C&RL News January 2015 34 ACRL candidates for 2015 A look at who’s running for office Scott Walter is the university librarian at De- Paul University, a position he has held since 2012. Prior to this, Walter served as associate university librarian for services and associate dean of libraries at the University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign (2006–12), assistant dean of libraries for information and instruc- tional services at the University of Kansas (2004–06), and interim assistant director of libraries for public services and outreach at Washington State University (2002–04). He has been a member of ACRL for 17 years, beginning in 1997. During his membership with ACRL, he has served as editor-in-chief of College & Research Librar- ies (2013–16), as cochair (Panels) of the ACRL Conference Coordinating Committee (2013–15), convener of the ACRL Interna- tional Perspectives on Academic and Re- search Libraries Discussion Group (2011–13), chair of the Excellence in Academic Libraries Award Nominations Committee (2010–11), chair of the ACRL Research Coordinating Committee (2007-2009), cochair (Virtual Conference) of the ACRL Conference Coor- dinating Committee (2007–09), a member of the ACRL Institute for Information Literacy Executive Committee (2006–07), a member of the ACRL Academic/Research Librarian of the Year Award Committee (2005–07), and a member of the ACRL First-Year-Experience Task Force (2003–04). He has also served roles in ACRL sections, including the ACRL Instruction Section Program Planning Com- mittee (chair, 2004–06) and Education Com- mittee (2001–03), and the ACRL Education and Behavioral Sciences Section (vice-chair/ chair/past-chair, 2002–05). Walter currently serves as councilor-at-large on the ALA Council (2013–16), as a member of the ALA Publishing Committee (2014–16), and was a member of the ALA Special Presidential Task Force on School Libraries (2011–12). He is also a member of the Library Leadership & Management Association and the Library Research Round Table. Walter’s work with state, regional, and other national associations includes serving as a member of the Board of Directors for the Library Publishing Coalition (2014–16), vice- chair of the Chicago Collections Consortium (2014–15), a member of the Board of Direc- tors for the Consortium of Academic and Re- search Libraries in Illinois (CARLI) (2013–16), member of the Board of Directors for the Catholic Research Resources Alliance (CRRA) (2013–15), a member of the Board of Direc- tors for the Chicago Collections Consortium (2012–14), and the American Educational Re- search Association’s (AERA) Communication of Research Special Interest Group (awards chair 2001–02, chair 2002–03). Walter has been honored as a Com- mittee on Institutional Cooperation (CIC) Academic Leadership Program Fellow (2008–09) and as an Association of Re- search Libraries Research Libraries Lead- ership Program Fellow (2007–08). He has also been awarded the ACRL/EBSS Distin- Irene M. H. HeroldScott Walter January 2015 35 C&RL News guished Education and Behavioral Sciences Librarian Award (2012). His publications include “Advocacy through Engagement: Public Engagement and the Academic Library,” Advocacy, Outreach, and the Nation’s Academic Libraries: A Call for Action, 2010; “Librarians as Teachers: A Qualitative Inquiry into Professional Identity,” College & Research Libraries, 2008; and “Mov- ing Beyond Collections: Academic Library Outreach to Multicultural Student Centers,” Reference Services Review, 2005. Irene M. H. Herold is the university librar- ian at the University of Hawai’i at Mānoa, a position she has held since 2013. Prior to this, Herold served as dean of the library at Keene State College (2001–13), director of the library at Daniel Webster College (1998–2000), and public services librarian at Monmouth College (1992–98). She has been a member of ACRL for 23 years, beginning in 1991. During her member- ship with ACRL, she has served as a member of the ACRL Board of Directors (2011–15), the ACRL Communities of Practice Implementa- tion Task Force (2011–13), the ACRL Research and Scholarly Environment Committee (2013–15), and the ACRL Academic/Research Librarian of the Year Award Committee (2009 and 2011). She has served as Board Liaison to the ACRL Membership Committee (2011–13), the Distance