june14_a.indd C&RL News June 2014 290 N e w s f r o m t h e F i e l dDavid Free Auburn University Libraries wins Spirit of Sustainability Award Auburn University (AU) Libraries recently received an Auburn University Spirit of Sustainability Award for work done on the Ralph Brown Draughon Library to decrease energy usage in the 400,000 square foot building. The award recognizes individuals or groups of AU students, faculty, staff, and alumni who make significant contributions toward sustainability on campus. AU Libraries have been seeking ways to reduce energy usage since extending library hours to 134 hours weekly. The libraries em- barked on a series of improvements aimed at making both lighting and climate control more efficient while minimizing the use of hazardous materials. Most recently a “first on campus” light harvesting system was installed in large study bays, which saves energy and casts a more comfortable light for reading and study by adjusting light levels depending on the amount of outside light coming into the building. Areas affected by these improve- ments have seen a 57 percent reduction in energy consumption. MSU Libraries receives MHS Hilliard Oral History Award In March 2014, the Mississippi State Univer- sity (MSU) Libraries was honored with the Elbert T. Hilliard Oral History Award by the Mississippi Historical Society for the Echoes of Lloyd-Ricks-Watson oral history project. The project contains interviews with former occupants or those with relationships to the Lloyd-Ricks-Watson building and records stories concerning their experiences and the personalities that occupied the building from its original opening in 1929 through its current remodeling and renaming in Octo- ber 23, 2010. The award honors Elbert R. Hilliard, who served as director of the Mississippi Depart- ment of Archives and History for 31 years, and is awarded to an outstanding oral history project exemplifying a distinguished collec- tion, high-quality preservation, and proper use of oral history. The Echoes of Lloyd-Ricks-Watson project can be viewed online at http://library.ms- state.edu/echoes. For more information on the MSU Libraries, please visit http://library. msstate.edu, and for information on the Mis- sissippi Historical Society, visit http://mdah. state.ms.us/new/government/mississippi -historical-society/. Brown v. Board anniversary commemorated at KU Libraries In recognition of the 60th anniversary of Brown v. the Board of Education, University of Kansas (KU) Libraries hosted a duo of events in April 2014 honoring the landmark civil rights ruling. The events included an ex- hibition opening and a symposium featuring guest speakers and plaintiffs from the 1954 Supreme Court case. The exhibition “Last- ing Impact: Brown v. the Board of Educa- tion” highlights materials and artifacts from the case preserved in the libraries’ Kansas Collection. Housed in the Kenneth Spencer Research Library, the Kansas Collection pre- serves a wealth of materials documenting the African American experience in Kansas, including the history surrounding Topeka’s pivotal battle against segregation. The libraries additionally hosted “The Legacies & Unfinished Business of BvB, 2.0,” a daylong symposium that brought scholars and civil rights experts together to discuss the effects of the Supreme Court ruling and how it was enacted. Among the guest speakers were Columbia University professor Theo- dore Shaw and Latino rights advocate David Hinojosa, as well as plaintiffs from the case and members of the Brown family. Visit the libraries’ exhibit page at http://exhibits.lib. ku.edu/exhibits/show/lasting-impact/ for more information. June 2014 291 C&RL News Teams selected for second year of ACRL “Assessment in Action” learning community ACRL has selected 73 institutional teams to participate in the second year of the program “Assessment in Action: Academic Libraries and Student Success”“‑ (AiA). The program is made possible by the Institute of Museum and Library Services and carried out in partnership with the Association for Institutional Research and the Association of Public and Land‑grant Universities. The teams, representing all types of institu‑ tions, come from 34 states and 1 Canadian province. For a list of currently confirmed institutions, visit the AiA program website at www.ala.org/acrl/ AiA. In their applica‑ tions each institution identified a team, con‑ sisting of a librarian and at least two addi‑ tional team members as determined by the campus (e.g., faculty member, student affairs representative, in‑ stitutional researchers, or academic