oct12_a.indd October 2012 513 C&RL News In the Welcome to the October 2012 issue of C&RL News. With the new term in full swing, library instruction schedules are starting to fill with re- quests for classes. Allison Hosier discuses imple- menting team-based learning in the information literacy classroom in her article “When teachers are taught to learn.” Assessing the success of li- brary instruction sessions is a vital part of any information literacy program. Shannon R. Simp- son outlines how she receives and incorporates instant feedback on her sessions in “Google Spreadsheets and real-time assessment” in this is- sue’s ACRL TechConnect article. Even though the term is just underway, it’s not too early to start planning final week activities. Jean Hiebert and Shelly Theriault discuss finals week stress relief programs at the University of North Carolina-Charlotte, including games, providing disposable pillows, and even therapy dogs, in their article “BLASTing the zombies.” Looking for a lower key solution? Russell A. Hall, Jane Ingold, and Richard Hart from Penn State Erie, The Beh- rend College outline their successful homegrown finals coffee program in “Fuel for finals.” In this month’s Scholarly Communication column Sarah L. Shreeves and Thomas H. Teper discuss the University of Illinois at Urbana-Cham- paign’s project to digitize and make available locally produced theses and dissertations. And Jennifer L. Adams and Kevin B. Gunn give advice on where to srtart with “Digital Humanities” in the Internet Resources feature. ACRL 2013 in Indianapolis is just around the corner! Kristi L. Palmer provides an “Introduction to Indy” in the first of our series of articles featur- ing our host city. We’ll see you April 10–13, 2013. Make sure to check out all of the other features and departments in this month’s issue, including an essay by Matthew P. Ciszek on “Diversifying diversity” and ACRL’s recently approved “Diversity standards: Cultural com- petency for academic librarians.” Thanks as always for reading the News. —David Free, editor-in-chief, dfree@ala.org The Content You Need. The Format You Want. Just in Time. l Free freight and competitive discounts l One-stop shop for print and eContent from leading health-sciences publishers l Online Approval Plans, Core Collection Update Program and Doody’s Core Titles subscription access Save Money Save Time Manage Smartly 511 Feheley Drive King of Prussia, PA 19406 800-345-6425 Rittenhouse.com R2Library.com