july12ff.indd C&RL News July/August 2012 448 Gary Pattillo is reference librarian at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, e-mail: pattillo@email. unc.edu G a r y P a t t i l l o Information overload “If you began to think of all the information that you consume the way you think of food, what would you do differently?” This is the question addressed by JP Rangaswami in a recent TED Talk. He uses the analogy of food produc- tion, preparation, and consumption to encourage a balance in your media diet. JP Rangaswami, “Information is food,” TED, April 2012, www.ted.com/talks/lang/en/jp_rangaswami_information_is_food. html (retrieved June 1, 2012). What’s not in Google Google removes more than 250,000 links from its Web index each week. When copyright holders notify Google that it is linking to a Web site they believe violates their copyright, Google undergoes a process that usually results in the removal of search results that link to that Web site. In May 2012, Google received about 1.6 million removal requests from more than 1,400 copyright holders to remove links from 25,000 Web sites. “Google Transparency Report,” June 11, 2012, www.google.com/transparencyreport (retrieved June 11, 2012). Print titles Based on preliminary figures from U.S. publishers, Bowker is projecting that traditional print book output grew six percent in 2011, from 328,259 titles in 2010 to a projected 347,178 titles in 2011. This figure includes self-publishers, but does not include reprints or print-on-demand titles. Including those non- traditional sources brings the total number to more than 1.5 million titles. Bowker, “New Book Titles and Editions, 2002-2011,” www.bowker.com/assets/downloads/products/isbn _output_2002-2011.pdf (retrieved June 6, 2012). Library priorities A recent survey of nearly 2,000 academic library staff, including directors, managers, and librarians, found most academic library staff consider licensed e-collections to be a top priority. Sixty three percent believe their current library location structure will be the same in five years. While library journals, blogs, and social media are used to stay informed about the library industry, electronic lists and e-mail lists are the primary channel for current information. OCLC, “U.S. Academic Libraries: A Snapshot of Priorities & Perspectives,” April 13, 2012, www.oclc.org/reports /us-academic-libraries (retrieved June 8, 2012). Viewshare Viewshare is a free platform for generating and customizing interactive maps, timelines, facets, pie charts, and tag clouds that allow users to gain access to your digital collections in different ways. It is provided by the Library of Congress. The intended users of Viewshare are individuals managing and creating access to digital collections of cultural heritage materials. The views of the collections may then be embedded and shared online. Viewshare can import data from Excel spreadsheets, XML MODS records, Dublin Core Data, and some Instances of ContentDM. Viewshare, http://viewshare.org (retrieved March 7, 2012).