june12b.indd C&RL News June 2012 350 And the winners are . . . The official results of the 2012 ACRL elections Steven J. Bell, associate university librar- ian for research and instructional services at Temple University, is the 75th president of ACRL. “Though unglamorous it may appear, the committee appointment process is vitally im- portant to ACRL and its future. Together the vice-president and Appointments Committee identify next generation leaders who will keep ACRL on track to achieve its strategic goals. As vice-president/president-elect I had opportunities to help champion ACRL’s top initiatives, but what I thought would be my least rewarding responsibility became the one I most valued. Impressed and gratified by large numbers of volunteers seeking to serve the membership, appointments reinforced everything I believe about the importance of ACRL. Along with five Chap- ter visits where I connected with members, it strengthens my personal commitment to ACRL member-volunteers and provides in- spiration for my presidential year. “Expect exciting developments in 2012– 13 across ACRL’s multiple initiatives. I will help to champion and advance the ‘Plan for Excellence’ and ‘Value of Academic Librar- ies.’ Look for opportunities to apply the new ‘Standards for Libraries in Higher Education’ to your practice. As more discussion groups emerge, there are new ways to engage with ACRL and discover your leadership potential. In my year as president, I’ll further explore leadership themes and how ACRL helps members acquire and elevate these critical skills in this publication and at the 2013 President’s Program in Chicago. “ACRL is a strategic association dedi- cated to delivering value to its members. Join me in promoting our value to higher education, and together we will help ACRL prosper. I will look forward to seeing you at ACRL 2013.” As president, Bell will preside over the ACRL Board of Directors and ACRL Executive Committee, and plan ACRL’s major program at the 2013 ALA Annual Conference. He will work with the ALA president and other division presidents representing ACRL both within and outside of ALA. From 1997 to 2006, Bell was library di- rector at Philadelphia University. Prior to that, he held positions at the University of Pennsylvania Wharton School Library, where he was assistant director (1995–97) and head of access services (1989–94). His activities in ACRL include serving as cochair of the 2011 President’s Program Plan- ning Committee (2010–present), cochair of the ACRL 2011 Conference Keynote Speaker Committee (2009–present), and chair of the ACRL Appointments Committee (2008–09). He was cochair of the ACRL 2007 Con- ference Innovations Committee (2005–07) and was on the ACRL College Libraries Sec- tion (CLS) Executive Committee (2006–09), Steven J. Bell Trevor A. Dawes June 2012 351 C&RL News where he served as chair (2007–08). Bell was also active as chair of the CLS Research Committee (2004–06), and served on the ACRL 2005 Conference Workshop Committee (2004–05). He was a member of the ACRL Doctoral Dissertation Fellowship Committee (2000–04) and served a term on the ACRL Excellence in Academic Librarianship Award Nominating Committee (1999–2000). Bell’s work with state and regional as- sociations includes serving on the PALINET Board of Trustees (2002–05) and was presi- dent of the ACRL Delaware Valley Chapter (1998–2000). His publications include author of “Fit Libraries Are Future-Proof,” American Libraries, vol. 41, no. 10, 2010, american- librariesmagazine.org/features/09212010/ fit-libraries-are-future-proof; author of “Tam- ing the Textbook Market,” Inside Higher Ed, June 11, 2010, www.insidehighered.com/ views/2010/06/11/bell; and coauthor with John Shank of Academic Librarianship by Design (ALA Press, 2007). Through projects such as the Keeping Up Website (2001), Kept-Up Academic Librar- ian (2003), the Blended Librarians Online Learning Community (2004), ACRLog (2005), Designing Better Libraries (2007), and his Li- brary Journal column “From the Bell Tower” (2009), Bell demonstrates a consistent track record of thoughtful leadership and opportu- nity creation for academic librarians seeking out new ideas to stimulate innovation in their libraries. Bell received his doctor of education in Higher Education Administration from the University of Pennsylvania. He earned his