mar14_ff.indd C&RL News March 2014 160 Gary Pattillo is reference librarian at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, e-mail: pattillo@email. G a r y P a t t i l l o Dissertations and theses in WorldCat Number of dissertation and thesis records in WorldCat, including 2,651,968 digital dissertations and theses, is 19,043,125. OCLC Abstracts, January 6, 2014, vol. 17, no. 1, html (retrieved January 31, 2014). University rankings and applicants A study of quality of life and academic reputations based on published rankings in Princeton Review and U.S. News & World Report found that being ranked one of the top 25 schools is associated with an increase in applications of between 6 and 10 percent. An increase in the number of applications and the academic competitiveness of a school’s incoming class were associated with making the lists for Happy Students (2.9 percent increase) or Most Beautiful Campus (2.3 percent increase). Applications and competitiveness were negatively correlated with being on the Least Happy Students (about a 5 percent decrease) or Un- sightly, Tiny Campus lists (5.2 percent decrease). Molly Alter and Randall Reback, “True for Your School? How Changing Reputations Alter Demand for Selective U.S. Colleges,” Educational Evaluation and Policy Analysis 20, no. 10 (2014): 1-25, /early/2014/01/16/0162373713517934 (retrieved February 4, 2014). Print vs. e-book The proportion of Americans who read e-books is growing, but print books are still favored. The percentage of adults who read an e-book in the past year has risen to 28 percent, up from 23 percent at the end of 2012. At the same time, 69 percent reported reading a book in print, up four percentage points after a slight dip in 2012. Fourteen percent of American adults listened to an audiobook. Pew Research Center, “E-Reading Rises as Device Ownership Jumps,” January 16, 2014, /Reports/2014/E-Reading-Update.aspx (retrieved February 4, 2014). Free books in Norway “More than 135,000 books still in copyright are going online for free in Norway after an innovative scheme by the National Library ensured that publishers and authors are paid for the project. The copyright-protected books (including transla- tions of foreign books) have to be published before 2000 and the digitizing has to be done with the consent of the copyright holders.” The project estimates a total of 250,000 books will be made available online for free. Martin Chilton, “Books Go Online for Free in Norway,” The Telegraph, /booknews/10575900/Books-go-online-for-free-in-Norway.html (retrieved February 4, 2014). Higher education trends The 2014 higher education Horizon report identified six key trends driving changes in higher education over the next one to two years: growing ubiquity of social media; integration of online, hybrid, and collaborative learning; rise of data-driven learning and assessment; shift from students as consumers to stu- dents as creators; agile approaches to change; and evolution of online learning. Larry Johnson, Samantha Adams Becker, V. Estrada, and A. Freeman (2014), “NMC Horizon Report: 2014 Higher Education Edition,” Austin, Texas: The New Media Consortium, pdf (retrieved February 11, 2014).