april12ff.indd C&RL News April 2012 232 Gary Pattillo is reference librarian at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, e-mail: pattillo@email. unc.edu G a r y P a t t i l l o Gender of magazine contributors The women’s literary organization VIDA reports the number of female contribu- tors to mainstream magazines such as The New Yorker, The Nation, and The Atlantic. Their latest report finds The New York Review of Books has the most skewed gender ratio at 5.9 articles published by men for every one article pub- lished by a woman. The New York Times Book Review has the most equitable male-to-female ratio—about 1.5 to 1. There is a similar bias in the ratio of books reviewed. For example, The London Review of Books reviewed 163 male authors versus 58 female authors. VIDA: Women in Literary Arts, “The 2011 Count,” February 27, 2012, www.vidaweb.org/the-2011-count (retrieved March 1, 2012). The Citation Project The Citation Project is a national study that collects and distributes empirical data about how college students use sources when writing research papers for first-year composition courses. In their current study sample, they found that 46 percent of citations to sources are from the first page of the source in ques- tion. About 70 percent come from the first two pages. Journal articles represent 24.4 percent of the citations, 17.9 percent are to books, and 24.5 percent are to Web-based (non-journal) sources. The Citation Project, “Phase I Analysis,” 2011, http://site.citationproject.net/?page_id=226 (retrieved March 1, 2012). Educational disparity Minority students across America face harsher discipline from school admin- istrators and teachers, have less access to rigorous high school curricula, and are more often taught by lower-paid and less-experienced teachers, according to the U.S. Department of Education’s Office for Civil Rights data collection (CRDC). African-American students, particularly males, are far more likely to be suspended or expelled from school than their peers. Black students make up 18 percent of the students in the CRDC sample, but 35 percent of those students were suspended once, and 39 percent were expelled. Teachers in schools with a high number of minority students were paid $2,251 less per year than their colleagues in schools with a low number of minority students in the same district. Office for Civil Rights, United States Department of Education, “The transformed civil rights data collection (CRDC); Revealing new truths about our nation’s schools,” March, 2012, www2.ed.gov/about/offices/list/ocr/docs/crdc-2012-data -summary.pdf (retrieved March 7, 2012). Privacy management on social media sites About two-thirds of adults say they currently maintain a profile on a social networking site. Nearly six-in-ten say their main profile is set to be private so that only friends can see it. Another 19 percent set their profiles to partially private so that friends of friends or networks can view them, while 20 percent say their main profile is completely public. Women are more likely to choose private settings and to prune their “friends” lists than men. Mary Madden, “Privacy Management on Social Media Sites,” The Pew Research Center’s Internet and American Life Project, February 24, 2012, http://pewinternet.org/Reports/2012/Privacy-management-on-social-media.aspx (retrieved March 2, 2012).