Learning Section (2011–15), the Literatures in English Section (2013–15), and the Women and Gender Studies Section (2013–15). She has also served roles in ACRL sections, including the ACRL College Libraries Section (program chair 2004–06, vice-chair/ chair/past-chair, 2007–11), the ACRL College Libraries Section’s Library Directors’ Discus- sion Group (co-convener, 2004–07), and the ACRL Law and Political Science Section Marta Lange Award Committee (2005–07 and 2010–11), and Program Committee (2003–05). Herold is also a member of the Library Leader- ship & Management Association. Herold’s work with state, regional, and other national associations includes serving as the director of the College Library Direc- tors’ Mentor Program (2011–13), the New Hampshire State Representative of Vision 2020 (2010–13), the chair of the Council of Public Liberal Arts Colleges’ Library Commit- tee (2004–06), the elected representative of the New Hampshire College and University Council Libraries Committee of the Univer- sity System of New Hampshire Information Technology Coordinating Council Long Range Technology Plan (2005–09), a member of the ACRL/New England Chapter Conference Pro- gram Planning Committee (2003–04), the vice- chair/chair of the New Hampshire College and University Council Libraries Committee (2000–01), the founder and chair of the New Hampshire College and University Council Libraries Committee’s Leadership Mentoring Program (2003–06), the secretary (1994–95) and manager-elect/manager (1996–98) of the Illinois Library Association GODORT Forum, the coordinator and founder of the 17th Congressional District Federal Depository Librarians-Illinois (1993–98), and a member of the editorial boards of Library Issues and College and Undergraduate Libraries. Herold has been honored as a member of the Beta Phi Mu International Library and Information Science Honor Society (1993– present) and the Phi Alpha Theta International Honor Society in History (1998–present). She has been awarded the ALA/READEX/ GODORT Catherine J. Reynolds Award (1994) and was a full scholarship recipient for the Ph.D. program for managerial leadership in the information professions from Simmons College (2007–12). Her publications include “Capacity Build- ing: Academic Libraries as Campus Partners,” Library Issues, July 2014; coauthor of “Mindful Leadership Defined and Explained,” Advances in Librarianship, 2014; and coauthor of “The Triple Bottom Line: Portable Applications and Best Practices for Sustainability in Academic Libraries,” Focus on Education for Sustain- ability: Toolkit for Academic Libraries, 2014. ACRL Board of Directors Vice-President/President-elect: Scott Walter, University Librarian, DePaul Univer- C&RL News January 2015 36 sity; Irene M. H. Herold, University Librarian, University of Hawai’i at Mānoa. Director-at-Large: Jack Fritts, Univer- sity Librarian, Benedictine University; Lori J. Ostapowicz-Critz, Head of Faculty En- gagement Department, Georgia Institute of Technology. Director-at-Large: Beth McNeil, Associ- ate Dean, Purdue University Libraries; Jon E. Cawthorne, Dean of Libraries, West Virginia University. Asian, African, and Middle Eastern Studies Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Ruby A. Bell -Gam, Collections Coordinator, Area Studies Team Leader, and Librarian for African Stud- ies and International Development Studies, University of California-Los Angeles. Secretary: Doris Jean Seely, Associate Librarian, Cataloger, University of Minnesota. Member-at-Large: David G. Hirsch, Li- brarian for Middle Eastern, Central Asian and South Asian Studies, University of California- Los Angeles. Anthropology and Sociology Section V i c e - c h a i r / C h a i r - e l e c t : H e l e n P. Clements, Associate Professor, Humanities and Social Sciences, Oklahoma State Univer- sity Library; Katie Elson Anderson, Reference and Instruction Librarian, Social Sciences Liaison, Social Media Coordinator, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey. Secretary: Carolyn McCallum, Catalog- ing Librarian for Nonprint Materials/An- thropology Liaison, Wake Forest University; Spencer Acadia, Research Librarian and Adjunct Professor, University of Texas-Tyler. Member-at-Large: Rui Wang, Social Sci- ences Librarian, Central Michigan University; Jill Conte, Librarian for Sociology, Psychol- ogy, and