march13_a.indd March 2013 117 C&RL News In the Welcome to the March 2013 issue of C&RL News. With the coming of spring, many students are hit- ting the road for the traditional spring break ex- cursions. But academic and research librarians are pretty adept at travel, as well. This month’s issue features two articles with different perspectives on librarians traveling to work with students in Asia. John Eric Juricek of the University of Southern California describes being “Embed- ded in Shanghai” with a group of graduate- level students from his institution as they researched international business. Michele Van Hoeck of California State University Maritime had a different, yet equally reward- ing, experience teaching information literacy skills to local students at Vietnam Maritime University, where she learned “It’s not about the ‘stuff.’” Heidi Madden and Ann Marie Rasmussen of Duke University traveled metaphorically back in time through the use of German literary histories in assignments in graduate literature courses. They describe their experi- ences in their article “Hiding in plain sight.” With ACRL 2013 just around the corner, it is time for conference attendees to consider their travel plans in earnest. In this month’s feature on our host city of Indianapolis, Meagan Lacy provides a delicious look at the city’s culinary scene. Also this month, we conclude our look at the upcoming ALA/ACRL election with responses by the candidates for ALA vice-president/pres- ident-elect to questions from the ACRL Board of Directors. Make sure to vote in the election beginning March 19. Make sure to check out the other features and departments in this issue, including In- ternet Resources on “SK8 zines” by Joshua Finnell, Melissa Moore’s The Way I See It es- say on becoming a library coach, and ACRL Board of Directors actions from the 2013 ALA Midwinter Meeting. Thanks as always for reading the News. —David Free, editor-in-chief, Hahn Conservation at its best i Pure Wall, table, free-standing display cases or unique design solutions – all products can be realized with the HAHN PURE standard. GLASBAU HAHN America LLC · Tel. 845 566 3331 · Toll-free 877 452 7228 C o u rt es y: N o rt h C ar o lin a M u se u m o f A rt Come see us at the ACRL Conference in Indianapolis, IN, Booth 440