oct13_b.indd October 2013 495 C&RL News Jazzy Wright is press officer of the ALA Washington Office, e-mail: jwright@alawash.org W a s h i n g t o n H o t l i n eJazzy Wright ALA president speaks on NSA leak; organization launches privacy toolkit In July, ALA launched “ALA Liberty,” a new Web site that contains tools libraries can use to host educational sessions and public forums that help Americans understand their First and Fourth Amendment rights. The launch of ALA Liberty comes as a response to revelations that the U.S. government obtained vast amounts of big data on the activities of millions of innocent Americans. The Web site contains guides and tip sheets for libraries interested in informing members of the public about their civil liber- ties. The tools provide an overview of the deliberative process and outlines ways that the public can demand government oversight and transparency from legislators. Later that month, ALA joined an unprec- edented coalition of Internet companies and advocates to deliver a letter to the U.S. government demanding greater transparency around national security-related surveillance of Internet and telephone communications. Key civil liberties organizations and major com- panies, such as Apple, Facebook, and Twit- ter, joined in the effort with dozens of other companies and organizations, both large and small. WeNeedToKnow, the newly launched petition directed at the White House, invites the public to contribute to the call for greater transparency around government surveillance. ALA, IMLS detail Affordable Care Act resources for library staff The Institute of Museum and Library Services and ALA recently announced information resources for libraries to use to assist pa- trons about the Affordable Care Act. OCLC’s library program WebJunction will provide online educational Webinars, tip sheets, and other resources to help library staff members respond to increased patron information needs related to the new health insurance marketplace. Library staff can access materi- als, online resources, Webinar registrations, and archived Webinar recordings at www. webjunction.org/explore-topics/ehealth /get-involved.html. Google, ALA host Webinar: Revisiting CIPA ten years later ALA and Google recently hosted a national symposium where library, education, technol- ogy, legal, and policy experts considered the impact of the Children’s Internet Protection Act (CIPA) on access to electronic informa- tion. In July, participants joined a wide range of experts to discuss insights looking at legal, ethical, and political implications of how the CIPA requirements have been implemented in the past ten years. “Revisiting the Children’s Internet Protection Act: 10 Years Later” was part of the Office for Information Technology Policy and Office for Intellectual Freedom’s larger project on CIPA and access to infor- mation, made possible through support of Google, Inc. A white paper will be released this fall. 2. Anthony C. Holderied, “Instructional Design for the Active: Employing Interactive Technologies and Active Learning Exercises to Enhance Information Literacy,” Journal of Information Literacy 5, no. 1 (2011): 24, http://ojs.lboro.ac.uk/ojs/index.php/JIL /article/view/LLC-V5-I1-2011-2. 3. Nigel Morgan and Linda Davies, “In- novative Library Induction: Introducing the ‘Cephalonian Method’”, SCONUL Focus 32 (Summer/Autumn 2004): 4–8. 4. Ryan Sittler and Douglas Cook, The Li- brary Instruction Cookbook (Chicago: ACRL, 2009), 44–45. 5. Ibid., 36–37. 6. Esther S. Grassian and Joan R. Kaplow- itz, Information Literacy Instruction: Theory and Practice (New York: Neal-Schuman Publishers, 2009), 34–35. (“MacEwan University...,” cont. from p. 482)