sept13_b.indd September 2013 443 C&RL News During the 2013 ALA Annual Conference in Chicago, the ACRL Board of Directors met on June 29 and July 1. The Board met with the leaders of its three goal area committees— Value of Academic Libraries, Student Learning and Information Literacy, and Research and • Endorsed the ALA Council Resolution Supporting Librarians Sued for Doing their Professional Duty. • Confirmed the virtual vote approving the 2013 Legislative Agenda. The document was issued prior to National Library Legisla- tion Day on May 8, 2013. ( ACRL Board of Directors’ actions, June/July 2013 Highlights of the Board’s Annual Conference meetings Scholarly Environment—to assess progress on the Plan for Excellence. With feedback from the Board, these committees will finalize their reports and develop their Work Plan for 2013-2014. The ACRL Board of Directors also took the following actions: Enabling programs and services Goal Area: Advocacy—Strategic goal areas will be supported by financial and operational planning, and will guide the development and implementation of programs and services that target education, advocacy, and member engagement. Enabling programs and services Goal Area: Member Engagement—Strategic goal areas will be supported by financial and operational planning, and will guide the development and implementation of programs and services that target education, advocacy, and member engagement. /issues/washingtonwatch/legagenda) • Confirmed the virtual vote approving a February 20, 2013, public statement ex- pressing concern over the libel suit initiated by Edwin Mellen Press against Dale Askey, a librarian and faculty member at McMaster University. • Approved a revision of charge for the Student Learning and Information Literacy Coordinating Committee. • Confirmed the virtual vote disbanding of the ACRL Intellectual Freedom and Ethics Committees and the creation of a division- level Committee on Professional Values. • Approved the name change from WESS De Gruyter European Librarianship Study Grant to the WESS-SEES De Gruyter European Librarianship Study Grant. This joint project of WESS and SEES will continue to support cru- cial research into international librarianship. • Established a Technical Services Interest Group to better connect technical services librarians with ACRL. The interest group will provide a broad framework for information exchange on current developments and ac- tivities related to technical services including, but not limited to, collection development, C&RL News September 2013 444 collection management, acquisitions, meta- data services, and resource discovery and delivery in academic libraries. • Established an ACRL Library Support for Massive Open Online Courses (MOOC) • Approved Beth Woodard, central in- formation services librarian, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign, and Anne Zald, head, Instruction Department, University of Discussion Group. The group will provide a forum for librarians wanting to exchange information about how libraries are support- ing the provision of MOOCs created by their campuses. Enabling programs and services Goal Area: Education—Strategic goal areas will be supported by financial and operational planning, and will guide the development and implementation of programs and services that target education, advocacy, and member engagement. Nevada-Las Vegas, as Immersion faculty co- coordinators for a three-year term, which began July 1, 2013, and will extend through the 2016 ALA Annual Conference. Enabling programs and services Goal Area: Operations—Strategic goal areas will be supported by financial and operational planning, and will guide the development and implementation of programs and services that target education, advocacy, and member engagement. • Confirmed the virtual vote approving the minutes of the ACRL Board of Directors Meetings I and II held at the 2013 ALA Mid- winter Meeting in Seattle. • Approved the FY14 budget as pre- sented: o Total ACRL revenues of $2,349,623 o Total ACRL expenses of $2,924,252 Net ACRL revenues of ($574,629) o Total CHOICE revenues of $3,055,057 o Total CHOICE expenses of $3,254,924 Net CHOICE revenues of ($199,867) • Approved the recommendation to increase dues by $1 according to the 1.6% increase in the HEPI index as allowed by ACRL bylaws. The FY14 rates will be: ACRL Board 2012–13 (l to r): (back) Mark Emmons, Julie Ann Garrison, Lisabeth A. Chabot, Ann Campion Riley, Marilyn Nabua Ochoa, Irene M. H. Herold, Mary Ann Sheblé, Loretta R. Parham; (front) Cynthia K. Steinhoff, Trevor A. Dawes, Steven J. Bell, Joyce L. Ogburn, Maggie Farrell, Mary Ellen K. Davis. September 2013 445 C&RL News o Personal members: $58 o Student members: $38 o Retired members: $38 • Confirmed the virtual vote approving new policies governing Section Review, Merger, and Creation which will go in ef- fect September 1, 2013. The governing policies for all ACRL Communities of Prac- tice are available online ( /copa-group-breakdown). • Confirmed the virtual vote approv- ing the disbursement of $32,967 in Friends Fund donations in support of the following projects: o $6,500 in support of the ALA Spectrum Scholars Initiative. o $10,000 contribution towards the cost of uploading C&RL back files to the journal’s online site at HighWire Press. o $4,167 to support the Library Copyright Alliance Project. o $4,500 to support a Scholarly Commu- nication Workshop. o $7,800 to support consulting and coach- ing of the “Assessment in Action” facilitation and design team. • Approved a one-time match of up to $8,000 to funds raised by RBMS to bring the Leab Endowment to $50,000. This match will assist the section in meeting ALA’s re- quirement that endowment funds maintain a $50,000 minimum. ACRL Board 2013–14 (l to r): (back) Mark Emmons, Susan Barnes Whyte, Julie Ann Garrison, Julia M. Gelfand, Marilyn Nabua Ochoa, Irene M. H. Herold, Mary Ann Sheble, Loretta R. Parham; (front) Cynthia K. Steinhoff, Karen Williams, Trevor A. Dawes, Steven J. Bell, Douglas K. Lehman, Mary Ellen K. Davis. 2. Rita Charon, “Narrative Medicine: A Model for Empathy, Reflection, Profession, and Trust.” JAMA 286, no.15 (2001): 1897-1902, doi: 10.1001/jama.286.15.1897 3. National Network for Collaboration Framework. “Collaboration Framework: Addressing Community Capacity,” www. /framework.html, accessed March 14, 2013. 4. EDUCAUSE, “7 Things You Should Know about the Modern Learning Com- mons,” /pdf/PUB7101M.pdf. 5. Beth Bathurst, “The Secret Life of Libraries,” The Observer, -of-libraries. 6. Joan Lippincott, “Net Generation Stu- dents and Libraries” in Education the Net Generation, edited by Diane G. Oblinger and James L. Oblinger, 2005, http://net.educause. edu/ir/library/pdf/PUB7101M.pdf. (“Medical narratives...,”cont. from page 430)