July/August 2012 381 C&RL News In the Welcome to the July/August 2012 issue of C&RL News. As noted in last issue’s “2012 top ten trends in academic libraries” report, scholarly communication issues continue to be a major focus in our profession. Micah Vandegrift and Gloria Colvin provide valuable advice for devel- oping awareness of open access and scholarly publishing issues on campus in their Scholarly Communication article “Relational awareness.” Providing framework and peer support for producing scholarship can additionally build awareness and improve connections. To this end, Glenn Ellen Starr Stilling discusses the develop- ment of a faculty learning community of scholarly writing at Appalachian State University in her article “Learning to ‘light out after it with a club.’” Jim Hahn, Jennifer Bylsma, and Elizabeth Sullivan continue our discussion of the ongoing mobile Web trend by outlining an iPhone app design workshop held by the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign Undergraduate Library in this month’s ACRL TechConnect feature. Their discussion of “Teaching mobile Web develop- ment” shows one way libraries can contribute to technology efforts on campus. Sarah Gewirtz continues the technology conversation with a focus on library instruction applications in her article “Make your library instruction interactive with Poll Anywhere.” Barb Macke and Pam Bach provide information on a project to provide instruction services in an envi- ronment of reduced staffing in their article “The dilemma of the ‘disappearing’ FYE librarian.” This issue marks a milestone in C&RL News history as George M. Eberhart files his final New Publications column after 32 years of ser- vice. In addition to his always informative and entertaining book reviews, George served as editor of this publication from 1980–90. I want to personally thank him for his exceptional contributions to C&RL News in both capacities. Make sure to check out the other features and columns this month, including Internet Resources on sustainable agriculture, es- says on the ethics of information and library aesthetics, and new “ACRL/RBMS guidelines for interlibrary and exhibition loan of special collections materials.” Thanks as always for reading the News. —David Free, editor-in-chief, dfree@ala.org The Content You Need. The Format You Want. Just in Time. l Free freight and competitive discounts l One-stop shop for print and eContent from leading health-sciences publishers l Online Approval Plans, Core Collection Update Program and Doody’s Core Titles subscription access Save Money Save Time Manage Smartly 511 Feheley Drive King of Prussia, PA 19406 800-345-6425 Rittenhouse.com R2Library.com