master’s of library science from Drexel Uni- versity, and his bachelor of arts in American Studies from Temple University. Trevor A. Dawes, circulation services di- rector at Princeton University Library, has been elected vice president/president elect of ACRL. “I am delighted to have been elected to the position of ACRL vice-president/ president-elect. I am also humbled to have this opportunity to serve in a capacity in which some truly great people have served before. I have always been impressed with the ways in which ACRL looks critically at the association and makes changes to its organizational structure as needed to help achieve its goals. “Academic libraries have been under increasing pressure to demonstrate how they contribute value to the work and success of their patrons and of the institu- tions of which they are a part. ACRL has a rich tradition of working with libraries and librarians to promote lifelong learning among college and university students. The association is also a leader in help- ing academic libraries demonstrate their value—especially through the development of resources like the ‘Value of Academic Libraries’ report and the ‘Standards for Libraries in Higher Education.’ “In addition to continuing the work of my predecessors, one of my goals is to develop, based on the successful ACRL Legislative Advocates model, a cadre of experts by collaborating with the local and regional chapters to provide assistance in developing the appropriate metrics—and the necessary professional development opportunities— that will show how libraries contribute to the overall success of our institutions. I be- lieve our member leaders at the local level are well positioned to promote the value of academic libraries with their local stakehold- ers, and I want to ensure that they have the tools to do so. “I am extremely grateful to all who voted, and thank you for your confidence in me. I also thank Debbie Malone, especially for her work toward increasing the diversity of our association. I look forward to continu- ing the ACRL tradition of excellence and to working with the Board, staff, and members in addressing the needs of our academic communities.” From 1999 to 2004, Dawes was head of Circulation and Support Services at Colum- bia University Libraries. He also served as head of the Information and Library Privi- C&RL News June 2012 352 leges Office at Columbia University Libraries (1992-1999). His ACRL activities include serving as cochair of the ACRL 2013 Conference Invited Papers Component Committee (2011–13) and cochair of the ACRL 2011 Conference Poster Sessions Component Committee (2009–11). Dawes was a mem- ber of the ACRL Scholarships Committee (2010–11) and a member of the ACRL Ap- pointments Committee (2007–08). He also served as chair of the ACRL Professional Development Coordinating Committee (2006–09) and as chair of the ACRL Excel- lence in Academic Libraries Award Nomi- nating Committee (2004–05). His ALA activities include serving as councilor-at-large of the ALA Council (2008–11) and as a member of the ALA Committee on Committees (2010–11). Dawes was a member of the ALA Committee on Education (2011–13) and served as chair of the Committee on Diversity (2006–07). He was a member of the LLAMA-SASS Technical Services Committee (2005–09) and a mem- ber of the LLAMA Membership Committee (2005–06). Dawes also served as an execu- tive committee member-at-large of LLAMA- MAES (2003–05) and as an executive board member of BCALA (2005–07). Dawes’s work with state and regional associations includes serving as executive board member-at-large of the New Jersey Library Association (2009–13) and presi- dent of ACRL-NJ/NJLA-CUS (2009–10). He served as secretary of ACRL-NJ/NJLA-CUS (2007–08) and cochair of the mentoring com- mittee of the New Jersey Library Association (2006–09). Dawes also was a member of the Cultural Diversity Committee of ACRL-NY (2003–06). Dawes won the Princeton University LGBT Center “Building Bridges Award” in 2009. He was a 2007 Library Journal “Mover and Shaker” and won the BCALA Leadership Award in 2007. His publications include coauthor of “As- sessing Reserve Management Systems: Do They Deliver on Their Promises?,” Journal of Interlibrary Loan, Document Delivery and Electronic Reserve (Haworth Press) vol. 20, no.2, April 2010; editor of “Marketing and Managing