may12b.indd C&RL News May 2012 292 George M. Eberhart is senior editor of American Libraries, e-mail: N e w P u b l i c a t i o n sGeorge M. Eberhart concerns, and administrative styles. $32.95. His- tory Press, distributed by Trafalgar Square. 978- 0-7524-6290-5. Mr. and Mrs. Madison’s War: America’s First Couple and the Second War of Independence, by Hugh Howard (365 pages, January 2012), is a straightforward and vivid recap of the War of 1812, a conflict we are somewhat hazily remem- bering this bicentennial year. Howard narrows his focus on James Madison, the first president to call for a declaration of war, and his stron- gest supporter and wife Dolley, who was re- sponsible for saving the Gilbert Stuart portrait of George Washington from the soon-to-be- burned White House. A more comprehensive treatment is likely in Troy Bickham’s forth- coming The Weight of Vengeance: The United States, the British Empire, and the War of 1812, published by Oxford University Press. $30.00. Bloomsbury. 978-1-60819-071-3. New in New Orleans Architecture, by John P. Klingman (192 pages, March 2012), presents 80 architectural projects completed in New Orleans in the past 15 years that exemplify the best in contemporary architecture. Included are office buildings, museums and other institutions, uni- versity and school buildings, and residences. One library is represented, the John P. Isché Library Commons in the downtown Louisiana State University medical complex. All too often when we think of New Orleans the Vieux Carré comes to mind; this sampler reminds us that the city is far from being stuck in the past. $26.00. Pelican. 978-1-4556-1537-1. One Hundred Percent American: The Rebirth and Decline of the Ku Klux Klan in the 1920s, by Thomas R. Pegram (280 pages, September 2011), reassesses the social role of the Klan in the first half of the 1920s when the organization had as many as 4 million members. To ordinary white Protestant Americans, both rural and ur- ban, the Klan represented widely shared civic and moral values that were threatened by vast Encyclopedia of Demons in World Religions and Cultures, by Theresa Bane (409 pages, January 2012), identifies nearly 3,000 demons in the Judaeo-Christian, Buddhist, Hindu, Is- lamic, Vodou, Meso- potamian, and Zo- roastrian pantheons with brief descrip- tions and source notes for each. (My favorite is Ikwa- okinyapippilele, the Kuna nocturnal de- mon of headaches.) Bane, who has also written the Encyclopedia of Vampire Mythology (2010), avoids fictional de- mons and questionable sources in this compila- tion. A comprehensive index and bibliography follow the listings. Rupert Giles would definitely have had this book in his library at the Hell- mouth. $75.00. McFarland. 978-0-7864-6360-2. Eyes Only: The Top Secret Correspondence Between Eisenhower and Marshall, by An- drew Rawson (288 pages, May 2012), brings together for the first time transcripts of the eyes only cables between Gen. George C. Marshall, Army chief of staff in Washington, D.C., and Gen. Dwight D. Eisenhower, supreme allied commander in Europe, from December 1943 to October 1945. Rawson located a microfilmed copy of the records assembled by Eisenhower’s chief of staff, Gen. Walter Bedell Smith, in the George C. Marshall Research Library in Lex- ington, Virginia. The cables are presented in roughly chronological order, though Rawson groups them into topical threads within each month (“Difficult Dealings with De Gaulle,” “Al- locating Limited Air Resources,” “The Discovery of Nazi Treasure”) and provides abundant ex- planatory footnotes. The correspondence sheds much light on how the generals interacted, their May 2012 293 C&RL News a working library), its unorthodox arrange- ment (by state or country of origin and not Dewey class), its anticanonical inclusion of a wide variety of popular fiction and poetry, and its aesthetic use of open space and floral arrangements that was unusual for the time. The authors analyze the collection’s signifi- cance in the context of women’s history, ra- cial issues, and regionalism. $28.95. Univer- sity of Massachusetts. 978-1-55849-928-7. 1616: The World in Motion, by Thomas Chris- tensen (384 pages, February 2012), takes a close look at the events and personalities of a single year when the Renaissance was giving way to the early modern period. Christensen maintains a global perspective, moving easily from Ming China and Mughal India to Spanish silver mines and Dutch Golden Age painting, all of it accom- panied by lavish color illustrations. One chapter examines the accomplishments of women of the time, among them the writers Lady Mary Wroth and Dorothy Leigh, the Christianized James- town Indian Pocahontas, the Basque soldier Catalina de Erauso, and the Italian painter Arte- misia Gentileschi. Another chapter explores the commingling of scientific discovery, mysticism, alchemy, and witchcraft that signified the era’s obsession with both physics and metaphysics. $35.00. Counterpoint. 978-1-58243-774-3. The Superhero Book: The Ultimate Encyclo- pedia of Comic-Book Icons and Hollywood Heroes, by Gina Misiroglu (463 pages, 2d edition, April 2012), provides 175 essays on the colorfully costumed crime fighters of comics, graphic novels, film, and televi- sion, with an emphasis on the genre’s role in American popular culture. Some of the entries describe subcategories (Dark Horse heroes, multiculturalism, camp and comedy heroes) in addition to specific characters. The front matter classifies the various superhero ages: Golden Age (1938–1954), Silver Age (1956–1969), Bronze Age (1970–1980), Late Bronze Age (1980–1984), and the Modern Age (1985–present). Don’t discard the 2004 edition; many earlier entries have vanished. $29.95. Visible Ink. 978 0-7808-0772-3. cultural changes tak- ing place after World War I. The often bru- tal vigilante behavior that made headlines in the South and Southwest, as well as the secrecy practiced by hooded groups at the local level, masked a more main- stream and complex activism. Its interest in expanding public educa- tion, for example, was a reflection of its strong opposition to the spread of Catholic schools; and the Klan’s little-known but enthusiastic role in enforcing prohibition was prompted by Protestant moral rigidity. Pegram contends that by 1925 the Klan’s propensity for violence and extremism, the arrogance of its leaders, and its maladroit grabs for political influence resulted in group fragmentation and personal burnout. $27.95. Ivan R. Dee. 978-1-56663-711-4. Right Here I See My Own Books: The Woman’s Building Library at the World’s Colombian Ex- position, by Sarah Wadsworth and Wayne A. Wiegand (284 pages, January 2012), examines the context and contents of the library collec- tion assembled by the Board of Lady Managers of the 1893 Chicago World’s Fair for installation on the second floor of the Woman’s Building. All 8,259 books in the collection were writ- ten by women, and they were contrib- uted by 40 U.S. states, the District of Columbia, and 23 foreign countries. ALA provided library school graduates to serve as resident librar- ians to answer questions and catalog the col- lection. ALA held one of its annual conference sessions in the Women’s Building that July, and Wadsworth and Wiegand note that attendees would undoubtedly have been surprised by the library’s closed stacks (it was an exhibit and not