admin‑ istrator). They also identified goals for their action learning projects. “The top applications were distinguished by the team composition, their readiness, and the quality of their project goals. We also looked for strong institutional support to help the teams see their projects through to completion,” said Terri Fishel, vice chair of ACRL’s Value of Academic Libraries Com‑ mittee and library director at Macalester College. “The application reviewers sought action learning projects with the greatest potential to contribute to the greater library and higher education community.” To ensure project results are dissemi‑ nated to the broader community, each institutional team will submit a final report and each librarian team leader will prepare and deliver a poster at the 2015 ALA Annual Conference. The AiA program, part of ACRL’s Value of Academic Libraries initiative, em‑ ploys a blended learning environment and a peer‑to‑peer network over the course of the 14‑monthlong program, which runs from April 2014 to June 2015. The librarians will participate as cohort members in a one‑year professional devel‑ opment program that includes team‑based activities carried out on their campuses. An important component of the AiA program is establishing a learning community where librarian team lead‑ ers have the freedom to connect, risk, and learn together. “It is an honor to be working with li‑ brarian team leaders from such a diverse group of institutions pur suing these in‑ triguing projects,” said Lisa Hinchliffe, co‑lead facilitator in the AiA program and professor at the University of Illinois at Urbana‑Champaign. “We are strongly com‑ mitted to establishing an environment which supports the development of a com‑ munity of practice and shared learning and look forward to building on the success of the first year of the AiA program with this set of participants.” Learn more about the AiA program at the 2014 ALA Annual Conference during the session Update on Value of Academic Librar‑ ies Initiative on Sunday, June 29, 1:30–2:30 p.m. and during poster sessions by first year participants on Friday, June 27, 2–4 p. m,. and Saturday, June 28, 8:30–10:30 a.m. AiA is a three year program, and ACRL will be selecting additional institutions to partici‑ pate in the 2015‑2016 class. Stay tuned for an announcement in January 2015 with more details on how to apply for the next round. C&RL News June 2014 292 Tech Bits . . . Brought to you by the ACRL ULS Technol- ogy in University Libraries Committee PrintFriendly is a web-based tool that allows users to take practically any web page and remove ads and navigation to save ink and paper when printing. It also makes for a much easier reading experience. PrintFriendly is very straightforward; to get a print friendly version of the webpage, you can enter the web page’s URL on PrintFriendly’s website, add an extension to your browser, or down- load a button for your own homepage. It also gives you the option to e-mail the page or convert it to PDF instead of printing. The website is free to use and could be a powerful visual tool for librarians to compare website content and reliability during instruction. — Jaki King Clark College . . . PrintFriendly www.printfriendly.com SMU fill first Occam’s Reader request Southern Methodist University’s (SMU) Central University Libraries recently an- nounced that they filled the first Occam’s Reader request. The University of Missouri borrowed the e-book, Third International Handbook of Mathematics Education. The Occam’s Reader Project—comprised of Texas Tech University, the University of Hawai’i-Manoa, and the Greater Western Li- brary Alliance (GWLA)—and Springer, en- tered into an agreement to run a yearlong pilot program with GWLA’s 33 members, which include SMU, focused on eBook in- terlibrary loans in January 2014. At the center of the project lies Occam’s Reader, new software developed by the Design & Development Team at Texas Tech University Libraries and the Web Interface Development Team at the University of Hawai’i at Manoa Libraries, in collaboration with GWLA. Benefits include secure online access to borrowed books, compliance with copyright laws and licensing provisions, re- porting of usage statistics, and the ability to take advantage of existing Springer features, such as location- and device-agnostic access. Both e-book chapters and full e-books from Springer are included in the pilot. To learn more, visit http://occamsreader.org. Palgrave Connect e-books available across GOBI3 Palgrave Connect e-books are now available on GOBI3. The contract signed