Electronic Reserves” (Haworth Press) 2006; and coauthor of “SPEC Kit #290: Access Services,” Association of Research Libraries, 2005. ACRL Vice-President/President-Elect: Trevor A. Dawes (1258); Debbie Malone (1219). ACRL Board Director-at-Large (4-year term): Marilyn Ochoa (1494); Charles Kratz (878). Director-at-Large (4-year term): Julie Gar- rison (1350); Adrian Ho (1008). African American Studies Librarians Section (AFAS) Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Johnnieque Love (59); Write-in candidate (0). Secretary: Angela Williams (62); Write-in candidate (0). Member-at-Large (2-year term): Lavonda Broadnax (37); Jamillah Gabriel (23). Anthropology and Sociology Section (ANSS) Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Pauline D. Manaka (58); Wayne Sanders (35). Member-at-Large (2-year term): Miriam Rigby (50); Anne Davis (42). Arts Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Sara Harrington (122); Write-in candidate (1). Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Section (AAMES) Vice-chair/Chair-elect: ShuYong Jiang (20); Hong Cheng (19). Member-at-Large (2-year term): Diane Pe- rushek (22); Akram Khabibullaev (20); Cynthia Nyirenda (18); John E. Russell (10). College Libraries Section (CLS) Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Sally Gibson (292); Carolyn Carpan (222). June 2012 353 C&RL News Secretary: Michael Miller (350); Joe Mocnik (156). Member-at-Large (2-year term): Polly D. Boruff-Jones (298); Jeff Rosedale (210). Community and Junior College Libraries Section (CJCLS) Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Jose Aguinaga (198); Write-in candidate (2). Secretary: Linda McCann (132); Mary Mayer-Hennelly (74). Distance Learning Section (DLS) Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Timothy Peters (169); Alice Daugherty (146). Secretary/Archivist: Megan Davis (193); Moushumi Chakraborty (119). Member-at-Large (2-year term): Danielle Skaggs (181); Cynthia Porter (129). Education and Behavioral Sciences Section (EBSS) Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Scott Collard (130); Cathy Michael (72). Member-at-Large (2-year term): Kate Zoell- ner (151); Jodie L. Borgerding (51). Instruction Section (IS) Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Christy Stevens (514); Elizabeth Kocevar-Weidinger (342). Secretary: Maura Seale (549); Elana Karsh- mer (286). Member-at-Large (2-year term): Meghan Sitar (503); Merinda McLure (499); Nancy Fawley (347). Literatures in English Section (LES) Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Arianne Hartsell- Gundy (58); Frank Gravier (24). Secretary: Laura Taddeo (60); Jaena Alabi (21). Member-at-Large (1-year term): Harriett Green (60); Alex Watson (24). Law and Political Science Section (LPSS) Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Lynda Kellam (62); Amalia Monroe-Gulick (31). Member-at-Large (2-year term): Mara Degnan-Rojeski (63); Brett Cloyd (31). Rare Books and Manuscripts Section (RBMS) Vice-chair/Chair-elect: J. Fernando Peña (148); Lois Fischer Black (141). Member-at-Large (3-year term): Athena N. Jackson (162); Erin C. Blake (120). Science and Technology Section (STS) V i c e - c h a i r / C h a i r - e l e c t : M a t t h e w R . Marsteller (162); Edward Lener (110). Publicity Officer: Elizabeth Berman (176); Kimberly Chapman (84). Member-at-Large (2-year term): Kathy Szigeti (146); Diana Shonrock (115). Slavic and East European Section (SEES) Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Natasha Lyandres (25); Jason Reuscher (12). University Libraries Section (ULS) Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Beth Filar-Wil- liams (557); Kaya van Beynen (388). Member-at-Large (3-year term): Eliza- b e t h B e r m a n ( 4 9 0 ) ; E m i l y D a l y (450); Rebecca Blakiston (389); Sidney Lowe (383). Western European Studies Section (WESS) Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Timothy Shipe (61); Michelle Emanuel (34). Secretary: David Lincove (59); Marcus Richter (34). Member-at-Large (1-year ter m): J e f f Staiger (71); Eileen Bentsen (21). Women and Gender Studies Section (WGSS) Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Heather Tompkins (92); Write-in candidate (0). Secretary: Shana Higgins (93); Write-in candidate (0). Member-at-Large (2-year term): Beth Strick- land (67); Juliann Couture (27).