nov13_a.indd C&RL News November 2013 510 N e w s f r o m t h e F i e l dDavid Free The new Richardson Library Information Commons. Photograph by Jeff Carrion, DePaul University. DePaul opens Richardson Library Information Commons On September 24, DePaul University wel- comed more than 300 people from across the university and the Chicago library com- munity to the grand opening of the Rich- ardson Library Information Commons. Designed as the second phase of the four- phase renovation of the John T. Richardson Library, the Information Commons provides access to more than 120 workstations and more than 300 spaces for individual and group work. Designed by the library’s original ar- chitects, Vassilko Architects & Associates, the Information Commons provides a new center for teaching, learning, and research support on DePaul’s Lincoln Park Campus and is home to new library service programs, including the Scholar’s Lab and the Learning Commons. Designed to promote collabora- tion across curricular and cocurricular pro- grams supporting student success, the grand opening featured digital humanities projects being pursued by faculty in the College of Liberal Arts and Social Sciences, overviews of tutoring services offered by Learning Commons partners, and activities promoting literacy issues on campus. More information is available at infocommons. KU libraries showcase history of Quantrill’s Raid The University of Kansas (KU) Libraries re- cently mounted an online exhibit honoring the 150th anniversary of Quantrill’s Raid. “Quantrill’s Raid on Lawrence: Stories of Loss, Destruction and Survival” displays ma- terials from the libraries’ Kansas Collection, including photographs and accounts of the raid’s victims as well as letters written by Quantrill. In the early morning hours of Au- gust 21, 1863, Confederate guerilla William Quantrill led a cavalry of hundreds with the intent to “plunder and destroy” Lawrence, Kansas. Prior to the attack, Lawrence had become an anti-slavery stronghold at the dawn of the Civil War and during the early statehood of Kansas, which itself became a free state in 1861. In retaliation for attacks in pro-slavery territory, Quantrill and his raiders ambushed Lawrence, burning nearly all its buildings and killing more than 150 men and boys. Following the city’s recovery, Quantrill’s Raid became a central piece of Lawrence history as a symbol of the com- munity’s strength and resilience. Housed in the Spencer Research Library, the Kansas Collection preserves extensive materials and documents from the state’s his- tory, much of which pertains to the mid-19th century when Kansas was transitioning from November 2013 511 C&RL News ACRL CUPA–HR Position Description of Academic Librarians Task Force report of work completed The College and University Professional As- sociation for Human Resources (CUPA-HR) assumes responsibility for conducting salary surveys for positions in higher education, including librarian positions. The survey gath- ers important information about positions in academia across most work areas. The survey provides brief job descriptions and asks libraries to provide salary information by po- sition, which allows for comparisons across institutions, states, etc. It had been more than five years since the librarian position descriptions were updated, and in 2012, the ACRL Board appointed a task force to review and recommend revisions to the CUPA-HR academic librarian position descriptions. The group worked for about eight months, and we had frequent consultations with our representative from CUPA-HR. We also received very useful feedback on proposed changes via an online survey we sent out to ACRL members. While CUPA was not able to implement all ACRL recommendations due to concerns regarding longitudinal position comparisons, the follow- ing new positions were accepted by CUPA-HR and will appear in the 2013–14 survey. Deputy chief library officer: Provides strate- gic leadership for all functions of the library in collaboration with other academic units and in support of the mission of the college/university; serves as primary advocate for the library. Librarian, head of access services: Respon- sible for oversight of access services, can include circulation, reserves, interlibrary loan, stack maintenance, facility maintenance, and security. Librarian, access services: Manages aspects of access services, including some or all of the following: circulation, reserves, ILL, user fines and fees, and stacks maintenance. Accountable for service quality, innovation, and creative use of available technology in support of access service operations. Librarian, special collections and archives: Manages aspects of special collections and archives, including some or all of the following: providing services related to special collec- tions and archive in all formats, preservation, conservation, rare books, records management, institutional repositories, and manuscripts. . Librarian, data and geographical infor- mation: Work in collaboration with subject librarians to build liaisons with faculty, students, and staff in the collection, curation, and reuse of data. Provide support in the discovery, use, and management of locally created and externally available data. Librarian, emerging technology: Provide leadership and promote awareness of new and emerging technologies to improve the patron experience and library services and workflows. Librarian, user experience/assessment: Provides leadership that enhances the value of the library to its users and the institution. Oversees assessment of users’ needs, including space planning. Coordinates development of innovative products and services to meet that need, including coordinated marketing strategies intended to improve the use and application of library resources across the curriculum. Seven job descriptions were updated, and two positions descriptions were combined into one: serials librarian and electronic resources librarian combined into electronic resources/ serials librarian. Complete new, revised, and existing academ- ic librarian positions descriptions are available online at I thank Deb Malone and Theresa Liedtka for contributing to, and editing, this report. ACRL CUPA-HR Academic Librarian Posi- tion Description Task Force Members: Debbie Malone, chair, DeSales University; Tom Abbott, University of Maine-Augusta; Wanda Brown, Wake Forest University; Trevor A. Dawes, ACRL President, Washington University-St. Louis; Theresa Liedtka, University of Tennessee- Chattanooga; Tom Raffenserger, Westfield State University; Ann Watson, Shepherd University. —Trevor A. Dawes, Washington University-St. Louis, C&RL News November 2013 512 New from ACRL: Designing Training ACRL announces the publication of Design- ing Training by Melanie Hawks, the fifth entry in