between Palgrave Macmillan and YBP Library Ser- vices (YBP), the academic division of Baker & Taylor, will make all 11,500 ebooks on Palgrave Connect available to librarians us- ing GOBI3 on a title-by-title basis. This will enable librarians to integrate Palgrave Con- nect into their existing selection process- es and/or approval plans. While Palgrave Macmillan ebooks are currently available on GOBI3 for purchase via various ebook aggregators, the Palgrave Connect platform offers Palgrave Macmillan’s scholarly content with the benefits of ePub format and no DRM. Palgrave Macmillan initia- tives, including Palgrave Pivot and Palgrave Open, will be included for perpetual access purchase along- side the core monograph program. EBL catalog now discoverable in Summon ProQuest recently added indexing for the full text of the entire catalog of EBL- book Library in its Summon discovery service. EBL’s catalog of more than 400,000 e-books is now discoverable alongside titles from ebrary, which have been full-text indexed in the Summon service since 2012. The work to broaden discovery and accessibility of eb- ooks is occurring simultaneously with another major project: the integration of EBL and ebrary into a single ebook solution. The Sum- June 2014 293 C&RL News Corrections The Fast Facts item on newspaper circu‑ lation in the April 2014 issue contained incorrect data. Total paid newspaper circulation dropped from 62,766,000 to 44,421,000 instead of the 62,766 to 44.421 as reported. Notes were omitted from the layout of “Exploring the Learning Commons: Tutor‑ ing moves into Hinckley Library” by Renee Dechert, Susan Richards, Carol Zawacki, and Gerald Giraud in the March 2014 is‑ sue. The notes for the article appear below. 1. Scott Bennett, Libraries Designed for Learning (Washington, DC: Council on Library and Information Resources, 2003), 38. 2. Northwest College’s FTE enrollment for fall 2011 was 1,984 students; fall 2012 FTE was 1,925 students. 3. Cheyenne Wiley, “Top Places to Study: Quiet Spaces Make for Popular Study Spaces,” Northwest Trail 56 (February 14, 2013), 6. mon service will search across all of a li- brary’s EBL titles, including automatically updated DDA holdings. As a result, an e- book purchase or loan can occur within the EBL platform, but start from the library’s point of discovery, dramatically streamlin- ing ordering and precisely tuning the li- brary’s holdings to users’ needs. Rosetta Stone soon available through EBSCO Rosetta Stone, a provider of education tech- nology and language learning solutions, will soon be available to United States and Canadian academic and public libraries through a distribution partnership with EB- SCO Information Services (EBSCO). Rosetta Stone’s proprietary language-learning tech- niques—are used by schools, businesses, government organizations, and millions of individuals around the world. Founded in 1992, Rosetta Stone pio- neered the use of interactive software to accelerate language learning. Today, the company offers courses in 30 languages, from the most commonly spoken (such as English, Spanish, and Mandarin) to the less prominent (including Swahili, Swedish, and Tagalog). EBSCO will redistribute the software to customers in the United States and Canada. Harry Ransom Center announces 2014–2015 research fellows The Harry Ransom Center, a humanities re- search library and museum at the Univer- sity of Texas-Austin, will support more than 80 research fellows for 2014–15, the 25th anniversary of the fellowship program. Since the program’s inception, the center has awarded fellowships to more than 900 scholars from around the world. The fel- lowships support research projects in the humanities that require substantial on-site use of the center’s collections of manu- scripts, rare books, film, photography, art, and performing arts materials. The 2014–15 fellowship recipients, more than half of whom will be coming from abroad, will use Ransom Center materials to support projects with such titles as “J. M. Coetzee and the Idea of the Literary,” “Imag- ined Heartlands: Post-Postmodern Literature and the American Midwest,” “The Films of Powell and Pressburger,” “Norman Hall: Photo-Editing and International Connections in Mid-Twentieth Century Photography,” and “Dawn of a New Day: New York City Between the Fairs.” The fellowships range from one-to-three months in duration and provide $3,000 of support per month. Travel stipends and dis- sertation fellowships are also awarded. More information and a list of recipients is available at www.hrc.utexas.edu/research/fellowships /recipients/2014/.