Gender and Sexuality Studies, New York University. Arts Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Kai Alexis Smith, Librarian-in-Residence, University of Notre Dame; Ariel Katarina Turner, Automation and Batch Cataloging and Art and Design Librarian, Kennesaw State University. Secretary: Megan Christine Lotts, Art Li- brarian, Rutgers, The State University of New Jersey; Mary Wegmann, Director of Library Services, Notre Dame de Namur University. Community and Junior College Libraries Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Michael J. Miller, Chief Librarian, Bronx Community College. College Libraries Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Patricia A. Kreitz, Dean, Library and Academic Resources, Saint Mary’s College of California. Secretary: Inga H. Barnello, Collections and Resource Sharing Librarian, Le Moyne Col- lege; Dena Holiman Hutto, Norman F. Carrigg College Librarian, Reed College. Member-at-Large: Jessica Brangiel, Electronic Resources Management Librarian, Swarthmore College; Kevin Butterfield, Univer- sity Librarian, University of Richmond. Distance Learning Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Stefanie Buck, Ecampus and Instructional Design Librarian, Oregon State University. Secretary/Archivist: Rebecca Hill Renirie, Global Campus Librarian, Central Michigan University; Karla J. Aleman, Distance Instruc- tion Librarian, Morehead State University. Member-at-Large: Kristin M. Woodward, Online Programs and Instructional Design Co- ordinator, University of Wisconsin-Milwaukee; Rachel E. Cannady, Distance Education and Education Librarian, Mississippi State Uni- versity. Education and Behavioral Sciences Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Kaya van Beynen, Research and Instruction, Associate Librarian, University of South Florida-St. Petersburg. Secretary: Ericka Arvidson Raber, Edu- cation Librarian, Liaison to Communication Studies and the School of Journalism and January 2015 37 C&RL News Mass Communication, the University of Iowa; Samantha Ann Godbey, Education Librarian, University of Nevada-Las Vegas. Member-at-Large: Jill E. Morningstar, Edu- cation, Psychology, and Children’s Literature Librarian, Michigan State University; Chimene Elise Tucker, Communication and Journalism and LGBT Studies Librarian, University of South- ern California. Instruction Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Jennifer E. Knievel, Director of Arts and Humanities, University Libraries, University of Colorado-Boulder; Me- rinda McLure, Health and Human Sciences Librarian/Associate Professor, Colorado State University Libraries. Secretary: Lizz Zitron, Instruction Librarian, Pacific Lutheran University; Benjamin Michael Oberdick, Head of Information Literacy, Michi- gan State University. Member-at-Large: Sara D. Miller, Librar- ian for Interdisciplinary Teaching and Learn- ing Initiatives, Michigan State University; Britt Fagerheim, Head of Reference Services, Utah State University; Carrie Donovan, Head, Teach- ing and Learning, Indiana University Libraries. Literatures in English Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Laura Ruth Braun- stein, Librarian for English and Writing, Dart- mouth College; Harriett E. Green, English and Digital Humanities Librarian, University of Illinois at Urbana-Champaign. Secretary: Jaena Marie Alabi, Reference Librarian, Auburn University; Alex Watson, Reference Librarian and Associate Professor, University of Mississippi. Member-at-Large: Hazel Anne McClure, Library Liaison to English, Writing and Environ- mental Studies, Grand Valley State University; Zara Wilkinson, Reference and Instruction Librarian, Rutgers University-Camden. Law and Political Science Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: David Schwieder, Political Science Librarian, Coordinator of Humanities and Social Sciences Data Services, Smathers Libraries, University of Florida. Secretary: Brett Cloyd, Reference and Government Information Librarian, University of Iowa Libraries; Mary Kathryn Oberlies, Conflict and Peace Studies Librarian, George Mason University. Member-at-Large: Lynn Marie Thitch- ener, Associate Librarian, Cornell University; Lori Driver, Interim Head, Government Docu- ments, Florida International University. Rare Books and Manuscripts Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Richenda