in the Soviet Imaginary: Chil- dren’s Books and Graphic Art.” “This striking catalog is result of col- laboration between students, faculty, and librarians at the University of Chicago,” said Schwartzburg. “Despite its brevity, it presents its complex, wide-ranging subject thoroughly and clearly, bringing together the voices of its many authors into a fluid, engaging volume. Its accessible style, balanced page layouts, high-quality reproductions, and well-orga- nized checklist are just some of the features that make this an exceptional catalog.” The Division Three (inexpensive) winner is “One Book, Many Interpretations: Second Edi- tion,” submitted by the Chicago Public Library, Special Collections and Preservation Division. “This small volume marks the first decade of an annual competition for the design of art- ists’ bindings for books in the ‘One Book, One Chicago’ city-wide reading project,” remarks Schwartzburg. “Documenting an exhibition of the best of these bindings, this diminutive volume is surprisingly rich in images and in- formation, serving at once as an introduction to contemporary trends in artists’ bindings and a survey of the city reading project. The committee was particularly impressed by the way in which the catalog reveals a dialogue between the coterie field of fine binding and a citywide initiative.” The Division Four (brochures) winner is the University of Pennsylvania, Rare Book & Manuscript Library for their brochure entitled “Wharton Esherick and the Birth of the Ameri- can Modern.” “This is a beautifully executed guide to this large, multi-venue exhibition,” noted Schwartzburg. “Perfectly sized to fit in a pocket or bag, it provides a clear, concise overview of the exhibition galleries and schedule of events. Its high production qual- ity—striking cover design, lovely paper, clear printing, and high-quality images—leads to the ideal result for a brochure: it makes the reader want to make her way to every venue and event listed.” The Division Five (electronic exhibition) winner is the Folger Shakespeare Library for “Manifold Greatness: The Creation and After- life of the King James Bible,” available online at www.manifoldgreatness.org/. “With contributions from several scholars and the staff of three major libraries—the Folger, the Bodleian Library at Oxford Uni- versity, and the Harry Ransom Center at the University of Texas—this project achieves an appropriate scale for its epic subject matter,” stated Schwartzburg. “It provides a great deal of information, but succeeds in doing so without overwhelming its potential audiences. The committee was impressed with the rich content and with the sheer range of access points for audiences to begin thinking about the King James Bible; along with a great deal of traditional “exhibition catalog” content, the site includes a blog, videos, childrens’ activi- ties center, timeline, and more.”