the ACRL Active Guides series. Focus- ing on the needs of the adult learner, Designing Training will help librarians and library staff plan training sessions for takeaway value, learner engage- ment, and learning transfer. Hawks provides examples and exercises that demonstrate how to design highly effective learn- ing events from the ground up. The activities provided throughout this title will lead the reader through the process of developing well-designed training that sets up both the trainer and the learners to succeed. Designing Training is practical guide that will serve as an essential go-to resource for those responsible for train- ing as either an on-going job assignment or an occasional project. The ACRL Active Guides se- ries address professional and workplace issues. Additional titles in the series include Life- Work Balance, Influencing without Authority, Conversa- tions that Work: Conducting Performance Assessments, and Pay it Forward: Mentor- ing New Information Profes- sionals. Designing Training is available for purchase in print through the ALA Online Store and; and by telephone order at (866) 746-7252 in the United States or (770) 442-8633 for international customers. a territory to a free state. The online exhibit focusing on the raid is available at http:// Turfgrass Information File reaches major milestones The Turfgrass Information File (TGIF) is a comprehensive online index and full-text data- base for materials associated with turfgrass and related issues. A cooperative program between the Michigan State University Libraries and the United States Golf Association, TGIF now includes entries for more than 225,000 items, including articles, book chapters, theses, and dissertations. More importantly, 56 percent of those items now link directly to the full-text of the content, a percentage that continues to grow. The database, while primarily focused on turfgrass, includes content on a wide vari- ety of related topics, such as wetlands manage- ment, environmental issues, pesticide use, and water management. Additional information regarding TGIF can be found at http://tic.lib. Turfgrass. EBSCO adds 15 new eBook Subject Sets EBSCO has introduced 15 new eBook Subject Sets to help librarians build their e-book collec- tions. Subject Sets are prepackaged sets of titles from leading publishers in specific, high-inter- est topics designed to meet the needs of librar- ies while simplifying collection development. New subject sets include social work, business, classic fiction, photography, American history, and a variety of health-related topics. EBSCO eBooks offers more than 400,000 e-books and audiobooks. For more information on EBSCO eBooks, visit ProQuest launches WWI trench journals and unit magazines collections ProQuest recently announced the launch of a new database offering access to rare and unique sources on the common experiences of First World War servicemen and women. Trench Journals and Unit Magazines of the First World War contains more than 1,500 mag- azines written and illustrated, mostly unofficial- November 2013 513 C&RL News Tech Bits . . . Brought to you by the ACRL ULS Technol- ogy in University Libraries Committee Do you find editing your Web site cumbersome? Do you lack the technical skills to enhance your Web design? Can’t afford LibGuides? SubjectsPlus is a free, Web-based, open-source software designed to help libraries take control of some parts of their Web site: database list, staff list, FAQs, suggestion box, course guides, and more. Its highly customizable, responsive layouts look good on any device and let you edit content and tweak design without any programming knowledge. I use SubjectsPlus to create supplemental course guides for instruction sessions. It’s easy to put together a page for a specific course that points to relevant library re- sources and services. There is also a robust user community to find great ideas and assistance. Consider this a free, open-source alternative to LibGuides. —Carolyn Cunningham University of Texas-Austin . . . SubjectsPlus ly, by every type of military unit. The magazines were intended for distribu- tion only to the members of that unit. The collection contains periodicals written by and for serving members of the armed forces and associated wel- fare organizations published between 1914 and the end of 1919. The maga- zines have been carefully scanned cover-to-cover with granular indexing of all articles and specialist indexing of publications. The journals and maga- zines were produced by every type of unit engaged in the conflict. In addi- tion to magazines produced by infantry units, such as The Dead Horse Corner Gazette and The Wipers Times, there are periodicals of hospitals, supply de- pots, training camps, and prisoner of war camps and from every combatant nation, on every active front, includ- ing the home front. For more informa- tion, visit /catalogs/databases/detail/trench.shtml. HighWire debuts Folio eBooks product HighWire Press announced the launch of Folio, its new eBooks product, showcasing the library release of the e-Duke Books Scholarly Collection at the 2013 Frank- furt Book Fair. Built on the HighWire Open Platform, Folio is an e-book solution designed for publishers to rapidly bring their books on- line. Key components of the product include a publisher homepage, an informative book landing page, and a user-friendly e-reader view. Connecting readers to relevant content, Folio is designed to scale and grow as needed, ideal for publishers with a large backlist or those with several key titles. Features include responsive design for viewing on mobile de- vices, and SEO-friendly URLs which include the book title. National Arts Policy Archives and Library launches The National Endowment for the Arts (NEA), the UMass Arts Extension Service, and the Uni- versity of Massachusetts Amherst Libraries’ Special Collections and University Archives announce the launch of the new National Arts Policy Archives and Library (NAPAAL). The goal of the NAPAAL project is to assemble key archival collections re- lating to the history of arts and cultural policy in America and to document and preserve the issues and critical decisions that have shaped the field of arts management, art education, arts policy, and support for the arts. At present NAPAAL contains an extensive suite of publications and research reports from NEA, and 38 years of records from the Arts Extension Service. These materials will be joined later this fall by the archives of Americans for the Arts and the National Assembly of State Arts Agencies. Ultimately, NAPAAL will seek ma- terials in all media, including paper documents, electronic records, oral histories, and audio and video recordings. More information is avail- able at /national-arts-policy-archive-and-library/.