Brim, Head of Preservation Department, Stanford University Libraries; John Henry Overholt, Curator, Donald and Mary Hyde Collection of Dr. Samuel Johnson and Early Modern Books and Manuscripts, Houghton Library, Harvard University. Secretary: Elizabeth Call, Public Ser- vices Librarian, The Burke Library at Union Theological Seminary, Columbia University Libraries; Alexander Johnston, Senior Assistant Librarian, University of Delaware Library. Member-at-Large: Elizabeth Joffrion, Director of Heritage Resources, Western Washington University; Blynne Olivieri, Head of Special Collections, University of West Georgia. Slavic and Eastern European Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Thomas Francis Keenan, Slavic East European and Eurasian Studies Librarian, Princeton University. Secretary: Masha Stepanova, Coordina- tor of Cataloging and Slavic Librarian, Miami University. Science and Technology Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Andrew P. Stuart, Assistant Head Reference and Subject Librar- ian for Biological Sciences, Chemistry and Biochemistry, Environmental and Plant Biol- ogy, Ohio University Libraries; John Carey, Head of Health Professions Library, Hunter College/City University of New York. Secretary: Barbara Harvey, Science Liai- son Librarian, Grand Valley State University; Jeanne Hoover, Science Librarian, East Caro- lina University. Member-at-Large: Rachel Borchardt, Science Librarian, American University; Beth Blanton-Kent, Librarian for Physical Sciences, University of Virginia. University Libraries Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Rebecca Blakiston, User Experience Librarian, University of Arizona Libraries; Nicole Sump-Crethar, Associate Profes- sor, Interim Head of Digital Initiatives, Oklahoma State University. Secretary: Carrie Elizabeth Moran, User En- gagement Librarian, University of Central Florida; Nora Dethloff, Assistant Head of Information and Access Services, University of Houston. Member-at-Large: Tarida Anantachai, Learn- ing Commons Librarian, Syracuse University Librar- ies; Lisa T. Nickel, Associate Dean of Research and Public Services, The College of William & Mary; Donna Michelle Lanclos, Associate Professor for Anthropological Research, J. Murrey Atkins Library, University of North Carolina-Charlotte; Kelly Bless- inger, Head, Research and Instruction Services, Louisiana State University Libraries. Western European Studies Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Molly Poremski, International Languages and Literatures Librarian, University at Buffalo; Katie Gibson, Humanities Librarian, Miami University. Secretary: Deb Raftus, Romance Lan- guages and Literatures Librarian/Latin American and Caribbean Studies Librarian, University of Washington Libraries; Eileen M. Bentsen, Associate Librarian for Honors College, History, and Medical Humanities, Baylor University. Member-at-Large: Marcus Richter, Tech- nical Services Librarian and Assistant Profes- sor, Alma College Library. Women and Gender Studies Section Vice-chair/Chair-elect: Nina Clements, Reference and Instruction Librarian, Penn State University; Pamela M. Salela, Instruc- tional Services Librarian, Associate Professor, University of Illinois-Springfield. Secretary: Erica Carlson Nicol, Humani- ties and Social Sciences Librarian, Washington State University. Member-at-Large: Laura Bonella, Fac- ulty and Graduate Services Librarian, Kansas State University; Susan Hoang, Reference and Instruction Librarian for Languages and Cultures, Carleton College. Owning and Using Scholarship: An IP Handbook for Teachers and Researchers by Kevin L. Smith This volume attempts to demystify intellectual property and copyright law for authors and scholars. It offers a clear explanation of the law coupled with concrete examples drawn from actual issues encountered by scholars. It also identifi es the options and obstacles that confront authors wishing to publish their work in new environments. ISBN: 978-0-8389-8747-6 Association of College & Research Libraries 50 E. Huron, Chicago IL 60611 | 1.800.545.2433 | acrl @ala.org Available in all formats from the ALA online store at http://www.alastore.ala.org/. Also available as an open access PDF at http://bit.ly/1ziN4ax. FROM ACRL NEW PUBLICATION NEW! pub12-10-14.indd 1 12/9/2014 2:00:32 PM