sept12_a.indd September 2012 453 C&RL News In theIn the Welcome to the September 2012 issue of C&RL News. And to the start of another new academic year. With the new year comes new roles and opportunities for many librarians, both at their institutions and in their professional associa- tions. In the fi rst edition of a yearlong series, ACRL President Steven J. Bell encourages aca- demic and research librarians to launch “A year of learning for your lifelong leadership journey.” The start of the new year also means a return to, or fi rst foray into, the library classroom. Ellen Welty, Sheila Hofstetter, and Stephanie J. Schulte argue that it is “Time to re-evaluate how we teach information literacy” and propose applying the PICO model from evidence-based medicine to library instruction. Larry Duerr and Jodi Eastberg discuss how Alverno College took history stu- dents “Beyond the annotated bibliography” and used their input to build collections. Looking to develop your skills as a library teacher this year? Pamela N. Martin and Erin Davis discuss their experiences at ACRL’s Information Literacy Immersion Program in their article “Re- new, refl ect, rejoice.” Applications for the next round of Immersion are available this month. In this month’s ACRL TechConnect article, “Harnessing the power of game dynamics,” Bohyun Kim explores the phenomenon of gamifi cation and provides tips on how it can be applied in the library setting. Visit the ACRL TechConnect blog each week for more technol- ogy ideas and essays. Make sure to check out all of the other features and departments in this month’s is- sue, including a look at the development of the Grateful Dead Archive at UC-Santa Cruz by archivist Nicholas G. Meriwether, Internet Resources on services for veterans, a review of ACRL’s programs and Board of Directors actions at the 2012 ALA Annual Conference, and information on the 2013 ACRL Awards Program. Thanks as always for reading the News. —David Free, editor-in-chief, The Content You Need. The Format You Want. Just in Time. l Free freight and competitive discounts l One-stop shop for print and eContent from leading health-sciences publishers l Online Approval Plans, Core Collection Update Program and Doody’s Core Titles subscription access Save Money Save Time Manage Smartly 511 Feheley Drive King of Prussia, PA 19406 800-345-6425