C&RL News March 2015 176 Gary Pattillo is reference librarian at the University of North Carolina-Chapel Hill, e-mail: pattillo@email. unc.edu G a r y P a t t i l l o Smart devices and data privacy According to research released by TRUSTe (a data privacy management com- pany), 35 percent of online U.S. consumers now own at least one smart device other than a smart phone. “The most popular devices are smart TVs (20 percent), in-car navigation systems (12 percent), fitness bands (5 percent), and home alarm systems (4 percent).” The research also shows that 79 percent of online U.S. consumers are concerned about the idea of their personal information collected by smart devices. TRUSTe, “35% of Americans Now Own at Least One Smart Device other than a Phone,” January 5, 2015, www.truste. com/about-TRUSTe/press-room/35-of-americans-now-own-at-least-one-smart-device-other-than-a-phone (retrieved February 9, 2015). Low income students “Low income students are now a majority of the schoolchildren attending the nation’s public schools. The latest data collected from the states… show that 51 percent of the students across the nation’s public schools were low income in 2013. Mississippi led the nation with the highest rate: 71 percent. The nation’s second highest rate was found in New Mexico, where 68 percent of all public school students were low income in 2013.” Southern Education Foundation, “A New Majority Research Bulletin: Low Income Students Now a Majority in the Nation’s Public Schools,” January 2015, www.southerneducation.org/Our-Strategies/Research-and-Publications/New-Majority -Diverse-Majority-Report-Series/A-New-Majority-2015-Update-Low-Income-Students-Now.aspx (retrieved February 5, 2015). Higher levels of education than their parents “On average across 24 national and sub-national entities participating in the OECD Survey of Adult Skills, 39 percent of adults have achieved a higher level of education than their parents. A 20–34 year-old with tertiary educated parents is 4.5 times more likely to participate in tertiary education than a young adult whose parents did not have a tertiary qualification. Between 2000 and 2012, the proportion of young adults (25–34 year-olds) with a tertiary qualification has grown by more than 3 percent per year on average in OECD countries.” OECD, “Are Young People Attaining Higher Levels of Education than their Parents?” Education Indicators in Focus, No. 28, January 2015, OECD Publishing, Paris, http://dx.doi.org/10.1787/5js7lx8zx90r-en (retrieved February 9, 2015). Academic impact of libraries “University and college libraries often seek ways to demonstrate their impact for the academic community.” Results from a two-year study that analyzed library use against grade point averages of students at the University of Nebraska-Lincoln “found that undergraduates with a GPA above the mean university GPA used the library more than those with a GPA below the mean. There was a correla- tion between greater use of the library and increases in GPA between the two years—that is, as one grew, so did the other.” DeeAnn Allison, “Measuring the Academic Impact of Libraries,” portal: Libraries and the Academy, vol. 15, no. 1 (2015): 29-40, https://muse.jhu.edu/ (retrieved February 11, 2015).